Chapter 465


Ancestor Qilin As the ancestor of the Qilin clan, the Qilin clan’s temperament changes, and he has an instant reaction.

Stupid, dumb, all this is beyond his understanding.

He took the Heavenly Dao oath to expel little Qilin from the Qilin clan and disconnected from the Qilin clan.

It was the oath he swore, and it was Heavenly Dao who did it!

It stands to reason that even if he wants to bring little Qilin back into the clan, it will not be easy!

After all, Heavenly Dao can’t be deceived!

At least it will take a long time before Xiao Qilin or him can do something to prove that they were not playing for fun before, and there is a legitimate reason to take Qilin back.

But how long did it take? It was not time for a cup of tea, and Duobao just said a word, and then the little Qilin came back?

Zu Qilin was shocked and shocked, and couldn’t help but look up.

In the sky, the sky is blue, white clouds are floating, the wind blows the clouds, and the sky is long… Is there something wrong with Heavenly Dao?

If the front foot is disconnected, the back foot is connected?

Zu Qilin looked at Duobao in horror. He knew that this was not a problem with Heavenly Dao, but that Duobao was too strong!

It’s so strong that Heavenly Dao needs a Giving face!

Unconsciously, a rich surprise appeared in his heart, Duobao was stronger than he had guessed, and stronger than the old dragon had said!

The most important thing is that he has agreed to accept Xiao Qilin and continued the connection between Xiao Qilin and the Qilin clan, which proves his attitude… but he can’t help but surprise.

Really climbed this one. From now on, his Qilin family will have a good life!

“Okay, okay, the Qilin clan is a great clan. Although retired, the strength is also the best. You don’t have to be so careful. The big clan should look like a big clan.”

Duobao said softly: “You can still go out, just don’t fight for hegemony, don’t do anything out of line.”

Zu Qilin’s body trembled, a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes, and then he shook his head quickly: “Don’t dare, don’t dare, just live well, other…”

He looked complicated, and after a long pause, Wei Ran said, “I don’t want to.”

In no mood?

How can it be?

After all, he was once the overlord of heaven and earth. Now he lives in a corner and dare not walk. It can be said that he has been imprisoned in disguise. Who can really be willing?

However, there is no way, because of the three tribes, great changes have taken place in the wild world. The chaotic era filled with Chaos Spiritual Qi has become the Xiantian era of Xiantian Spiritual Qi, which directly interrupted an era. This is a huge Karma. .

Although the three tribes use the own method to lose most of the Karma and karma, but there is still Karma, karma exists, and they dare not walk too much in the predicament, let alone make trouble, for fear that it will cause the accumulation of the original. Karma, the backlash of karma.

Once again such a catastrophe, the three clans are really going to be annihilated!

For this reason, the current three races rarely show up in the prehistoric. Qilin and Phoenix are basically absent. Only the dragon clan, because of the vastness of the world, must control the four seas and suppress the water cycle. It must appear. Otherwise, it will also be seen in the predominant. Not many dragons.

Of course, the most important thing is that he also has to admit that the old dragon is indeed stronger than them. In the form of a dragon vein, the Karma that is dissolved has more karma than them.

A few dragons appeared outside, and it didn’t affect it.

You can even participate in the catastrophe a little bit and use the catastrophe to eliminate your karma, Karma.

But their Qilin and Phoenix clan can’t do it!

This is also the biggest reason why the Dragon Clan appeared and traced during the original several catastrophes, but his Qilin and Phoenix clan were basically invisible.

“Don’t worry, although you did a lot of things at the beginning, it was also due to the general trend. With Karma and karma, you can’t be blamed entirely.”

When Duobao thought about it, he naturally understood all of them, and said with some exclamation: “However, those are now gone, the prehistoric has changed, and the tolerance is higher. As long as you don’t participate in the battle between the heaven and the earth, you can be born. .”

The dignified overlord of heaven and earth now has become like this, and it really looks a bit pitiful… the character who originally said that he is indifferent, but now because of a younger brother, he threw his own Face to the ground without hesitation.

Duobao felt sad for him.

“No, no, let’s forget it, let’s…” Zu Qilin shook his head again and again. Although he thought, he refused. He was still afraid and didn’t dare to be born.

However, before the words were finished, he suddenly stopped, looked up to the sky, and a message appeared.

[Dragon, Phoenix, Qilin, the three tribes have great merits in the heavens and the earth, they can lift their prisoners and walk in the wilderness. 】

Zu Qilin was stunned, his body trembling, and two tear-stained words fell in his eyes: “Heavenly Dao, it is the Heavenly Dao message… can my Qilin really walk in the wilderness?”

The prisoner robbery is also a catastrophe. The Karma that the three tribes had committed was punished, and their karma greatly restricted them.

Let them have a lot of calculations and methods, they can’t use them, they are taboo, and they don’t dare to take actions to resolve their own karma, Karma can only defend one area and endure it silently.

If you can really walk out and appear openly, then many methods can be used, not to fight for hegemony, but to eliminate your own Karma, karma, that’s enough!

“Great, great…” Zu Qilin was tearful, staring at Duobao, subconsciously bending down, and about to kneel down for Duobao.

He understood that Heavenly Dao suddenly lifted the ban. At this time, Duobao had said such words before, and it was absolutely inseparable from Duobao.

Duobao shook his head lightly, and Zu Qilin couldn’t kneel down anymore, “I’m also the leader of the clan anyway, why bother?”

His current Realm, his identity, and his thoughts are Tianxin, and he said that he would lift the ban, Heavenly Dao naturally showed it.

“Be well in the future, as long as you can’t afford the thoughts you shouldn’t have, it won’t be too bad in the predicament.”

Duobao said softly, and with a thought, he removed the power that had imprisoned Zu Qilin from his body.

Zu Qilin stared at Dubao, there was a lot to say, but feeling his free body, knowing that Dubao didn’t want to say anything now, he swallowed silently, just bowed deeply to Dubao. , Be regarded as a thank you.

For them, the lifting of the ban on the three tribes is a good thing incomparable to anything.

He didn’t understand why Dubao could do this, but this did not prevent him from being grateful to Dubao.

“So, I will leave first.”

The ancestor Qilin got up, his figure disappeared.

In an unknown area on one side, the three divine thoughts fell together.

“We lifted the ban?” A divine thought turned into a nine-clawed golden dragon, excitedly and excitedly said.

“Yeah, I can feel that all the karma of my Phoenix clan, Karma, has stabilized, and no riots. The descendants of my clan, no longer walk in the predicament, and will not bear Karma, the explosion of karma, no There will be another accident.” Zu Feng, the ancestor of the Phoenix clan, said in disbelief.

“The three tribes were set up by Heavenly Dao as a prisoner, and they couldn’t get rid of the immeasurable robbery. Why did they suddenly disappear?” After the excitement, Zu Long was very puzzled: “Who knows the reason?”

“I know.” Zu Qilin said in a deep voice, looking at Zu Long: “Old Loach, Dao Zun is much stronger than you said!”

“Dao Zun? Who is Tao Zun?” Zu Long was puzzled for a moment, and then looked in the direction of Kunlun: “You are talking about him?”

“You mean, this time my three clans were able to lift the ban because of Dao Zun?”

He can’t believe that Duobao is strong, but he is not so strong, can he affect Heavenly Dao’s position?

How is this possible?

“Impossible?” Zu Feng also looked suspicious, shocked, and couldn’t believe it.

“It’s not him and who is it?” Zu Qilin hasn’t been relieved until now, and the shock in his tone can be clearly felt: “Before Dao Zun just said that the three clans can walk freely, The next moment of my three clans The prisoner robbery disappeared.”

“What?” Zu Long trembled: “Speaking of the law is easy, is this saying that the law is easy?”

“It’s not a simple way of speaking, this is already Heavenly Dao’s words!” Zu Feng said in amazement, “Speaking of the sky…Is this Realm not far from Dao Ancestor, right?”

They used to think that only Dao Ancestor could solve the problems of their three races. After all, Dao Ancestor fits Heavenly Dao, and his strength is far beyond imagination.

But how can I think that Duobao can do it now!

“I’m afraid it’s almost the same, maybe…” Zu Qilin looked at the two of them, and didn’t dare to say the following words, but the two already understood what he wanted to say.

“Dao Zun!”

The three of them murmured in their hearts, and stopped talking, and each wrote down their feelings.

“Since the prison robbery has been lifted, then our next methods can be used.”

“By the way, does Dao Zun have any preferences? We have to repay this love, although Dao Zun shouldn’t need it.”

“I heard that Dao Zun is very fond of Human Race…or else…”

Zu Long thought for a moment, and shook his head to stop: “No, the human race is the current protagonist of heaven and earth. After the disappearance of the Lich race, it should have grown immediately.”

“It’s just the sudden disappearance of the two groups of Lich, and it took away the luck and authority of the protagonist of heaven and earth, so that the human race just got the name, without the corresponding benefits, and then the high level of the human race disappeared inexplicably, which made the human race become what it is now. Desperate.”

“All this seems bizarre, but in fact, it may be the design of Dao Zun…”

“Design?” Zu Feng looked at Zu Long thoughtfully.

In fact, it should be calculation, but they dare not say the word calculation, feeling a little disrespectful to Dubao.

“Yes, as the protagonist of heaven and earth, one must endure many disasters in order to condense enough to withstand the life of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and to hold up an era.”

Zulong said in a deep voice: “For example, we, such as Lich, who have not experienced thousands of hardships and endless desperation, have just risen, but on the other hand, the human race… they are too smooth.”

“As far as the current situation is, the human race can’t bear the life of the protagonist of heaven and earth…that’s why this catastrophe occurred.”

“Yes.” Listening to Zu Long’s words, Zu Qilin also gradually thought of this: “It is also because the lich disappeared too suddenly, the human race appeared for too short a time, experienced too little, and the foundation of itself was not completed, so That’s it.”

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