Chapter 389 Kurobe who came to see you again

With the national Middle-School Tennis Competition finally ended with Tamamo’s former championship.

The corresponding celebration is of course essential.

This night.

It can be said that it is the carnival of the whole Yuzao~.

Of course it will come later.

People from other schools also came uninvited.

Almost everyone had a crazy hilarious night.

This is the most relaxing night for everyone in this period of time.

After the celebration.

Senyu Shinji also gave herself a day off.

Did not get up early to train.

But his idea is destined to fail!

Because early in the morning.

His phone is already a crazy call.

There are commercial performances and tennis club invitations.

There are also interview telephone numbers of some reporters.

Especially the invitation of the tennis club.

There are even promises.

As long as Senyu Shinji joins their tennis club.

Will directly help him get a wild card.

You can go directly to the Grand Slam!

To know.

There are four Grand Slams in the world!

Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon Tennis Championships, and Free Country Open!

For these four slams.

It’s not that you can participate if you have money.

First of all, you must have a certain number of points!

The usual grand slam.

There are generally 104 competition lists.

It also means that these 104 lists are the top 104 people in the world ranking!

Of course, it’s not just these places.

There are also 16 qualifying players.

And 8 wild card players!

A total of 128 people.

Of course.

It is impossible for all of these 104 people to participate.

Bi Jing will have some accidents or something.

Therefore, the world rankings are generally postponed to around 120.


The promise of wild card this tennis club.

But it does not require any requirements.

Ignore the points ranking, you can start from participating in the Grand Slam.

This kind of thing is for many people.

It’s definitely a great thing.

But Senyu Shinji did not agree.

Although the wild card is very good.

But after all, it belongs to the back door.

Senyu Shinji will either not participate in this grand slam.

Either you will rely on your own strength to really fight it!


After hanging up all these calls.

Senyu Shinji lay down and emptied her heart.

There is no plan to get up.

at this time.

His phone rang again.

Senyu Shinji glanced at the phone.

It was discovered that it was the principal of Tamamo’s former academy.

So he picked it up directly.

“Principal, what’s the matter?”

After Senyu Shinji opened his mouth and asked briefly.

“Senyu, now we have a coach who claims to be U-17 in our tennis club and is looking for you.”

The principal before Tamamo responded quickly.

Early today.

Tamamo former academy welcomed a coach Yukio Kurobe who claimed to be U-17.

He almost ran directly to the tennis club looking for Senyu Shinji.

But I don’t have Senyu Shinji’s contact information.

In the end, he could only find the principal before Yuzao.


Senyu Shinji was also a little surprised after listening.

I don’t understand what Kurobe Yukio is doing now.

But still nodded.

“I see, I’ll go over.”

After washing.

Senyu Shinji was driven by the driver.

Came to the principal’s office of Tamamo Former Academy.

At this time, Kurobe Yukio was drinking the black tea in his hand elegantly.

After seeing Senyu Shinji come in.

Said with a gentle smile.

“Congratulations to you for leading the people in front of Yuzao to win the National Middle-School Tennis Championships.”

“The current Senyu classmates can be said to be famous all over the country.

“Even the boys from U-17 are watching your game in front of the TV.”

Senyu Shinji nodded with a chuckle after listening.

Nothing was said afterwards.

Seeing that Senyu Shinji stopped talking.

A look of awkwardness appeared on Yukio Kurobe’s face involuntarily.

“Coach Kurobe, just tell me if you have anything.

The former headmaster Tamamo on the side hurriedly cleared the encirclement.

Kurobe Yukio looked at the boy sitting opposite with a gentle face.

I couldn’t help being convinced from the bottom of my heart.

Senyu Shinji had bet with him just before.

He said he would lead the people before Yuzao to win the National Middle-School Tennis Championship.

To determine whether he is qualified to be a coach.

Kurobe Yukio didn’t quite compare how long it took.

Senyu Shinji has thoroughly proved his strength.

The members of Tamamo’s former academy have now won the final championship.

………For flowers 0-

It can be said.

In the past few days, even the phone number of Tamamo’s former college principal was about to be blown up.

Most of them are students who want to join Tamamo Former Academy.

It can be said.

Since Yuzao won the championship.

It has directly become the school of choice for everyone.

Facing this circumstances.

He, the principal, is also quite happy.

at this time.

Yukio Kurobe coughed, please.

No longer conceal the embarrassment.

Speaking straight to the point.

“The purpose of my visit this time is to invite Senyu classmates to join our U-17.

“Coach Kurobe, stop for a moment!”

After Yukio Kurobe spoke for a while.

Senyu Shinji said.

“Are you sure you are here to invite me to your U-17?”


“Although I do not deny the professionalism and strength of U-17.

“But, I don’t want to play house games with a group of children!!

Senyu Shinji said calmly.

Although he wanted to go to U-17 before.

But now the U-17 has been swept away by him.

There is no need to waste time playing with a group of weak people.

This is not Senyu Shinji’s idea and style!

After hearing Senyu Shinji’s words.

Kurobe Yukio was dumbfounded.

-I forgot all what I was going to say.

At this time he suddenly remembered.

Senyu Shinji’s strength has reached the level of professional elite.

Not to mention U-17.

Even those above the world rankings are not necessarily Senyu Shinji’s opponents.

Kurobe Yukio couldn’t help but became embarrassed.

“That, Senyu classmate.

Kurobe Yukio wanted to invite it again.

But I can’t think of any reason to invite Senyu Shinji.

Kurobe Yukio suddenly thought about it.

Hurriedly said.

“Then, can Senyu Shinji come to U-17 as a coach?”

This is the best invitation method he can think of.

“As long as Senyu student agrees, we can go to U-17 now.”

“Not only can you be a coach.”

“And if you want to play, you can do it anytime!

“You can choose the position!

Kurobe Yukio said it all in one breath.

Looking at Senyu Shinji with a look of expectation in his eyes. one.

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