Chapter 397 First road data, Fengshen combination

“Two rubbish, get out of me!

Three Mifūne Nyudō scolded three.

His face is quite ugly.

In his opinion.

It’s not just high school students.

Even high school students who have received U-17 systematic training.

He was directly crushed by two middle school students.

It is no different from waste.

Matsuhira Matsuhiro and Tsunin on the field suddenly showed shame.

He got up tremblingly at the moment.

Walked off the arena with awkwardness.

“After the game, I hope you are not rubbish!”

Three Mifūne Nyudō said in a cold voice.

This time he proposed the game quite confidently.

Now the first game is actually a disastrous defeat.


Whether it’s Suzuki Ichi or Kuoichicha.

Even Oni Jujiro looked at San Mifūne Nyudō San’s ferocious look.

Can not help but tremble.

Then the people of the second game hurried to the arena.

Here in front of Tamamo.

“Suzuki Ichi and Kuo Ichicha used to be the doubles of Lion Music Middle-School.

Senyu Shinji said softly.

“It can be said that they were in Lion Music Middle-School.”

“I’m already a national player!”

“Now, the strength is definitely stronger than before!”

Senyu Shinji looked at Inui Sadaharu and Fuji Syusuke.

“This doubles will be played by you.”

After hearing this.

Inui Sadaharu and Fuji Syusuke were suddenly excited.

After all, since the start of the national competition.

They have always been a substitute.

There is no chance of a match.

I was a little aggrieved in my heart.

Now Senyu Shinji says so.

They must show the results of their training during this period of time.

Inui Sadaharu nodded with excitement.

Then he looked at Fuji Syusuke.

They have not played doubles for a long time.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

This game will win!

Then the two walked to the arena.

After all four of them came to the court.

Started to look at each other.

“Your junior high school students in front of Yuzao are really scary…!”

Suzuki sighed involuntarily.

The fiasco of Matsudaira and the others just now made them cautious.

Don’t dare to underestimate these middle school students in front of Yuzao.

“Come on, let us see the strength of U-17 players!”

Inui Sadaharu said calmly.

Then stand back and forth on the field with Fuji Syusuke.

The U-17 side on the side of the arena.

Kurobe Yukio couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Coach Senyu actually let them doubles again?”

“It seems that this game has basically come to an end!

“Data Tennis Inui Sadaharu, Fengshen Fuji Syusuke!”

“Although Fuji Syusuke and Inui Sadaharu did not appear in the National Middle-School Tennis Competition.”

“However, they are definitely more terrifying than before!”

After hearing the voice of Kurobe Yukio.

San Mifūne Nyudō San also watched the crowd on the arena without a word.

His eyes flickered.

Oni Jujiro on the side also murmured.

“Data Tennis Inui Sadaharu, Fengshen Fuji?”

Above the court.

Suzuki Yi and Yuo Ichicha took a few deep breaths.

Looking at the opposite side solemnly.

The attitude towards Inui Sadaharu is even greater.

Because they understand the difficulties of data tennis.

If you let the opponent know their ball path thoroughly.

It won’t be easy!

As for the Fuji Syusuke on the side, they were ignored.


Suzuki gave a soft drink.

Then he and Yuwei Yicha suddenly burst into light.

Then connect the two.

At the same time, the Australian formation was launched directly.

“Let’s also see how powerful the so-called data tennis and Fengshen are!”

Compared to them.

Inui Sadaharu and Fuji Syusuke directly stood on the field and waited for the start of the game.

The first game, Yuzao served the game before!

“here we go!”

Inui Sadaharu, who was at the baseline, said softly.

Then he flouted the tennis ball in his hands.

“call out!”

After the tennis flew high.

He also jumped directly.

The racquet in his hand also waved brazenly.

Then a sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The tennis shot suddenly exploded.


The speed of this shot on the tennis ball is quite fast.

Even the angle of the shot is quite tricky.

I came to Suzuki Yi’s side almost instantly.

The sound of violent friction between tennis balls and the air echoed in his ears.

“High-speed ball!”

His eyes flickered.

Then the racquet is brought to the ground.

Wave the racquet from the bottom up.


Then the tennis ball was hit back with precision.

After Inui Sadaharu saw this scene.

His eyes flickered.

But the look of the whole person did not change in the slightest.

Still quite calm and serious.

“This kind of precise judgment is really amazing!”

The opposite Koo Ichicha looked at Inui Sadaharu earnestly and said.

“Take out your true strength!”

w… “I can’t help but test like this!”

“How about your data tennis? There is also the so-called Fengshen Fuji Syusuke.

Even Suzuki Yi on the side became more confident.

Although in the national Middle-School tennis competition.

Inui Sadaharu and Fuji Syusuke did not play.

They just got the intelligence to see.

The other party also died at the top of the country.

They are also high school students now!

As long as you don’t underestimate the strength of the opponent.

They are still very confident that they will defeat the opponent.

Whether it is Fuji Syusuke, or Inui Sadaharu.

from their perspective.

Even the National Middle-School Tennis Competition has no one ever played.

The strength can’t be very strong!

Thought of this.

Suzuki Yi and Kuo Ichicha also showed confident smiles on their faces.

But the opposite Inui Sadaharu and Fuji Syusuke said nothing.

Inui Sadaharu watched the flying tennis ball bounce instantly.

Give it a light swipe.


Next second.

The tennis ball landed directly and accurately on the baseline position of the opposite corner of the court.

Everyone (Li Lezhao) opened their eyes wide.

No matter how you look at the tennis ball, there is no way to fight back!

Close corner kick!

The confident smiles on the faces of Yi Suzuki and Kazuo Kazucha on the opposite side suddenly solidified.

Mechanically watched the tennis finally roll out of bounds.

This hit tennis is too fast!

They didn’t react quickly!

Suzuki Yi suddenly started to breathe.

Such a fast tennis ball was played in such a casual time.

This is not a bit scary anymore!


Tamamo is the first to score!

With Inui Sadaharu continue to serve tour.

Suzuki Yi became more solemn.

He stared at Inui Sadaharu on the opposite side.

“These two are also quite cautious!

Senyu Shinji looked at the two Suzuki Yi on the arena.

He also said a little casually.


Judging from his look.

Don’t worry about the victory in this game.

It’s impossible to lose Inui Sadaharu and Fuji’s doubles!”

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