The player experience session was arranged quickly.

A total of 100 players gathered.

At this time, the game helmets are also neatly arranged.

Under the arrangement of the live host.

The gaming experience will start in no time.

"I'm really sorry, players, because the game is still in beta."

"So the demo screen can't appear, and everyone can only see the expressions and movements of the test players."

"In order to make up for everyone's regrets, the audience present today can receive a plush toy for the game "To the Moon" and a game signature card before leaving."

"That plush toy is really cute, and our cool game signature card will also be distributed together, and when the game is launched, these things will become the patent of Boai Game Studio, and everyone can't buy it even if they have money!"

"So the players who came to the scene today are indeed blessed!"

In the audience, all the players were still very lost.

But hearing these gifts immediately became happy.

You know, fraternal games, every one is the kind of explosion.

Throughout the country, there are already many co-branded toys online.

But this time is different, this is from Fraternity Studio.

It's very meaningful, and it's the first time the studio has made this kind of souvenir.

As it used to be, the game became a hit, and by then these toys and autograph cards would be a huge asset across the country.

"Then, next, we will focus all our eyes on the faces of these hundred players."

"See how they react when they try out This To the Moon."

"And what I felt after the final trial."

"Background staff, please prepare, the game will start immediately!"

As the host's voice fell.

Everyone present was excited.

And the hundreds of players who were selected on the stage were also extremely excited and excited.

But in addition to the excitement, there is still a little embarrassment.

Because fraternal games have always been based on plot, supplemented by tears.

But looking around, the appearance of the first four games all made players cry wildly.

At this moment, there are more than 80,000 spectators in the audience.

If we wept under their gaze, wouldn't it be a disgrace?

But now these hundreds of players are embarrassed to say more, because being selected is a great opportunity.

You know, other players don't have a chance to come and play.

This is the moment.

All 80,000 spectators gathered their eyes on the stage.

Hundreds of players sit in chairs, each with a helmet.

Wait intently for the game to begin.


With the operation of the background staff.

The game starts slowly.

It starts with a background introduction.

At some point in the future, science will already be able to modify human memory. 【

You can modify your memory to fulfill your client's dream.】

[Players can choose to play as two characters, Rosa, or Watts. [

You two are PhDs of the Memory Modification Association. 【

On this day, the two of you received a very ordinary task. 【

Responsible for helping an old man named John to fulfill his wishes and dreams of modifying his memory before he died.] End

of background.

Hundreds of players have chosen their favorite characters and started playing!

The two quickly accepted the task and drove to Old Man John's home.

Greeting them was Old Man John's servant, Lily.

Although he is a servant, he also lives here with two children.

The two followed Lily to the bedroom on the second floor.

Old Johnny was lying on the bed in the bedroom.

The player's Watts and Rosa turn on the memory device, ready to enter the old man's memory, and modify it to complete the old man's final dream.

But at this time, when the player asked the maid Lili according to the plot what the dream of this old man John was, the answer he got made the two a little surprised.

Because Old John's dream is to go to the moon!

Although this wish is indeed a little crazy, for memory modifiers, it can still be done.

Next, according to custom, the two need to know more information, but the maid Lily is not very clear.

Although she had been working here for two years, she still found John a very strange person.

It is only known that he has a wife who died two years ago.

No way, there is no more information, and it is also difficult for the two to modify their memories.

So in order to work, the player had to start looking for more clues in this house.

Lily's two children tell the player that in the basement on the first floor, there is a very interesting room.

The players go to the basement and, when they turn on the lights, find a pile of origami rabbits.

And at the door, there is also a furry toy, the platypus.

The two children told the player that they didn't know what was going on, and that usually Old Man John did not allow outsiders to come here.

And not only in this place there are origami rabbits, but also in the cliffside lighthouse not far from the house.

To figure out the situation, the players pulled down the front of the lighthouse with their children.

In front of the lighthouse, stands a stone tablet that reads "In Memory of Liva"!

Many players all subconsciously remember this name, because everyone feels that it must be extraordinary to be able to be erected here by the elderly.

Enter the lighthouse, where there are indeed a lot of origami bunnies inside.

And there are also two different colors of rabbits.

Why do old people have this habit of stacking rabbits?

At this point, another doctor in John's room tells the player that the work of modifying the memory is ready.

The game prompts that the player can leave with a paper rabbit.

In the game.

The maid Lily asked with some curiosity how their work was carried out.

The doctor told her that in fact, the memory modifier is to enter the first memory of the old man as soon as possible.

Then transmit the old man's desire to go to the moon to him in his initial state.

This powerful machine can give the old man a Sim according to his wishes.

People always start something with enthusiasm, but eventually stop because they lose their initial momentum.

If you only lock on one goal in your life and never waver, then the power of dreams will be far beyond your imagination.

This is the moment.

Hundreds of players play here.

But he still has a strong curiosity about this game.

Because this game is different from the previous fraternity games.

This kind of plot, with a very strong curiosity, let the story slowly unfold in front of the players' eyes.

But as the player, through the memory modifier, entered the old man's memory, everyone couldn't help but frown.

Because of this flashback, it quickly makes everyone bored.

The first thing the player starts with is the old age memory of Old Man John.

Players need to search for memory fragments in order to travel to John's youngest memories.

This is how John can plant the ideal of the moon.

Is this game just to fulfill the old man's dream of going to the moon?

If that's the case, it seems too bland, right?

At this moment, players who are accustomed to the fraternity game in the past are all beginning to become anxious and impatient.

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