Chapter 411 6 to 0, a tragic lore

“The next game.”

“You don’t want to get another point from me!”

Ajutsu said with a calm face.

But it made people clearly feel his rebellious will.

Even at this moment, his eyes were extremely hollow.

But that kind of sharpness emerged spontaneously.

Irie Kanata felt again.

But the final result is still not the slightest emotional ups and downs.

Ajujin has really entered the seventh sense!


at this time.

The flying tennis ball was also when Irie Kanata was lost.

It crashed on the ground.


Ajutsu scored directly.

Completely reverse the situation!

Irie Kanata did not give up.

Even now he has consumed a lot of physical strength.

Even now Ajujin has broken through the seventh sense.


In his opinion.

Ajutsu’s current physical strength is also on the verge of exhaustion!

Just stick to it for a while.

Then the tennis ball in his hand was thrown into the air again.

The racquet in his hand also waved brazenly.


The tennis whizzed away.

Although Irie Kanata is not physically strong.

But the speed of this shot on the tennis ball is still quite fast.

It was almost like a beam of light 26 that blasted towards the blind spot on Akutsu’s side.

But at this time.

Ajujin had already rushed out directly.

It seemed like a giant beast.

It flashed with black and red aura.

In an instant.

He appeared above the blind spot.

The racquet in his hand was also waved out at this time.


Racquet hit the tennis ball quickly.

It seemed like a giant beast was about to swing its claws.

Outrageously hit the tennis ball.

The tennis ball is accompanied by a thick black and red atmosphere.

People can’t help but frighten up.

Irie Kanata’s face changed suddenly.

At this time, he had no insight into Ajutsu’s psychology.


The power on this tennis ball is absolutely terrifying.

It is very likely that it cannot be followed!

But he also has his own dignity.

How could it be a junior from a middle school student.

Will he defeat him who is going all out?

Now he subconsciously rushed out.

Outrageously online.

The racquet in his hand was also violently deducted.

But when racquet and tennis hit each other.

His face turned pale suddenly.

The racquet in his hand trembled crazily.

As if it would leave his palm in the next moment.

The tennis ball is still spinning vigorously on the racquet.

As if swearing to the death to completely penetrate the face that hinders it.

But this stalemate did not last long.

Irie Kanata’s racquet broke suddenly!

The tennis ball slammed onto the baseline with a broken racquet.

Then ejected out!


Ajutsu scores directly!

Irie Kanata is dripping with sweat.

After he landed.

in silence.

After changing a racquet.

Continue to serve.


Unsurprisingly, Ajiuzin scored another point directly.

That’s it!


Ajutsu finally showed everyone the horror of a tyrant!

Fifth game.

Ajutsu serve bureau!

Irie Kanata is no longer the gentle and calm look that he had just started.

Instead, he looked at Akutsu on the opposite side solemnly.

“Although the previous you made me very angry!”

“But, you are now.”

“I can’t make me angry anymore!”

“Prepare to be crushed by the tyrant!”

Ajujin said in a deep voice.

Then he threw the tennis ball in his hand directly.

In his hand, racquet waved brazenly.

The speed on the tennis ball is amazing.

Irie Kanata looked shocked.

Hastily rushed out at the first time.

Then he swung hard.

Almost under the crazy cutting of sweet spot technology.

The tennis ball was hit back.

at this time.

Ajujin’s figure suddenly turned into an afterimage.

As swift as a beast strikes.


In a moment.

Three Ajutsu figures appeared directly on the court.

Was waving racquet at the same time.

“How can this be?”

“Which one is true?”

Irie Kanata’s face became more solemn.

Just when he wanted to observe with confidence.

There was a bang of tennis balls.

Then only saw a tennis ball dropped from his baseline position.

Then roll out.


Irie Kanata turned his head mechanically.

Tennis has gradually stagnated at this time.


Just at this time.

“How long are you going to keep watching?”

An icy voice came over immediately.

Following Irie Kanata, she turned her head to look.

Ajutsu had already hit the ball directly.

In the eyes of Irie Kanata.

He only saw a gleam of golden light rushing towards him.

The arms and legs seemed to be injected with lead.

Can’t react at all.

next moment.

Next to the tennis ball just now.

One more tennis ball!


“The strength is completely crushed?”

Everyone present couldn’t help being shocked.

No one thought it was in the rhythm of Irie Kanata just now.

At this time, he was completely crushed by Ajiujin who had activated his seventh sense.

The fact that this reversal was true caught everyone off guard.


Ajutsu sneered.

Continue to serve up.

On the other side, Irie Kanata seemed to be a flower.

The tennis ball has already crashed into the baseline position.

His face was shocked.

At the moment, he has to rush out to fight back.

After the tennis ball was reluctantly hit back.

Ajutsu on the opposite side suddenly seemed to be crawling on the ground.

Shoot out.

It was as if a black and red wind was blowing across the entire court.

Blow on Irie Kanata’s face.

Extraordinarily tingling!

And these 537 times.

Ajiuzin had already swung directly out of the tennis ball.

next moment.

As Irie Kanata turned his head sluggishly, he took a look.

There was one more tennis ball beside those two tennis balls just now!


Almost less than a minute.

Ajujin was almost about to take the game down.

“The breakthrough of the seventh sense has completely exploded the power contained in Ajiujin’s body!”

“Plus he himself is extremely flexible.”

“The explosive power is even stronger!”

“It can be said that Ajutsu now has a thorough grasp of time!”

Kurobe Yukio couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Ajutsu at this moment is really terrifying!

It’s not an opponent Irie Kanata can resist at all!

And just at this time when he was emotional.

The game has basically come to an end.







Irie Kanata gasped and looked at the figure opposite.

He gritted his teeth and swung the tennis ball out.

Everyone at U-17 held their breath.

Hope this situation can be changed.


The only answer to them was a dull crash.



“I won this game!”

Ajiuzin is like a tyrant.

Said with a sneer.

Then walked off the court. .

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