Chapter 481

Dark, desperate, soft but flooded everywhere, the ubiquitous mist enveloped Duobao’s body and obscured his figure.

The darkness of despair fell into the darkness of the pupils, darker, and the extremely desperate breath rushed into the eyes, faintly, you can see the bottomless abyss of despair behind him.

The black mist of despair really appeared, was engulfed, and rushed into the river. It did not enter the river, but directly passed through the river and entered the other world.

Sui Renshi watched quietly, without the slightest joy in his eyes, but some were only deeply disappointed.

In the river, under the numerous flames, countless figures were silent, each looking at this scene without emotional fluctuations, like sculptures one by one.

This river is not an ordinary river. It should be said that it is a river of hope for all living beings. Every flame in it represents a living being, and the flame on their foreheads is exactly the hope in their hearts.

This is the power of condensing sentient beings, the hope of sentient beings, the most extreme despair born out of hope, opening up a world of despair, hoping to pull Duobao into the world of despair, and seal it forever.


A huge roar sounded, and the figure that was about to rush into the world of despair stopped abruptly.

In the desperate black mist, the figure turned her back to the crowd, and couldn’t see the expression on her face, but a terrifying and terrifying aura slowly appeared on her body, making the vest chill.

“Good means, really good means.”

“With the power of sentient beings, with the hope of sentient beings, despair is bred. If you change to an ordinary person, you will have already learned the Tao at this time.”

“This has gone beyond the law, even beyond the concept.”

The human heart is the heavenly heart, the power of condensing sentient beings, the hope of sentient beings, in a sense, this is already an alternative Heavenly Dao.

I have to say that such methods of Suirenshi and others really surprised him, but there was not much joy in his heart.

“The method is a good method.” Duobao still didn’t turn around, but his voice came slowly, extremely cold: “Just, have you ever thought about it.”

“The river of hope for sentient beings, if the opponent can resist, as long as it cannot succeed in a single blow, then it is equivalent to giving the opponent a platform to directly attack everyone. As long as the opponent is willing, then all living beings can be erased in a single thought. ”

“This is a good trick, but it’s too dangerous.”

The idea is good, but unfortunately, the shortcomings are too great, that is, he, replaced by another person, at this time, the entire prehistoric world is already in danger.

If you want to move, you need to change people.

In order to deal with himself, they would make such a trick, which seemed to be expected, but he did not like such a trick, and he was very unhappy.

Duobao turned around, his dark eyes were still full of despair, but his will and character were not affected in the slightest.

Two black lights shot out from the eyes, turning into a sea of ​​despair on both sides, and rushed to Suiren’s mightily.

The sea of ​​despair visible to the naked eye is even more desperate than the despair made by the hope of sentient beings.

Duobao is a little angry. There is hope when he is alive. Until the last time, such a method is absolutely unusable.

In terms of the results, they were all pretty good in this exam, but from such a method, it was too much.

He wants to teach them a lesson, one of the deepest lessons, so that they can remember this problem.

The sea of ​​despair has come near, and sentient beings hope that the river will be swallowed, and there is no power to resist. It is a power of despair that is stronger than their strongest power, and it is completely beyond their ability to resist.

Within a few breaths, sentient beings hope that the river will become a sea of ​​despair, and Suiren’s expression has not changed much when surrounded by the sea of ​​despair.

Duobao walked up on the desperate sea, and his icy eyes fell on Suiren’s body: “Sui, you disappointed me a bit.”

“Really?” Sui looked at Duobao calmly, turned around, and plunged into the ocean of despair. The last voice came: “So, now?”

The desperate ocean, vast and boundless, engulfed a single person, simply inconspicuous, without arousing a wave, naturally there was no movement.

A strange color flashed in Dubao’s eyes, standing on the ocean of despair: “Huh? Is there any other means for this action?”

In thinking, he noticed a little fluctuation and looked into the core of the ocean of despair. There, Suiren reappeared, and the flame in the center of his eyebrows turned into a flame of despair.

The flames of despair engulfed the despair around them at an extremely fast speed. After a short time, the entire sea of ​​despair was swallowed by it, and he stood in front of Duo Bao again.

The Suiren clan at this time had completely changed his appearance, not his appearance, but his temperament.

At first he seemed to carry the hope of all beings in the world, but now it is the despair, endless malice, deepness, despair, cursing… the most extreme emotions, like the most extreme torture, continue to torment Sui Renshi.

This is mental torture, more fierce and unbearable than physical torture.

It’s like a person can bear the torture of broken arms, slow delays, gouging, and even a sea of ​​swords, but not necessarily able to withstand the scolding, contempt, disdain, hate… and so on.

“You…” Duobao was horrified, and the anger in his heart dissipated, replaced by shock and horror.

The Sea of ​​Despair was born from the despair he condensed from the hope of all sentient beings. It is stronger, more fierce, and more extreme!

Suiren had endured so much despair, and the mental torture he had suffered was so great that it was unimaginable that he himself did not dare to say that he could bear it.

But Suiren could bear it, and even the expression on his face didn’t change much. From the face of it, it was difficult to see what he had endured now.

Duobao was moved and changed for the first time. He looked carefully and was even more shocked: “This is all in your plan?”

The despair in hope, the despair in despair, before it seemed that he swallowed the river of hope with the sea of ​​despair, but in fact, he achieved the Suiren clan, he took everything with his own will.

The Sea of ​​Despair is very powerful, and it even carries a trace of his anger.

While being strong, if it can bear it, then these despairs will become its strength.

At this time, the Suiren clan, because of the despair it carried, had leapfrogged Ascension, Concept Sage, and even the pinnacle of Concept Sage.

“After all, it is Dao Zun. If it can be solved so easily, doesn’t it sound like a joke?” Suiren said calmly, and then asked: “So, is Dao Zun still disappointed now?”

Duobao took a deep breath, shook his head, and looked at Suiren’s complicatedly: “I’m not disappointed, but Sui, what have you experienced on earth, can you bear this?”

Despair turns into strength, but unlike general strength, which requires the body and spirit to carry, despair and hope only require will. As long as the will is strong enough, then despair and hope can be surrendered and used for oneself.

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