Qin Feng patted the door of his head, then took out his mobile phone, rummaged through a number and called.

"Hey, Mr. Zheng, have you seen so many people? Don't know if you're planning?

Zheng Xiaoguang said to Qin Feng: "Probably, it can only be decided by drawing lots, right?" Otherwise, it's really hard to do. "

Okay." Qin Feng agreed with his idea.

Because of the popularity of the offline experience of the game, the magic capital was overcrowded for a while.

There was a lot of noise on the Internet.

"It's over, I don't have a chance to go, and I can't book tickets."

"Some unconsciously, you experienced the moon game, right? Can you give up this opportunity?

"Upstairs, even if you let it out, can you be an old demon?" How to get here? "

Plane tickets? Sorry sold out, train tickets? Sorry gone.

"Haha, I'm making money secretly selling boxed lunches at high speed."

"I lean, you sold a hundred and eleven boxes? Return the money, yesterday I bought three boxes in one go at high speed.

"Is it so fierce? Can't get in the magic capital?

"Then I'd better give up going to the magic capital."

"Amount, you can't afford to spend when you come."

"Know what? Do you know where we sleep?

"Hotel prices have skyrocketed, and small hotels are sorry, they are full."

"Haha, my Internet café is full, and I pack 200 a night."

"Little secret, I'm sleeping in the public toilet tonight."


As the popularity of the game increases, players from both the magic capital and other cities have poured into the magic capital.

And the numbers are climbing.

If this continues, I am afraid that the whole city will be paralyzed.

This makes the major amusement parks, shopping malls, cinemas and other entertainment facilities in the magic capital extremely crowded.

For a time, the people of the magic capital complained.

Even the Modu government was bothered by this incident.

Therefore, when they heard that the offline experience of the Modu Stadium was more perfect, they expressed their appreciation.

They also offered to put the offline experience of the game in their gym.

This is exactly what happened.

The tourists in the magic capital are more than ten times that of the May Day holiday and the November holiday combined.

These people are all here to participate in the game experience session, and

the magic capital has not been visited again since the establishment of the city.

Whether it is transportation or communications, facilities are often paralyzed.

Newspapers also carried a lot of coverage of this.

Any corner of the magic capital is overcrowded.

Even the bathroom was full.

"Hello everyone, I am Mo Xiaoxiao of the Magic Capital Evening News."

"Now behind me is our magic capital gymnasium."

Behind Mo Xiaoxiao, it was crowded with people.

The news is broadcast nationwide via live link.

"These tourists behind me are all here to participate in the offline experience of the game."

"However, there are still two days before the experience date, and a lot of people are now bunking here."

After he finished speaking, the camera immediately gave to the men who were lying on the ground and sleeping.

"Look at these people, this is called a tourist!"


The live broadcast room suddenly burst into laughter.

"This Nima is too exaggerated."

"If you go to the magic capital, it is estimated that it can scare a group of people to death."

"Hahaha, laugh at me."

"What kind of strange editor-in-chief is this?"


Looking at the ridicule and complaining on the barrage, Mo Xiaojian had bitter words.

Still, she remained calm and continued to report.

"In addition, at half past eight this morning, another 100,000 of our experiencers arrived in the magic capital."

"Now that our personnel have arrived at the doors of the major stadiums, please take a look with me."

As Mo Xiaoxiao's voice just fell, the live broadcast screen turned.

Then the camera zoomed in, and everyone saw the picture behind Mo Xiaoxiao.

Behind them, a huge gymnasium appeared in everyone's eyes.

At this moment, the entrance of the gymnasium was full of black-pressed people.

Everyone's face is either excited, excited, or expectant.

They all want to see the charm of the game firsthand.

Not far away, a camera is mounted on a high platform.

A videographer stands on a high platform, camera in hand, eyes glued to the camera.

Next to the cameraman stands a staff member who is responsible for recording the video of this viral image, which will be posted on the online platform.

Such a hot scene made those who had not yet entered the magic capital retreat.

They don't dare to take risks, after all, this is an experience opportunity that money can't buy.

"So many people!"

"Ma yes, this game is poisonous."

"These people are all coming to the magic capital, why do I want to travel to the magic capital!"

"What now?"

"Oh, forget it, let's go play somewhere else."


The experience hall of the magic capital, where the top people from all over the country gather.

This is the temple of the game world, and it is also the most prosperous street in the magic capital, and there are many large enterprises here.

Not only that, but many game manufacturers have also opened branches here.

It is arguably the most prosperous region in the gaming industry.

"Look, in front of the Magic Capital Experience Hall, what's going on?"

"Groove, so many people."

"Wow, this is an offline experience activity of the Magic Capital Experience Hall, right?"

"Is it so hot?"

"Haha, they sleep in the doorway, or take a free cool ride inside the house."

"Well, they are all waiting to experience the games of Qin Feng Studio, how can they experience others."

Looking at the scene at the entrance of the Magic Capital Experience Hall, countless game fans were shocked.

"It's a little embarrassing, run to another experience center to chill."

"Is this really angry, or is it really low emotional intelligence."

"I have long seen that it is good to have a place to live."

It's not just the discussion of the vast number of netizens on the Internet.

Local TV media were also shocked.

More envy.

As everyone knows, such a hot picture does not know how much economic growth it has brought to the magic capital.

Of course they were shocked by the game.

I don't understand what kind of game can make these people so impulsive.

The media rushed to report the grandeur of this magic capital experience event, and called it an epoch-making initiative.


On the square outside the Magic Capital Grand Gymnasium, Mo Xiaoxiao continued to explain.

"Now, the gymnasium behind me is full."

"The interior of the stadium is very simple and unpretentious, with only a few resting spaces and some tables, chairs and benches for visitors to sit and watch, so that they can experience a more realistic gaming experience."

"And in the center of the gymnasium, there is a row of sand tables, which contain various simulated terrain for the game."

"However, there are still two days before the open experience."

"I'm really worried about how hard it would be for these people to just sit and sleep in their chairs."

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