"There are even seats that you didn't have when you just went to the bathroom."

"We need to help them with all this."

Mo Xiaoxiao said again and walked towards those who were still in line.

And behind Mo Xiaoxiao, many staff members also walked over one after another.

Although I don't know exactly what makes them like this.

But since they do, they should do their part.

This is also the purpose of the gymnasium.

Such a grand occasion made the majority of netizens give a thumbs up to Qin Feng.

They ran to Qin Feng's homepage to leave comments.

"What kind of horror guy Qin Feng is."

"A game can overcrowd a huge magic capital and paralyze traffic?"

"What did this man do and why is he so good."

"I want to marry this man."

"Outrageous, just a game, can actually cause a national sensation."

"You don't understand, the value of this game is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination."

Netizens were talking about it.

But at the same time, he also sighed at Qin Feng's power.

"It's so strong, how did this guy do it."

"Why didn't I apply for a major in this field at that time."

The leaders of major companies on the Internet are also attracted to it.

After all, such a large-scale offline experience is not something that everyone can encounter.

After all, Qin Feng is too good, and everyone wants to get close to him and eat meat.

The majority of netizens are most concerned about the content of the game.

After they praised Qin Feng's ability to roll up such a big wave of a game, they began to wonder what the content of the game was.

"Say two words."

"That's it, President Qin, reveal the content of the game?"

"I can't sleep at night," "

This Qin Feng's mouth is really strict, and he doesn't reveal any news."

Soon, various inquiring voices sounded.

However, no matter what netizens asked, Qin Feng just refused to say.

I don't want to divulge even a little bit of content.

"This Qin Feng is true, this kind of thing is actually sold."

"It's just, isn't this an appetite."

"Alas, it's really a rush to death."

Netizens wailed, all eager to become Qin Feng and answer questions for Qin Feng.

Qin Feng said that the offline experience session will be open in three days, so he can't say the content of the game in advance.

After all, this is the privacy of the game and must be protected.

Of course, he also chose to do this because of the psychology of the public.

Otherwise, he would rather let everyone know the content of the game than say the content of the game.

"Hehe, this Qin Feng is really a stuffy gourd."

"The more mysterious he is, the more people want to know what the game is about."

"That's it, this Qin Feng is too capable of hiding things."

Netizens on the Internet are still very enthusiastic about Qin Feng.

Even many female netizens have included Qin Feng as their dream lover.

Three days later, the offline game experience session will begin...

The popularity of the scene has exceeded imagination.

Many fans took out their mobile phones to take crazy photos.

Even, someone even broadcast the grand occasion live.

Whether it is in the field or on the Internet, there are such signals.

These signals were transmitted on the Internet, allowing countless netizens to know the news of this experience activity.

Moreover, the speed of this news was much faster than Qin Feng expected.

When Qin Feng came to the outside of the experience hall, he found that there were already five million people waiting outside.

These people are generally not very old, and most of them are young people.

But most of them are young adults.

The faces of these people were filled with excitement.

Apparently long-awaited.

"Does this game really exist in this world?"

"Yes, this Qin Feng is really awesome and actually made this kind of thing."

"Is this a game or is it real?"

"Nonsense, it must be a game."

"No wonder Qin Feng is so generous and hot."


netizens talked about it.

Five million people, no matter how big a stadium can't fit so many people.

Outside the stadium, there was already a sea of people.

The surrounding streets were already overcrowded.

For a time, the Pujian New Area, where the gymnasium is located, was already paralyzed.

In such a large area, not to mention cars, it is very difficult for people to walk.

"Qin Feng, there are too many of these people, our experience link must be carried out immediately, and the crowd should be evacuated as soon as possible after the experience."

Zheng Xiaoguang of the game platform said.

"Well, good!"

Qin Feng nodded.

The experience begins.

This experience is a way to draw lots to determine the gameplay.

Qin Feng stepped up to the stage, and the cheers below suddenly resounded in the sky.

Many people raised their arms, hoping to shake hands or take photos with Qin Feng.

But these were intercepted by the staff.

"Everyone be quiet."

Qin Feng raised his hand to suppress the noisy voice.

"I believe you will soon know what the content of today's game is."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "But unfortunately, there are too many people coming.

"So, draw lots to pick the experience."

"Two hundred."

"Boom~~~~" The audience suddenly burst into chaos.

Most of them are complaining.

Millions of people came and only 200 people experienced, which inevitably disappointed them.

But Qin Feng was calm and calm, and seemed to have predicted this result long ago.

And in Qin Feng's opinion, these people are not making a fuss because the experience activities are not exciting enough.

It's because there are so many people, everyone doesn't want to leave.

"Okay, please watch your number plate."

The big screen began to scroll non-stop.

"Oh my God, there is number 10589, it's me, hahaha."

A balding man suddenly shouted excitedly.

"There I have me, number 250. 250 is me and I am 250. "

Number 2333, hahahaha."

As one number plate after another is pronounced.

The atmosphere gradually warmed up.

The big screen is constantly scrolling with sets of numbers.

"I'm going, it's lucky, I'm number 2227."

"Hahahaha, I'm number 2228."

The crowd at the scene became more and more excited.

Because as one number after another is pronounced.

They know which number they draw.

"Okay, let's be calm first."

Qin Feng waved his hand to signal everyone not to make a noise.

Then Qin Feng stood in the center of the stage and said, "First of all, thank you friends for today's presence.

After drawing two hundred lucky ones, Qin Feng began to give his speech.

"It was really not easy to make this game, and everyone was surprised that the game was made in such a short time."

Qin Feng lowered his voice and continued: "This is inseparable from the support of each of our netizens, and even more inseparable from the efforts of our colleagues. "

This is a game that we all make with our hearts, and I hope that players will feel it with their hearts when they experience the game."

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