Chapter 157 The sixth sense is on, a rare tennis geek

“You seem to be dancing!”

A smile appeared on Yajujin’s rebellious face, and his eyes condensed.

The whole body released a black and red aura, like a fierce beast.

The flame smash like a raging wave was caught by him easily.

next moment.

The black and red breath of beasts covers the tennis ball.

Ajutsu’s arm muscles burst suddenly.

An unprecedented terrifying force burst out.

His right hand slapped fiercely.


A loud noise spread throughout the audience.

The tennis ball was wrapped in black and red, and it was extremely fierce.

Wherever it passed, the air shattered and the light distorted.

What a terrifying ball!


Upon seeing this, Sanada’s pupils shrank instantly.

The whole body was exposed with a powerful aura that resembled a mighty prison.

The feet are arched and firmly rooted in the ground.

Facing the swinging tennis ball, his body faintly exudes a milky white light.

The state of no self, immovable like a mountain, opens at the same time.


The tennis ball hit the racquet heavily, and the racket surface quickly sank.

Sanada’s face changed drastically.

This ball is far more terrifying than he thought.


Facing this powerful force, Sanada Genichiro took a few steps backwards.

In the end, he barely withstood the impact of tennis.

“Come again!

In an instant.

Sanada’s eyes shone brightly.

The racquet in his hand was swung out without anyone seeing it.

Tennis directly turned into a hurricane and swept away.

National level football skills-it’s as fast as the wind!

“Since you are so happy, then I can’t be too disappointed.”

The voice just fell.

The black and red aura on Ajiujin’s body completely disappeared.

It is replaced by a sense of haziness and transparency.

The rebellious white hair on his head has become crystal clear and shiny, like silver hair.

The endless phantom of the Milky Way appeared in the eyes, deep and mysterious.


“How did that person change?”

“So cool!

The audience saw the changes in Ajutsu, and they were all speechless.

“That guy

All the members of Rikkai High School were surprised to see them.Is this still the fierce tyrant Akutsu?

From any angle, it looks like a legendary Metroid.

The eyes of Yukimura, the son of God, became extremely solemn, and he intuitively told him that Akutsu was very strong in this state.

“Minister, what happened to Ajutsu?”

In front of Tamamo, Kikumaru and others looked at Senyu Shinji with a puzzled expression.

If anyone knows Akuzu best, Senyu Shinji is the second best, Fuji Syusuke next.

Because Fuji Syusuke’s mastery of the power of the wind was all done with the help of Aguzu.

The duel between the two is more like a match.

“The sixth sense-super sensory perception, also called mind.”

“Can receive information through channels other than the normal senses, and can predict what will happen.”

“Only people with extremely developed nerves can awaken.”

Senyu Shinji spoke lightly.


Hearing that, all Yuzao’s former team members fell into silence.

Although they don’t quite understand what the sixth sense is, they can understand what it means to foresee what is about to happen.

This is equivalent to turning your intuition into a certain kind of consciousness. Intuition thinks at which point the ball falls, then the ball is likely to fall at that point.

Damn it!

This sixth sense is simply a cheat device.

Kunimitsu’s eyes lit up.

The second door in the depths of selflessness-the limit of talents, can see the progress of the game, use the brain power to rotate rapidly, activate the operation of the mind, simulate the content of the game in an instant, and accurately predict the number of balls required for the round .

This is similar to the sixth sense of Akutsu’s awakening.

at this time.

There was an extremely weird feeling all over the field of Sanada Genichiro, as if Akuzu had seen everything through.

Just as he was stunned, Ajutsu directly swung his pat.


The violent sonic boom awakened everyone’s consciousness.

Under the auspices of the sixth sense, the sweet spot technology combined with the breath of beasts gave birth to an unprecedented tyrant breath.

The power of tennis has soared and strengthened to the extreme.

call out!!!

A sharp neighing sound rang from Sanada’s ears.

Finally, gradually reduce the decibel.


The ball hit the baseline hard and the audience was shocked.

Sanada Genichiro’s face suddenly became extremely stiff again.

“So strong!”

The ball just hit the floor with dozens of terrifying cracks.

When the tennis ball was out, the audience was stunned.

They almost thought that the ball would come.

It’s so fierce!


In front of Yuzao serve the game, Akutsu scores one point first.


In the originally silent arena, countless spectators exclaimed in exclamation.

The ball just now surpassed everyone’s imagination.

“That is ”

Tennis Weekly reporter Mamoru Inoue’s eyes widened.

From Akutsu, he seemed to have seen a top professional player from Japan that he had interviewed.

That player is extremely advanced in motor nerves, and by concentrating his whole body strength, he can burst out in an instant, forming unprecedented power.

Compared with the current Ajutsu, how similar.

At this moment, Mamoru Inoue doesn’t know what to say, there are simply too many monsters in front of Tamamo!

From Senyu of the immortal to the hand of the monarch, to the tyrant Akutsu and Fuji, which one is not an excellent seed ahead of the Japanese generation.

Looking at the whole country in Japan, no school has had such a glorious moment, even in its hundreds of years of history.


Ajuzin made another goal.

Sanada Genichiro didn’t react at all.



Yuzao will serve the game and get another point.

“Hey, kid.,

“Is this kind of strength also worthy of being a weapon in front of Lao Tzu?”

In Yajutsu’s hand, racquet pointed diagonally at Sanada Genichiro, the unspeakable instrument Zhang domineering.

However, Henichiro Sanada on the opposite side ignored him all the time.

“How can it be?”

“Why did that guy’s strength suddenly become so terrifying (good Zhaohao).”

Questions continuously surfaced in Sanada’s heart, and his eyes gradually became confused.

Compared with the same beginning, Yajujin has achieved two consecutive increases in his own strength, and it has not only doubled.

It stands to reason that this increase in strength is terrible once, and twice it is simply not human.


Akuzu snorted coldly as he sensed Sanada’s distraction.

The tennis ball was raised high in his hand.

next moment.

With a leap from the ground, his figure appeared directly high in the air.

The right arm swung racquet fiercely.

The standard action like a textbook was presented to everyone.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball shot out like a feather arrow.

The swift arc shocked everyone.


The audience was stunned again, and it was unimaginable that Ajujin changed from a power ball to a speed ball.

Moreover, the speed is sufficient to contemplate the entire national border.

Is this the tennis geek-tyrant Ajutsu?.

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