Chapter 482 Hope and Despair Samsara

“No!” As he was talking, Duobao suddenly realized that it was wrong. The despair of the whole world was weighing on him. No matter what Sui Ren had experienced, he should not be able to bear it. At least, the possibility is unlikely!

“On you…” He stared at Sui Renshi carefully, only to feel the fog, still unable to see clearly.

“This nasty guy.” He suddenly felt that the guy who was suddenly involved was a little annoying.

“Dao Zun, admit defeat, as long as you are willing to restrain yourself, I can wait without hurting your life.” Suiren said.

“Don’t hurt me?” Duobao was stunned when he heard that, what did he hear.

“Sui, I haven’t seen you for a while, and my ability has improved a lot, and my tone has also grown.”

Duobao stretched out his hand fiercely, and the endless despair, including the Sui Renshi, was caught in his hand, exquisite and small, just like a doll.

“What makes you think that I will be shocked by your little means?”

Duobao shook his head: “Or, in your eyes, I am so unbearable, I only have this ability?”

“The turn of despair and hope just wants me to surrender?”

He sneered: “Sui, when have you been so naive?”

Being caught in his hands, the Sui Renshi was not panicked. Hearing Dubao’s words, he was not disappointed either, just shook his head.

“Dao Zun, you can’t win.”


When the words fell, the Suiren clan disintegrated on its own, even with the despair he held in his hands, and collapsed at the same time. The mighty, desperate power collapsed in his hands and disappeared in an instant.

Then, not far away, in the darkness, a ray of light appeared, and in the light, a little hope appeared, rapidly expanding, and the Sui Renshi walked out of it.

“This is your confidence?”

Duobao snorted coldly. It seemed that these guys really thought he was just that capable, which made him Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, as if he was underestimated.

Taking one step forward, the infinite and incredible light manifests behind him. The number of rays is an incredible amount. In each ray of light, there is a bright to the extreme civilization.

The moment the light appeared, the entire void changed. It was like a masterless void with a master and a dominance. All the laws, concepts, and rules have changed.

Suiren’s complexion changed, and he felt that he was invisible bound, and he was not as free as before.

With the infinite world, Duobao walked towards Suiren, one step, one step, not fast, but it brought great pressure to Suiren, as if the opposite was not a person, but countless worlds, and every world was incomparable. How much worse is the prehistoric world.

The pressure is great, and with the distance, it becomes stronger and stronger, incredible.


Before coming to the Suiren clan, under the strong pressure, the Suiren clan could not bear it, and he blew himself under pressure.

In situ turned into a dazzling blood flower of life.

Among the petals, hope drifted, despair appeared, hope and despair Samsara, once again staged.


Duobao opened his mouth, his voice turned into strength, he wanted to calm the flower of life and interrupt Samsara, who was hopeful and desperate.

Where the flower of life is, the void is distorted, and there is faintly a vast force surging, supporting, and rendering, which can swallow everything and turn it into the nourishment of despair and hope Samsara.


With a thunderous sound, Dubao raised his brows, and in his eyes, the flower of life that had been restrained and temporarily stopped Samsara, exploded again, and the despair that was still born, collapsed in an instant, and after an instant, hope was born.

What surprised him was that the power he used to suppress was swallowed up by it, turned into nourishment, and the hope of rebirth was stronger than at first.


Duobao cried out in amazement. This time he used some power. It is truly a power that belongs to the level of rules. Although there are not many, it should not be able to resist the existence of the realm that has not yet achieved the rules. .

He is confident!

Unexpectedly, that’s it, everything went wrong!

The power of the rule level could be swallowed by this Samsara, which was far beyond his expectations.

His suppression made it even more, and in the hope of rebirth, there was a faint smell of rules.

“Can you reach this level?”

Duobao’s eyes widened, and suddenly he became interested.

Hope and despair Samsara, whether strong or not is yet to be known, but with such a potential, it is beyond his expectations.

“If it is allowed to grow normally, can it grow to the level of regulation if it continues like this?”

A thought in my heart was born and expanded in an instant. Suddenly, exams or something were left behind.

He increased the power of repression, testing the potential and limits of hope and despair Samsara, allowing it to grow continuously while maintaining the limits.

Despair and hope cycle, repeating constantly, growing a little, and devouring his power a little bit, and his aura gradually becomes stronger.

“Really…” Duobao’s amazement grew in his heart. What is this thing? How could there be such a big potential?

This is the rule!

In the prehistoric times, Sage is difficult to prove, even after Sage.

Originally, apart from the three rule Sages of Pangu, Hongjun and Luohu, there were only six Sages in total, and it was still the most common Sage, not even the conceptual Sage.

Sage is difficult to prove, and it is even more difficult to step after Sage, especially at the level of rule Sage, which is much more difficult than the gap between the predecessors and Sage.

Even if there is an infinite amount of Sage, it may not be possible to produce a rule Sage.

The prehistoric world is very strange, especially from the perspective of the rule Sage.

The world where rules Sage can be born, logically speaking, the existence of Sage at this level should already be flooded like weeds and increase, otherwise it will not be able to sustain the emergence of rules Sage.

But in the midst of prehistoric times, under this kind of foundation, the three rule Sage was born. Don’t count as Dubao, he is a variable.

Having said so much, I mainly want to explain the huge gap between ordinary Sage and regular Sage!

That is definitely not Realm that can be achieved after the quantity is up, it is the supreme transcendence, the realm of detachment.

No amount of normal power should be able to break through this limit, but now, the hope and despair Samsara controlled by the Suiren clan has the potential to reach the level of the rules!

This really surprised him and at the same time couldn’t figure it out.

“It’s not because of other rules Sage’s actions, they should directly be the power of the rule Sage’s realm, not like this, to make something with the potential of the rule’s realm!” Duobao denied a guess that appeared in his mind.

“So, is this something that really has the potential of breakthrough rules, or is it a person?”

Suddenly, Duobao stared at Sui Renshi’s eyes shining brightly.

“Human race can actually show such potential…”

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