Chapter 410 Seventh Sense–Mana Consciousness

“They are so strong!”

U-17 here.

Matsuhira Matsuhiko looked at the two people on the court with dumbfounded eyes.

from their perspective.

I never expected that Irie Kanata, who performed exaggeratedly on weekdays, could be so terrifying.

It was also uncontrollable that Ajutsu, who was on the other side, was also so terrified.

that’s all.

The two sides are glued together.

five minutes!

fifteen minutes!

thirty minutes!

Whether it is Ajutsu.

Or Irie Kanata on the opposite side.

They are all running on the court.

Sweeping and sweating.

this moment.

Irie Kanata also showed everyone his terrifying endurance.

It’s so stalemate with Ajiujin.


But it was slightly more relaxed than the opposite Ajiujin.

Although Ajutsu on the opposite side had gradually calmed down, he had already calmed down.

The whole person is in a state of mind.

“Five Three Seven” But.

The crazy bullying chest showed everyone that he had consumed a lot of physical energy now.

No matter how terrifying his physical strength is.

Can not withstand such a consumption.


Just at this time.

Irie Kanata waved racquet suddenly.

Directly hit back the tennis ball that came from flying.


Akutsu was in full development of his mind.

At this time, it was half a beat slow.


The next moment the tennis ball passed by him.

Then it fell to the ground.


There was a stalemate for thirty minutes.

I was suddenly broken by Irie Kanata!

“Ajiujin is now on the verge of his physical strength!’

Here in front of Tamamo.

Kunimitsu said with blinking eyes.

There is also a hint of incredible.

Because he didn’t expect Akutsu to be pressed into such a state by the opposite Irie Kanata.

Now Akutsu has fully developed his mind!

Even this was suppressed by the opponent.

“U-17 still has terrifying powerhouses!”

Fuji Syusuke sighed deeply.

Although they have won three consecutive victories.

And it was won in a state of direct crushing.

In my heart, I couldn’t help but have a slight contempt for the U-17 players.


When Irie Kanata thoroughly demonstrated his true strength.

Everyone put away their previous thoughts.

As for the guys before.

Maybe it’s counted as cannon fodder in U-17 at best.

“It’s still a little bit!”

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly.

The eyes flickered.

At this time, Irie Kanata on the field has not completely pushed Ajitsu to the limit.

In this case.

It’s still a little bit short of his breakthrough.

that’s all.

The court continued to stick.

Ten minutes have passed.

twenty minutes!

At this time, Ajutsu had already reached his limit.

The whole person’s sweat dripped crazily.

He was breathing violently almost all the time.


The opposite Irie Kanata also started to sweat profusely.

The breathing rhythm of the whole person was completely messed up.


Irie Kanata fought back again.

But Akutsu on the opposite side seemed to be entangled in an inexplicable viscous substance.

I can’t hit back the tennis as smoothly as before.

at this time.

The tennis ball also hits directly.

Irie Kanata seemed to have seen the scene where Akutsu was unable to fall.

In fact.

This is exactly what happened!

Ajutsu really has almost exhausted his physical strength!

His own feelings were also directly relieved at this time.

The unwillingness and anger in his heart are eroding Ajutsu’s heart crazily.

But he could only watch the tennis ball flying in the air.

A sense of powerless weakness filled his mind.

The sound of breathing came crazy in his ears.

He seemed to be unable to hold on anymore.

The world gradually dimmed.

“Can’t lose!”

“Because you are Akutsu jin!”

An extremely calm and soft voice appeared in his ears.

It seemed as if Qingfeng had completely calmed down all the negative emotions in his heart.

Senyu Shinji looked at him with a gentle smile.

Ajujin’s whole person seemed to be injected with a clear stream into a dry lake.

Although it is still a bit difficult.

But he slowly got up.

He tightened the racquet in his hand harder and harder.

At this time, Ajutsu was exceptionally silent.

Silent as calm as a storm is about to come.

“I vowed to catch up with Minister Senyu!”

“before this.

“I won’t lose!”

Ajujin said hoarsely and lowly.

next moment.

Ajujin’s body seemed to be entangled by a thicker black and red breath

It flows extremely smoothly.


at this time.

Ajutsu, who had a calm face, suddenly seemed to change again.

A tyrannical look gradually emerged in the calm eyes.

Then it gradually fell apart.

An extremely hollow feeling was thoroughly revealed.

The pupils of Irie Kanata’s eyes suddenly shrank.

Because at this time he could clearly feel the aura on Ajiujin’s body.

Extremely cold.

It seemed like a real beast.

He is dying to death.

Will wait for an opportunity at any time!

It seems that the time on the entire court has become unusually slow.

The tennis ball continued to fly towards Ajutsu.

this moment.

Ajutsu seemed to see a glimmer of light.

The whole person’s world has become extremely clear.

this moment.

Ajujin finally broke through!

The seventh sense, that sense!

In full swing!


The tumbling black and red aura rushed to the opposite Irie Kanata.

Suddenly his breathing became stagnant.

Irie Kanata couldn’t perceive the slightest emotion from Ajutsu’s body at all.

It seemed as if a lake was completely frozen.

Hard and cold!

And it’s scary!

U-17 here.

Mi Mifūne Nyudō Mi and Kurobe Yukio suddenly showed serious expressions.

“Seventh sense!”

They didn’t expect that Yajujin really broke through under such high pressure.

Directly reached the seventh sense.


Oni Jujiro and the others also looked shocked.

No one thought that this would happen.

Senyu Shinji said with a smile.


“Start your hunt!”

After this sentence fell.

Ajiuzin suddenly jumped on the spot.

The racquet in his hand looks like a giant beast waving its claws.

There was a brazen bump on the tennis ball.

The sticky black and red scent crazily wrapped around the tennis ball.

The tennis ball has almost completely turned into an irregular oval in the face of this terrorist force.

Then there was a popping sound.

Entrained with extremely violent air waves.

Outrageously rushed out.

The whole time seemed to be completely penetrated.

A black and red tyrant’s phantom gradually emerged behind Ajujin.

The seventh sense, the violence of the consciousness is revealed!

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