Although Sanduo can keep up with the rhythm of the team, he is still the guy who drags his feet the most.

On the contrary, it was the Chengcai of the same village who became the deputy squad leader.

After all, the people are the children of the village chief's family, and they are very clever in speaking and doing things.

Three months of recruit training didn't allow Xu Sanduo to grow.

On the contrary, in the eyes of the chief, he seemed to be a guy with no self-respect.

In fact, the real Sanduo is not like this, the reason why he is now is that Chengcai taught him.

It was Chengcai who taught him the clumsy slippery tongue.

Netizens watching the live broadcast were also disappointed with Sanduo's performance.

"How did these three become like this?"

"It's a pity, this piece of skin can't be operated."

"Is this plot mandatory? I hate such a three-more.

"Is Sanduo still that Sanduo?" I'm going back in time. "

Most of the comments on the barrage were quite pertinent.

Only a few black fans and trolls keep brushing the screen.

These trolls basically belong to the troll-level.

There are endless remarks about what three more should get out.

"If you are Sanduo, you don't like such Sanduo."

"I think Sanduo should be changed, he shouldn't always be so weak, I don't know why, obviously he has such a strong talent but is only willing to be an ordinary fighter, which is unreasonable."

"I don't feel quite right..."

netizens expressed various opinions in the forum, and some considered the problem from the perspective of Sanduo.

At that time, Sanduo was indeed bullied a little miserably, so he was so cowardly.

And this time Sanduo also wants to change himself.

If the previous three were passive defense, then from today onwards they will take the initiative.

Finally, the day after the end of the training, the day before the next company, Sanduo listened to Chengcai's words and went to chat with the squad leader.

He sold badly and wanted to go to a good company.

Sanduo's performance made many netizens look disgusting.

Some people are even already scolding their mothers: "Zheng, is Sanduo such a mean bone, it's not comfortable if you don't hit you, right?"

"This silly reality really disappoints me."

Sanduo's behavior gave Chengcai a lot of supporters.

Chengcai listened to what Sanduo said, and everything went according to plan.

When the class leader left, the atmosphere in the class became lively instantly.

Because Sanduo did exactly what Chengcai said...

The most important thing is that the squad leader actually agreed to Sanduo's request.

The good thing is that Sanduo did not get his wish.

Early the next morning, the recruits were ready in the dormitory early, waiting for their new assignments.

They were dressed in neat military uniforms, and the bright military insignia on their chests shone brightly.

Walking out of the dormitory, they saw a wide playground.

In the center of the playground is a tall national flag fluttering in the wind on the flagpole.

Five buses were parked neatly on one side of the playground, seemingly waiting for something.

The recruits were filled with anticipation and nervousness.

After waiting for a while, the commander appeared in the middle of the playground.

He was dressed in a neat military uniform, and the sword on his waist shone with cold light.

He is smiling, yet rigorous.

The recruits followed the commander and formed a neat phalanx, and the rousing military music sounded in their ears.

The commander began to speak: "Recruits, you are our future, our hope. Today, you will be tasked with grouping, which will determine your future direction. I believe that you are all the best and are all able to complete your tasks. As

soon as the words fell, the doors of the five buses opened.

One by one, the recruits stepped onto the car, and the soldier standing next to the door took his luggage.

The car was noisy, full of the expectations and excitement of the recruits.

The car started and slowly drove into the distance.

In the car, the recruits began to introduce themselves and get to know each other.

Some people are from the city, some people are from the countryside.

They share their stories and experiences.

The car drove past one beautiful scenery after another, and the recruits were watching curiously.

Soon, the car arrived at its destination.

After the recruits got out of the car, they were led into a spacious hall.

Long tables have been lined up in the hall, and there is an instructor next to each table.

The recruits sat down according to their numbers, and the instructors began to explain their tasks to them.

In the days that follow, recruits will undergo rigorous training to learn a variety of military skills.

They will become the best members of the army and fight for the strength of the country.

They don't all go to one place.

Some buses did not stop but continued to drive ahead.

Because each of them gets a different place.

Looking at Sanduo who got on the bus, Chengcai's heart was very uncomfortable.

He thought that he was the worst place to stay, but what he didn't expect was that those who stayed were elite.

Sanduo was dressed in a neat military uniform and sat in the back seat of the bus.

His gaze is firm and deep, revealing an inviolable military atmosphere.

His posture is straight, like an iron rod, exuding ruthless power.

The atmosphere inside the car was silent and heavy, only the occasional sound of the engine and the grinding of the wheels broke the tranquility.

Sanduo sat there quietly, like a cold statue.

Suddenly, the car jolted, and Sanduo's body shook slightly, but he immediately regained his calm, like a tough oak tree, withstanding the onslaught of wind and rain.

Outside the car window, a landscape flashed quickly, but Sanduo's eyes were always fixed on the front, vigilantly scanning every corner, ready to deal with any possible danger.

Time passed quietly, and the car went all the way.

Originally, Sanduo was in a very good mood.

He thought he would be assigned a good place when he got on the bus.

He happily got into the car and began to wait for the distribution results.

However, gradually, the people in the car got out one after another, leaving the instructor and Sanduo two people.

At this time, only the two of them were left on the bus.

Sanduo began to realize that he had been assigned to the most tattered place.

He looked out the window and saw that there were almost no buildings on the side of the road, only some barren fields and scattered trees.

The trees looked a little bleak in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The car bumps between these dead trees and grass, and the road surface is potholes, which is particularly uncomfortable.

At this time, Sanduo looked at the instructor, his gaze a little anxious.

He suddenly thought how difficult his life here would be if this place was really so dilapidated.

He began to feel abandoned and his mood began to become depressed.

The instructor noticed Sanduo's mood, and he handed Sanduo a bottle of water and said, "Drink some water, you will feel better." Sanduo

took the water bottle and felt the temperature of the bottle, he knew that the water had been in the refrigerator in the car for a while.

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