Chapter 396 Lost like this?

Ishida Tie suddenly jumped up.

Then the racquet in his hand was directly pressed down.

Surging power emerged directly from his arm.


With the violent smash.

The tennis ball whizzed out immediately.

It’s another horrible tennis shot!

Matsudaira Miyako and Tonin were completely frightened!

The racquet in his hand fell directly to the ground.


They were so scared that they had no courage to resist.


Accompanied by a loud noise on the ground.

It seemed that the entire arena was shaken.

The dusty room.

Ishida Iron scores outrageously!


“Are they really just middle school students?”

“This is not a bit of horror!”

Suzuki Yi and Kuo Ichicha are also surprised.

There was a lot of jealousy and horror flashing in his eyes.

“It’s really scary!”

“Ishida Tie’s power, even in U-17, few people dare to take it hard!”

Matsudaira Chikahiko said with a serious face.

At this moment, the game on the court is still continuing.

After Ishida iron hit again and burst into pieces.

Almost won this round in the crush.



Matsuhiro and Tonin didn’t just give up the game like this!

They are also high school students anyway!

Retreating without a fight will only become a laughing stock in U-17.

Even now I am quite afraid of Ishida iron.

But they still believe in their own strength.

At least Kawamura Takashi was the target of their breakthrough.

“Don’t be happy too early!”

“Our serve bureau is here!”

“I will show my full strength!”

“This time, don’t even think about blocking my tennis ball!”

Matsudaira looked at Kawamura Takashi with a furious look on his face.

Although his high-speed ball was blocked by Kawamura Takashi.

But he still thinks he underestimated the opposite.

I don’t think it is super serious this time.

Kawamura Takashi can resist it.

“Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom!”

After he roared.

The tennis ball in his hand was also thrown directly.

The racquet in his hand also waved brazenly.


After a clear sound of racquet and tennis ball hitting.

The tennis suddenly resembled a laser beam.

It flashed by directly.

The speed this time can be said to have failed four times the speed of the last tennis ball!

Almost even the afterimages were completely eliminated in this extreme speed.

Matsuhira’s face gradually showed a smile.

As if already seeing victory.

But the next moment.

His smile disappeared completely.

It was replaced by sluggishness.

Because he had already seen the opposite Kawamura Takashi waving racquet frantically.

A gust of wind suddenly appeared above the arena.

It can be said that this time the hot air barrier.

Kawamura Takashi is completely caused by unrestricted swinging and burning serve!

Its horror has far surpassed the previous hot wind barrier.

The existence of flame can be vaguely seen in this hurricane!

Then the tennis ball seemed to be cut endlessly.

Gradually appeared in the sight of Kawamura Takashi.


He leaped up with a sneer on his face.

The whole person seems to be flying directly in the air.

Then the racquet in his hand was like a thick flame.

Press down boldly.

Jump swing ball!


The tennis shot suddenly exploded!

“How can this be?!!”

“That’s a hundred flowers in full bloom!”

Matsudaira almost couldn’t believe the scene before him.

Just stood there blankly and shouted.

Then there was a trace of determination in his eyes.

Immediately jumped up.

Want to fight back.

But is Kawamura Takashi’s jumping bouncing ball so simple?

He is a power player!

Just when Matsudaira’s racquet hit the tennis ball.

Suddenly Matsudaira’s face changed drastically.

The power on the tennis ball directly knocked him out in the air.


Then the whole person was nailed to the quarantine net.

The fierce force irritated his nerves wantonly.

His whole person suddenly felt severe pain.

Although Kawamura Takashi’s power is not as terrifying as Ishida’s iron power.

But it’s not that it’s not strong!


Matsudaira, who was struggling to get off the quarantine network, had an angry look on his face.

After walking to the top of the arena with awkwardness.

Once again, he threw the tennis ball in his hand without saying a word.

Once again, he swung a high-speed ball like Hundred Blossoms.

But it was completely resolved by Kawamura Takashi’s hot air barrier.


Even the tennis ball hit back.

Nor was it followed.



“Continue to serve!”

“It’s over in ten minutes!”

Ishida Tie said calmly.

But his eyes are exceptionally sharp.

The two opposing people are not their opponents at all.

There is no need to continue wasting time.

“Boy, don’t look down on people!”

Matsudaira immediately roared.

Then continue to serve.

However, his high-speed ball has been completely cracked by Kawamura Takashi.

There was no accident at all.

As for the words they want to consume Kawamura Takashi’s stamina quickly.

It is estimated that it is time to lose.

I can’t figure out why Kawamura Takashi’s stamina is so long-lasting!

Ishida and Tie had already wanted to teach these two arrogant high school students a lesson.

I really thought I was in U-17 now.

Is it the existence of invincibility?







That 527 passed in ten minutes.

And this completely crushed game is completely over.

As for the arena.

Kawamura Takashi still stood with a relaxed expression.

He didn’t even shed sweat.

On the other hand, Matsudaira and Miyahiko.

He was completely lying on the ground.

The sweat continued to flow down.

The whole person gasped frantically.

As if how much physical energy was consumed.

They just looked sideways at Ishida Tetsu and Kawamura Takashi on the opposite side.

A frustrated expression was revealed.

They didn’t even dream of it.

They lost.

Lost in the hands of two middle school students.

They didn’t even score a point!

Completely crushed!

It’s hard to let go.

“Is this the strength of U-17?”

“Really weak!”

Ishida couldn’t help but said disappointedly.

I thought how powerful U-17 is.

But I never thought I was so incompetent now.

“How can it be repaired!”

After Matsuhira Matsuhiko and Tonin heard this.

His face suddenly turned red and white.

They want to refute.

But the eye-catching score made it difficult for them to even raise their heads.

At this time, everyone on the U-17 side of the stadium was also stunned.

“Do Shino they lose like this?”

This kind of crushing duel made everyone not feel the slightest realness. .

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