The audience in the audience was seeing the big screen.

After the expressions of hundreds of players.

At this time, I couldn't help frowning.

"What's going on? Isn't this game of fraternity interesting?

"It seems to be, everyone's expression, it's too strange!"

"Don't worry, this has only started twenty minutes, and it is estimated that the game has not yet entered the plot!"

"That's right, the plot of the fraternity game is first-class, and it definitely needs to be foreshadowed at the beginning, so don't worry, you can see the tears of these winners right away."

"Haha, suddenly it feels so cheap, a lot of people sit here and watch people cry."


audience did not know the situation and could only guess wildly.

At this time, hundreds of players in the game have all started various tasks in the game.

Although the game is boring, there is no passion and no touching tasks.

But after all, it is a game of fraternity, so everyone is full of anticipation, hoping to feel the surprise in the next game.

In the game.

Players remember seeing that Dr. John was still healthy.

He took his lover Riva to admire the lighthouse behind the house every day!

It turned out that Liva next to the lighthouse was the wife of Old Man John.

And this Liva, which is fictional by the player and another Doctor, through robots.

In this way, it comes into the memory of Old Man John.

The players come to Old Man John and ask him why he went to the moon.

Want to be famous, or do you want to get rich?

Old Man John said he didn't know!

Because he just felt that he had to go to the moon.

It's an idea without a reason.

In an instant, the players were all helpless!

There is no reason, what is the situation?

Could it be that a person is like going to the moon for no reason?

That's ridiculous, isn't it?

Now I don't know the reason for going, so I can't make Old Man John firm in his dream.

But John here said that as long as he could go to the moon, he would try his best to cooperate with the two doctors.

Next, in order to jump into Old Man John's earlier memory, that is, to find his dream of going to the moon.

Players need to find more important items.

The first item is the origami rabbit that the player found before.

The two went to John's house again through the memory modifier.

At this time, John was playing the piano alone, and around him, there were white origami rabbits.

The way to activate memory this time is an umbrella!

Players come to the lighthouse by looking for umbrellas and following the game.

At this time, Old Man John was kneeling next to the lighthouse, in front of his wife's tombstone.

It seems that Liva has passed away at this time.

Players hear John call the lighthouse in front of them, Anya!

It turned out that Jean Anya, the lighthouse, accompanied John.

It is the dream of his wife Liva.

The players pretend to be a passerby, and the road is too much.

Hear John's speech.

The wife shouldn't have been here.

But this was Riva's own idea.

She wanted to stay next to the lighthouse!

John himself could not understand.

Curious, the players entered the lighthouse.

Inside, everyone found another memory fragment, the platypus doll!

Through this memory fragment, players once again use the memory modifier to travel to another time period.

I saw that in John and Liva's bedroom.

Her lover Riva is dying, and John tells her that her family is financially well-off and

hopes that she can continue treatment!

However, Liva already knew that the emergency situation at home was not good.

Even if money is spent, the disease may not be cured.

So she hoped John could keep the money and use it to build a house.

And this built house is the one that players saw in front of the lighthouse at the beginning.

The wife's idea was that John could take care of Lighthouse Anya in the future.

So, at the beginning, John said that his wife should not be here!

Because Riva would rather put her life and death on the line, and ask her husband John to accompany the lighthouse.

This kind of thinking is simply too difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Even hundreds of players couldn't help but sigh and shake their heads.

Everyone thought that this woman Liva was too abnormal.

However, this is indeed Riva's dream, and only then will Riva say she will feel happy.

Finally, before Riva leaves, John writes her a tune.

It's called "To Liva"!

Next, players begin to search for memory fragments to learn more about John's memories.

This time, players find a flower that grows next to the lighthouse.

Through memory fragments, players come to the lighthouse again.

At this time, the players learned that John's big house was all built by him alone.

John's friend brought him a bottle of pickled olives and asked about John's wife, Riva.

Although Liva's condition is serious, fortunately, it can be cured.

Because he still has a sum of money in his hand, he can come to treat his wife.

However, he never expected that Riva wanted to use this money to build a house.

The memory fragment this time is the bottle of pickled olives that a friend gave John.

With the memory fragments, players are once again in front of John building the house.

Inside, players see John drinking with a few friends.

From the conversation, players know that it came after a strange incident happened from home.

His wife Riva began origami rabbits at home.

And she does not dare anything, that is, an origami rabbit.

The memory fragments found by the players are activated again.

Time comes before John and Viva build a house in front of the lighthouse.

The two looked at the lighthouse in front of them and liked it very much.

Although the lighthouse is abandoned, the two decide to build a house here.

In this way, the lighthouse will not be lonely, and they can visit the lighthouse every day.

Because of such a beacon, the opportunity for treatment was given up.

The players were indeed puzzled.

Is this lighthouse more important than life?

With another memory fragment, the players return to John's house.

At this time, Riva has begun to fold the paper rabbit, and it is repeated.

Although she is understandably ill, this scene is indeed too strange.

The next memory fragment inside.

Players see a lot of clues.

John and Riva were seen sitting on the lighthouse looking at the moon.

I also know that John's wife, Riva, has always suffered from a social disorder.

Exactly Asperger's syndrome!

By looking for memory fragments, travel forward again.

The players saw the scene where John and Riva got married.

The two were in front of the lighthouse, dressed in wedding costumes.

This scene really made many female players on the scene cry.

Because they unconsciously seem to witness the appearance of two people from old age to youth.

And the plot of the game ends here.

is the key to gradual unfolding!

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