They drop off their luggage and can't wait to step out of the dormitory and start exploring this strange and mysterious world.

In the corner of the camp, Sando saw a veteran renovating a tank, his hands and feet sharp, calm, as if the barracks had become his home.

And in the playground, a group of soldiers are engaged in a boxing match, and the sound of fists to flesh makes people feel a sharp breath.

Sanduo, Chengcai and the other recruits stood on military trucks, carrying heavy bags.

The truck drove slowly along the narrow dirt road, and the sparse trees and shrubs on the side of the road flashed and rustled as the car traveled.

Chengcai looked up at the sky and saw white clouds floating in the blue sky, as if a group of lazy sheep were running freely.

Sanduo held the luggage in his hand tightly, and there was a trace of nervousness and uneasiness in his eyes.

The truck drove through a barren area with only a few lone trees standing there, making people feel a touch of desolation.

Suddenly, the recruits on the truck heard a voice from ahead, and they all immediately became alert.

It turned out that the commander in the convoy was shouting: "Don't be nervous, everyone, there is a training ground ahead, we are about to reach the recruit company." Hearing

the commander's words, the nervousness of the recruits eased slightly.

The truck turned a corner in front of them, and the soldiers saw a wide field with a variety of military training equipment.

The eyes of the recruits such as Sanduo and Chengcai shone with expectation, and their hearts were full of longing and challenges for the future.

The dormitory of the recruit company resembles a large factory building, and outside is a spacious courtyard.

The grass is green and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing.

The interior of the dormitory is a huge space, neatly arranged on top and bottom beds, which can accommodate hundreds of recruits.

Every bed is wrapped in neat sheets and quilts, and the walls are plastered with inspirational slogans and slogans.

The whole room exudes an unpretentious and pure atmosphere.

The recruits are busy packing their luggage, some folding clothes and some sorting out their boots.

They all looked solemn and firm, and seemed to be ready to join the barracks at any time.

Several of them constantly wiped the guns in their hands, and their movements were skillful and powerful, which made people marvel at the rigor of these young people's training.

The shouts of instructors and the answers of cadets came from inside and outside the dormitory, and this orderly and full atmosphere made people involuntarily feel a solemn and reverent emotion.

This is a sacred and strong territory, and this is the starting point for the struggle and growth of recruits.

In the ten-person military class, all of them are recruits who have been recruited, and his squad leader is a very good person.

He always patiently taught Sanduo, but Sanduo always clumsily couldn't keep up.

Pi Shu always couldn't help but stomp his foot when playing games, and he looked at the patience of the squad leader to Sanduo, and he felt great admiration in his heart.

Every day, the training in the class is very hard.

They endured the hot sun under the sun, sweat flowed constantly, but they persevered.

The squad leader will lighten everyone's training volume from time to time, but Sanduo always can't keep up with everyone's pace.

In this class, everyone cherishes their comrades-in-arms, and they are all brothers who fight together.

The same is true of the class leader, who always cares about everyone and helps everyone in need.

He is even more so with Sanduo, he always gives Sanduo some extra guidance and never gets bored.

In the evening, the class training was over and everyone returned to their dormitories.

Sanduo is still practicing his movements, and his hand posture is always not quite right.

The squad leader came over and patiently explained to him until Sanduo mastered the essence of the action.

Finally, the squad leader patted Sanduo's shoulder and said to him: "Tomorrow, we will cheer together again." "

In this class, everyone felt the warmth and love of the class leader.

They all know that as long as they follow the squad leader, they will definitely be able to become an excellent soldier.

At night, Chengcai from the same village pulled Sanduo out to smoke.

But Sanduo is an honest man, he doesn't smoke this kind of thing.

Although Chengcai advised him, he would never take a sip.

The next day, before the sun rose, the training ground was already bustling.

A group of recruits, under the command of the captain, began basic training.

They run, push-ups, sit-ups, sweating one by one, but there is no smell of sweat on their bodies, only a breath of effort.

Sanduo is also among them, but he obviously can't do anything.

His running posture is not right, his movements are unfamiliar, and he can't do a few push-ups every time.

He looked at the other recruits and his heart was full of anxiety and low self-esteem.

The captain saw his situation and walked over and patiently corrected his movements.

Sanduo runs slowly, trying to maintain the correct posture every time he lands.

He did push-ups with all his strength, sweat dripping from his forehead, but a confident smile on his lips.

After the training, Sanduo sat on the ground, his clothes were soaked, but he felt a sense of satisfaction that he had never felt before.

He knows this is just the beginning, he still has a long way to go, but he has already taken the first step.

However, the most basic military steps are always smooth, and he is very troublesome for the squad leader.

At noon, the rest of the class went to rest, and only the squad leader and Sanduo were left on the training ground.

The squad leader looked at Sanduo's military posture and frowned, his body was always crooked, and he couldn't stand up straight at all.

The squad leader walked up to Sanduo and carefully observed his movements, and found that his steps were unsteady, his body leaned forward, his arms were loose, and it was difficult to even stand.

"Sanduo, why are you always like this? Your movements need to be relaxed, but your body needs to be straight so that you can stand firmly. The squad leader reminded.

Sanduo nodded, but did not dare to look up into the eyes of the squad leader because he was afraid of being blamed.

When he was a child, he was always bullied and his health was not very good, which made him feel inferior.

The class leader looked at his appearance, and couldn't help but feel a little emotion in his heart, feeling that this child needed more care and help.

So, he began to guide Sanduo's movements, demonstrating over and over again, correcting over and over again.

Sanduo's body gradually relaxed, and he stood straighter and straighter.

When the squad leader saw Sanduo's progress, he couldn't help but feel relieved and paid more attention to his physical condition.

He noticed that Sanduo's arms often hugged his body as if to protect himself, which made him worry even more.

"Sanduo, your body is very important, we have to protect it well."

The squad leader said, gently stroking Sanduo's arm, hoping to bring him some warmth and comfort.

Sanduo's body trembled a little, he didn't know how to respond to the squad leader's words, but he could feel the squad leader's care and love, which made him feel extremely warm.

He began to try to stand up straight, and gradually, his body began to become more upright.

When the class leader saw the progress of Sanduo, he couldn't help but smile and nod, this child needs not only guidance, but also love and care.

He hopes that with his help, Sanduo can become more confident and strong.

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