Moderator: Your acting skills have always been recognized, and the audience is full of praise for your performance.

So, what is your biggest growth point in your acting career?

Qin Feng: I think the biggest growth point is the continuous challenge and breakthrough of myself.

Every role is a new challenge, and I keep experimenting with different types of roles and pushing the boundaries of my acting skills.

At the same time, I am constantly learning and improving my professional knowledge, participating in training and workshops, and sharing experiences with other outstanding actors.

This continuous growth and progress is the most important motivation for me in my acting career.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, you have achieved such brilliant achievements in your career, but also attracted much attention and pressure.

The support of family and friends is indispensable at this time, right?

Qin Feng: Yes, my family and friends have always been my strongest support.

They gave me unlimited support and encouragement when I encountered difficulties and challenges.

Their presence makes me feel warm and reassuring, and a constant reminder to be authentic and humble.

No matter how much I have achieved, they are the people closest to me, accompanying me through the ups and downs of life.

Moderator: Thank you very much Mr. Qin for sharing and sincere answer.

Finally, what are your prospects and expectations for your future acting career?

Qin Feng: I hope to continue to develop in the film and television industry and constantly try new roles and challenges.

I believe that each piece is a new opportunity and learning process.

I look forward to being able to participate in more works with depth and meaning, and convey more emotions and values through characters.

At the same time, I hope to continue to expand my influence and use the power of art to contribute more to society.

Moderator: I wish Mr. Qin all the best on his future acting path! Thank you for sharing!

Qin Feng: Thank you very much for your invitation and concern! I will continue to work hard and hope to bring more excitement and emotion to the audience.

Thank you!

Qin Feng showed his talent and professionalism as an actor in the show, but also showed his humble and sincere side.

His performance and words once again won the appreciation and love of the audience, and he became a high-profile star in the entertainment industry.

Scene: Qin Feng interacts with fans at a celebrity meeting.

Fan A: Mr. Qin, I am your big fan! Your acting skills are really great! I want to ask you, what was the biggest challenge you encountered during the shoot?

Qin Feng: Thank you very much for your support! During filming, each character had different challenges.

But the biggest challenge is understanding and experiencing the characters' emotions and inner worlds.

Sometimes, the psychological state of the character does not match my personal experience and emotions, which requires me to delve and understand, and use my imagination and acting skills to create the authenticity of that character.

Fan B: Mr. Qin, how do you deal with failures and setbacks in your acting career?

Qin Feng: Failure and setbacks are part of growth and progress.

In my acting career, I have also encountered various challenges and failures.

But I never give up easily, but use failures to examine myself, find shortcomings, and constantly improve myself.

I believe that every failure is a sure path to success, and the key is to learn from it and persevere in chasing your dreams.

Fan C: Mr. Qin, have you ever encountered a particularly memorable or moving fan interaction experience?

Qin Feng: There are many unforgettable and moving fan interaction experiences.

I remember once meeting a little girl on the street who told me she was a big viewer of mine and recited my lines from a movie.

At that moment, I felt very warm and touched because I knew that my performances and works had influenced her life.

This kind of interaction made me more determined to walk on the road of acting.

Fan A: Mr. Qin, you have achieved great success in your career, but has this success changed your life and values?

Qin Feng: Success has indeed brought some changes, but I have always tried to maintain my original intention and values.

Success is not the only goal, but how to deal with your own success and how to influence and help others with influence.

I have always believed that humility, kindness and hard work are important factors for success, and these values will not change because of success.

Fan B: Mr. Qin, your acting skills are deeply rooted in people's hearts, and we are all looking forward to your next work.

So, what are your plans and goals for the future?

Qin Feng: Thank you for your expectations and support! My future plan is to continue to challenge different types of characters and shoot more great works.

At the same time, I also hope to try more different performance formats, such as stage plays and TV series.

My goal is to become a well-rounded actor and give more amazing performances to the audience.

Fan C: Mr. Qin, no matter how your acting career develops, we will always support you! Is there anything you want to say to all your fans?

Qin Feng: Thank you very much for your continued support and encouragement! Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today.

I will continue to work hard to live up to everyone's expectations.

Please support me as always, I will give back to you with better works!

Qin Feng's interaction with fans made him feel extremely warm and encouraged.

The attention and support of his fans became the motivation for him to continue to move forward, and he vowed to continue to work hard and return the love of fans with wonderful performances.

Scene: Qin Feng talks to the host in a TV interview.

Moderator: Welcome Mr. Qin to our program! Your recent film has been a huge success and has become a popular star.

Can you tell us how the film was made?

Qin Feng: It is a great honor to participate in this film and thank the audience for their love and support.

It's a very challenging character that requires me to show the complex emotions inside the character.

During filming, I worked closely with the director and crew to explore the core and emotional world of the characters.

The process was creative and inspiring, and I feel very lucky to be a part of it.

Moderator: Your acting skills have always been highly appreciated, and the audience is looking forward to your performance.

As an actor, how do you deal with this pressure and expectation?

Qin Feng: As an actor, I know that the audience's expectations for me are very high.

I see it as motivation rather than pressure.

These expectations spurred me on to continuously improve my acting skills and acting skills.

At the same time, I also understand that each character is unique, and I will try my best to understand and interpret the authenticity of the character, and use my performance to bring touch and resonance to the audience.

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