Chapter 158 Spiritual power not inferior to the spirit

“try again!”

Shou laughed, and Yajiujin raised the tennis ball in his hands.

Next second.

Leaping up, racquet hit the tennis hard with his right hand.

The powerful force makes the racquet face sunken.


The tennis ball swept across the net like a stream of light.

Step on!

At this time, Sanada’s footsteps moved forward quickly.

Watching the swiftly attacking tennis ball, he swung out again.

The original high-speed spinning tennis ball turned into a flat ball.

“Boy, it’s useless.

Akuzu stared at Sanada Genichiro with a pair of eyes, his eyes full of brutality and fierceness.

The body slowly bends to the ground, forming a sprinting posture.

Racquet hit the ground.



There was a violent rubbing sound.

Ajuzin dragged Racquet across the ground.

A lot of sparks came in from the contact point between the racquet and the ground.


A beast-like figure leaped high into the sky.

The racquet in Yajujin’s hands was slammed out with unprecedented terrifying power.

The tennis ball that is still in motion directly enters into a terrifying wave, shatters the space, and shoots out.

Half-step professional ball skill-sprint ball.

With the help of running, the horror shot that gives strong kinetic energy contains extremely powerful strength and speed.

“call out!”

Electric light flint room.

The tennis ball pierced the air.

Although not in front of Genichiro Sanada 373, the terrifying air wave has set off a frenzy, and all the dust on the ground has been blown away.

Sanada’s expression became extremely solemn.

This ball is different from any ball he has seen before.

There is a power that is powerful enough to destroy everything.


Ajiujin, a national-level elite, really broke out with all his strength.

Unmatched strength coupled with a terrible sixth sense.

Directly played such a terrible tennis aiming at a dead corner.


At the moment when Sanada Genichiro thought, a dragon-shaped wave of air rushed over.

The tennis ball hit the baseline, and the powerful force directly caused a spider web-like pit around the court baseline.

The tennis ball is thus embedded in the deep pit.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

“Hey, referee, quickly announce that I have won.”

Akutsu looked at the referee sitting on the high platform with an unhappy expression.

The referee was still in a sluggish state. Hearing his voice, he slowly came back to his senses.

Facing the beast-like face and fierce eyes of Yajujin, he couldn’t help but slap Dozine all over his body.

“Yes, GAMEOVER, Yuzao won the serve game, the score: 2 to 0.

The referee hurriedly announced the result.

“Fuck, this boy is really amazing!”

“That ball is simply destructive.”

“Almost lost the net and pierced the net.

The audience on the field reacted and exclaimed one by one.

Almost everyone looked at Ajutsu, and all trembled.

For a time, the tyrant shocked the audience.

No one could have imagined that the Emperor Rikkai High School, who swept Kanagawa Prefecture, was so weak under the tyrant.

Is this the true strength of the dark horse Yuzao?

“That guy’s eyes just glowed, what’s the matter?”

“No matter in terms of strength, speed, or skill, the opponent seems to have surpassed Vice Minister Sanada.”

“Moreover, he seems to know the location of every ball in advance.

Rikkai’s full selection of players are all dumbfounded.

“Ajutsu seems to have opened his third eye and can see what others can’t.”

Yanagi Renji’s eyes flickered.

“The third eye?’

Many Rikkai team members looked at strategist Yanagi Renji, with all their faces puzzled.

“Renji was right.”

“I have read such a report among professional tennis players in the world.”

“Athletes with extremely developed motor nerves are likely to further develop their own potential.”

“Thereby awakening the senses other than the five senses.”

Yukimura, the Son of God, said meaningfully: “I suspect that Akutsu has opened up the sixth sense, the mind.

“Ultra-sensory perception, see through the opponent’s thoughts, so as to predict the path and moves.”

“This feeling is in no way inferior to the second door in the depths of selflessness-the limit of talent.

As a naturally strong player, Yukimura is more keenly aware of the changes in cgabjin than anyone.

Whether it is the sixth sense, the seventh sense, or the eighth sense, in the final analysis, it is the power of the soul.

In essence, they are all special human powers that are not inferior to spiritual power.

At present, Yajujin’s development of the mind even surpassed his control of the spirit.

At the very least, Seiichi Yukimura’s spiritual control-the deprivation of the five senses, is still in its infancy.

And they have used the sixth sense unscrupulously in tennis.

“Asshole, you underestimated me!”

Sanada Genichiro was completely irritated by Akuzu, and his dark face was full of anger.

The emperor’s breath that belongs to the national level covers the whole body.

In the case that everyone can’t see, the tennis directly hits out.


It’s a pity that Yajutsu took the ball easily.

And, he fought back with a stronger force.

The two sides entered the fiercest battle.

Woolen cloth!


Woolen cloth!

Emperor Rikkai was the same as the former tyrant of Yuzao, one domineering like a knife, the other fierce like a beast.

Even if one of the two sides tilts, the battle will always remain in a white-hot stalemate.

In this way, you come and me, keep on attacking.

This scene shocked all the schools that came to watch the game.

No one would have thought that the competition between two junior high school students was not more fierce than the professional level.






The referee sitting on the high platform was terrified, and that terrible tennis ball was flying in front of him.

If one is not good, you will be unable to protect yourself.

“This kind of competition is really too.”

Even the scouts of the tennis club were deeply shocked by the strength displayed by Akuzu and Sanada.

Whether it is speed, strength or skill, the two have surpassed the ordinary national level.

Looking at the whole of Japan, the national level is the threshold for high school students.

This is incredible!

However, even such strong two people are just players in the tennis clubs of two schools.

The real ministers, Yukimura, Son of God and Senyu of Senyu, haven’t taken any action yet.

It is enough to see how terrible the middle school students are now.

“Boy, it’s okay, I can actually keep up with my uncle’s footsteps.”

on court.

Akutsu glanced at Sanada, his eyes very aggressive.


Sanada seemed extremely dissatisfied with Akutsu’s attitude.

A stronger coercion erupted from his body.

It was as fierce and domineering as a katana.

“Ha ha!”

“Things are getting more and more interesting.”

Feeling that the breath in Sanada was approaching the national elites, Ajiuzu’s expression became more and more excited.

Only by fighting a strong opponent can you become stronger.

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