Chapter 390 Ask for advice, four coaches


Senyu Shinji heard that Yukio Kurobe said this.

The eyes are also a little brighter.

Something moved in my heart.

After Yukio Kurobe saw Senyu Shinji’s look like this.

Hastily repeated it again.

“As long as Senyu joins U-17, he will become the coach of U-17!’


Kurobe Yukio didn’t wait for the answer he most wanted.

“I have a question!”

Senyu Shinji looked at him and said softly.

There was a deep smile on his face.

“It looks like Coach Kurobe doesn’t have the qualifications for this appointment!”

Coach Kurobe knew that there was a play when he heard it.

Then he returned to the way he had drank black tea gracefully before.

“Senyu classmate knows something.”

“The sport of tennis is now being promoted across the country.”

“So our U-17 is naturally also actively responding to the call.”

“May 20″ will recruit middle school students this year!”

“In other words, middle school students can also participate in the World Cup!”

Kurobe Yukio first briefly explained the current situation in China and U-17.

Then went directly to the topic and said.

“It is precisely because of this level of importance.”

“At that time, our coaches can directly recommend Senyu classmates collectively.

“In particular, Senyu’s strength and coaching level are quite outstanding.

“So it will definitely be passed!”

It was obvious that Yukio Kurobe had thought of this scene before coming back again.

I answered Senyu Shinji’s question directly.


Yukio Kurobe’s eyes also kept staring at Senyu Shinji.

Now his only purpose is to invite Senyu Shinji into U-17!

Whether as a player or as a coach.


Senyu Shinji pondered for a moment.

Answered softly.

For this.

He also thought about it.

If you don’t join the tennis club.

Then you can only earn points to improve your ranking in the world.

On the other hand, the points that can be obtained in the entire Asian region are almost pitiful.

And there are many restrictions.

But joining U-17 is different.

After all, the opponent has this World Cup.

You can get a lot of points in this competition alone!

It can be said.

As long as the victory of this competition is won.

He can improve his ranking in a short time.


“Very good!”

“Congratulations to Coach Senyu for joining!

“We U-17 are really honored!’

Kurobe Yukio stood up immediately.

Hold Senyu Shinji’s hand.

A look of excitement.

“I will go back to U-17 and arrange this with other coaches now.”

“I can give Coach Senyu a satisfactory answer tomorrow at the latest!

He was afraid that Senyu Shinji would regret it.

A look of impatientness.

Almost at the next moment.

He rushed out the door directly.

“Become a U-17 coach?”

“It sounds like a good decision!”

Senyu Shinji smiled and looked at Yukio Kurobe, who had already left before Tamamo, outside the window.

Not to mention these.

He was the coach of U-17 at the age of a junior high school student.

Even in Japan.

Even the whole world has never seen such a situation!

U-17 training camp here.

After Kurobe Yukio hurried back.

At the moment, all the coaches were directly called for a meeting.

It can be said now.

The four major U-17 coaches have all gathered here.

“Kurobe, how are you doing?”

Three Mifūne Nyudō asked in a deep voice.

As the head coach of U-17.

What he cares most now is the progress of Senyu Shinji’s invitation.

“In the beginning, he didn’t want to join.

This is what Kurobe Yukio said on his face.

It was smiling.

It really made everyone present look stunned.


Then he became quite understanding look.

An existence that can sweep U-17.

Don’t mention joining.

Maybe I can’t even look at it anymore.

“But! He finally agreed!”


After Kurobe Yukio stopped selling Sekiko.

Everyone couldn’t help but become curious.

Even Mi Mifūne Nyudō Mi looked at Yukio Kurobe with curiosity.

He saw everyone look like this.

Can not help but continue to talk about everything that happened at that time.

“Let him be a U-17 coach who is only a middle school student?”

Saitō Itaru and Tsuge Ryūji were dumbfounded.

Obviously, he was shocked by this word.

“Is this a bit too joke?”

“He is just a junior high school student!”

“Is it possible to be a coach?”

The two of Tsuge Ryūji couldn’t help but wonder.

“I don’t know, if you two go to serve as coaches in front of Tamamo..

“Can you let everyone in front of Tamamo win the national championship in such a short period of time?”

Kurobe Yukio asked back.

The two of Tsuge Ryūji fell silent directly.

Because they knew it was impossible!

Not to mention they won the championship.

Even entering the quarterfinals is a huge challenge.

But Senyu Shinji has grown bigger almost easily!


“Senyu Shinji can definitely be the coach of U-17!”

He is quite confident in Senyu Shinji!

There is a saying that is said.

The more you understand, the more shocked you will be!

“Will he join U-17 as long as he is a coach?”

Mi Mifūne Nyudō stared at Yukio Kurobe and asked.

His eyes were extremely serious.

Until Kurobe Yukio nodded.


“That’s it!”

“If his level of guidance is really as legendary.”

“Let him be the head coach!”

Three Mifūne Nyudō said in a deep voice.

Everyone present was stunned.

No one thought that San Mifūne Nyudō San would be so optimistic about Senyu Shinji.

I agreed directly!

He even intends to make Senyu Shinji the head coach of U-17!


“I still have to meet Senyu Shinji myself!”

San Mifūne Nyudō San said that he is very optimistic about Senyu Shinji.


He still wanted to meet the first person in the country.

Take a good look at each other.

“Do you want to see his level?”

Kurobe Yukio suddenly felt the mind of Mifūne Nyudōsan.


“Although I agreed to this matter.

“But whoever is the coach of U-17.

“This is something worthy of attention!”

“And this time, he is only the age of a junior high school student!!

San Mifūne Nyudō San nodded solemnly and said.

“I will tell him!”

Kurobe Yukio nodded immediately.

After that, everyone continued to discuss other things.

Following the conclusion of this discussion.

Yukio Kurobe called Senyu Shinji.

It also succinctly explains all this.

“Want to know my level?

After Senyu Shinji heard this.

I couldn’t help but laughed.

Since I want to be a coach.

If you don’t show your own strength.

It may indeed be despised by the other party. .

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