Chapter 464: Qilin Patriarch

After sorting out the situation of Fuxi and the human race in his head, Duo Bao looked aside.

The space was distorted, and an aura of colorful auspiciousness suddenly appeared, turning into a middle-aged man with a cold face wearing a colorful divine garment.


In Duobao’s eyes, a huge colorful Qilin stood upright on the ground, shoulders and mountain level, with a mighty power, it seemed that it could swallow the sky with its mouth open.

“Do you know me?” Linzu raised his brows: “Since you know me, let me put my baby back.”

“Are you here?” Duobao looked up and down Linzu. It has been more than ten years since Xiao Qilin was arrested. He thought that Qilin clan masters would soon come and bring him back.

Unexpectedly, no one came here until now, and he is the ancestor of Qilin, comparable to the existence of the ancestor dragon, and is also the ancestor Qilin.

Of course, Zu Qilin just thought of it himself, his real name is not called this, it is just a title, nickname.

Hearing that, Zu Qilin’s complexion suddenly turned black, and his cheeks were a little red, but he couldn’t see it under the colorful divine light.

It was not that he came now, but that he only discovered not long ago that the tribe who had been sent by the tribe to forge a good relationship with the tribe did not come back.

This is not a difficult task, it is easy and simple, and there is no danger.

More importantly, after he transformed the entire Qilin family into auspiciousness, wherever Qilin went, it represented auspiciousness. No one would dare to attack Qilin, otherwise it would be contaminated with bad luck.

Although therefore, his Qilin clan can no longer participate in the hegemony, but because of this, no one dares to take the initiative.

He didn’t expect that someone would really dare to attack him Qilin?

Are you really unlucky enough for yourself?

“Huh?” With thoughts, Zu Qilin looked at Duobao, frowned, and couldn’t help but let out a surprise.

He didn’t even see a trace of bad luck on Duobao’s body. He had all shot the Qilin clan on him, and he didn’t even have any bad luck?

“This thing… doesn’t seem to be right!”

Zu Qilin’s heart sank. After taking a closer look at Duobao, he asked, “Who are you?”

“I… Duobao.” Duobao curled his lips without concealing it.

“Duobao?” Zu Qilin’s eyebrows twitched. The name seemed familiar, as if he had heard of it somewhere?

“Duobao, Duobao…” He kept repeating in a low voice, his eyes gradually weird.

This guy, calling his name that way, is there something wrong with it?

He looked at the palm of ancestor Qilin unconsciously. Could this guy also have a Calabash in his hand?

“Duobao!” He was still watching, and suddenly heard Zu Qilin yell, which shocked him.

“Huh?” Duobao puzzled: “What’s the matter?”

“It turned out to be Dao Zun Duobao in person.” Zu Qilin put on a squeezed smile on his face, and cupped hands at Duo Bao: “So that’s the case, goodbye!”

Wow, a colorful divine light flashed, and Zu Qilin’s figure was illusory in an instant and was about to disappear.

For a moment, Duobaomeng raised his hand and grabbed it. The illusory ancestor Qilin’s figure quickly solidified and appeared again.

“I said, what’s your situation?”

You just still look angrily, wanting to ask questions, how come The next moment is going to leave?

“Little Qilin no more?”

Zu Qilin quietly operated Magic power, and the space around his body was solidified and heavy, without any shaking, and his heart was even more shocked.

Sure enough, he is indeed the legendary Dao Zun, who heard Zulong said that he was very strong, but he did not expect to be so strong!

He has already turned into auspicious air, communicating with Heavenly Dao, and even Sage can’t stop him when he really wants to leave.

Unexpectedly, this guy gently raised his hand and he was caught back. Even in the process, he didn’t feel a trace of it. He just came back with a flower in front of him.

“It is the blessing of that little guy who can Duobao Dao Zun like it.” Zu Qilin’s face was full of a bright smile, and Duobao’s mouth twitched.

“Since Dao Zun likes it, let him stay with Dao Zun.” Zu Qilin smiled, suddenly thinking of something, and asked very intimately: “Is one enough? There are still many little Qilins in my clan. If Dao Zun likes it, I will bring them all.”

Duobao: “…”

Hey, you are the ancestor of Qilin, is there an ancestor like you?

Your Qilin can be caught by me. You don’t want to take it away, but you still want to send another batch over… Well, yes, it’s a batch instead of one. It seems that if he wants to, he wants to take his own All Qilin was thrown over.

How do you feel that Qilin ancestor is not like an ancestor, but more like a Qilin dealer?

“No, no need.” Duobao waved his hand again and again. Qilin ancestor may be a Qilin dealer, but he didn’t collect Qilin. He bought a batch of Qilin. What’s the matter?

Hearing this, the ancestor Qilin sighed obviously, full of loss, and seemed very disappointed with Duobao’s refusal.

“Um.” Duobao didn’t know what to say, this guy seemed disappointed?

Zu Qilin looked at Duobao with eyesight, intending to fight for it again: “Dao Zun no longer think about it?”

“My little Qilin is well-behaved and cute. Whether it’s a mount, a boy, or a pet, it’s a good choice.”

He looked like he was selling products, and his tone was so eager and kind that he almost made Dubo think that he had gone back home.

“Are you really the ancestor of Qilin?” Duobao asked suspiciously.

Zu Qilin proudly said: “Of course, the goods are genuine.”

Okay, Duobao is a little weak. There is something wrong with the Qilin ancestor’s head.

Seeing that Duobao really didn’t mean to ask for some little Qilin, Zu Qilin secretly regretted it.

If I had known it a long time ago, all the little Qilins in the clan should be released before making a good relationship, so not to mention that all of them could be left by Duobao, at least it would be better than leaving only one now.

It’s not that he is really a Qilin dealer, mainly because of the current situation. Dubao is the person with the deepest background in the primordial land. Following him, he will develop better than the Qilin clan who has retired.

Even if you don’t talk about background, just talk about strength, listening to the old dragon said that Duobao’s strength has surpassed Sage. He originally didn’t believe it, but after experiencing it personally, Thaksin believed it.

Sage couldn’t stop him, and Dubo easily stopped him. Doesn’t this explain the problem?

By following him, wouldn’t the Qilin clan also bring some benefits in the future?

“It’s a loss, it’s a loss.” Zu Qilin felt regretful in his heart. Why had he thought of sending only one Qilin before?

Qilin people have a deep brotherhood. If you want to go out, you should go out together. How can you be alone?

“Hey, yes, brotherly love…” Zu Qilin’s eyes rolled, thinking carefully, if he used this reason, could he send more Qilin?

Duobao didn’t bother to pay attention to the thoughts of ancestor Qilin: “By the way, you happened to be here too, wait a while, wait for them to come back, and take your babe back.”

“What?” Zu Qilin listened, his eyelids twitched, and he brought it back?

Finally sent it out, but also to take it back?

How can this be!

Death is impossible!

“Dao Zun, I suddenly remembered that there is still something to do at home, I will leave first.” Zu Qilin said, his body is a masterpiece of colorful light, Yin & Yang, Five Elements, the circulation of seven powers, like an illusory ancient mountain , Constantly scouring the power that confines him.

Dubao is full of black lines, what do you mean by that?

Just rely on him?

After the bastard stays, don’t plan to take it anymore?

He couldn’t help wondering again, is this guy Qilin ancestor… Is it really a Qilin dealer?

“Dao Zun, please let me go. There is really something in my house. If it is too late, it will be delayed.” Zu Qilin exhausted every means, without shaking the power that restrained him at all, he couldn’t help but pray. Said to Duobao in a tone of voice.

“Something?” Duobao looked at Zu Qilin with a faint smile. After the initial doubts, he slowly understood his thoughts: “Or, wait a while, take your babe away, and I will go with you. , What’s the matter, let’s deal with it together?”

Where did Zu Qilin dare to agree, he was just looking for a reason.

Just kidding, Qilin sent out, there is no reason to go back!

Absolutely impossible!

“Dao Zun, don’t be joking… I, Qilin, say one thing, one who keeps up with who is who, I will be loyal for my life and never betray.”

The ancestor Qilin said righteously: “Since it has followed Dao Zun, then it will be a Dao Zun in the future. Regardless of life or death, it will be a Dao Zun’s person. It has nothing to do with my Qilin clan.”

“Heavenly Dao is here. From now on, Mobu is not a member of the Qilin clan, and has nothing to do with my Qilin clan.”

Duobao’s mouth widened unconsciously. He looked at Qilin, the ancestor who gave Heavenly Dao’s oath, and was speechless for a long time: “I said, it’s not necessary, right?”

In order to keep Xiao Qilin by his side, Zu Qilin directly issued the Heavenly Dao oath, which was so fast and so simple that he didn’t react for a while.

“Dao Zun, I won’t tell lies to you either. You know the current situation of my Qilin clan. You know whether it is good or bad, but in short, the future potential is locked and there will be no change.”

The Heavenly Dao vow was issued smoothly and was not blocked. Zu Qilin lightly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said earnestly: “Mo Bu’s talent is not bad. Following Dao Venerable, there will be greater development. Ask Dao Ancestor for mercy and accept He gets started.”

“In this way, my Qilin clan and Dao Zun’s Karma ended here. Is it so good?”

Duobao stared at Zu Qilin, and finally did not refuse.

“Okay, okay, but it’s not necessary to expel the Qilin clan. In fact, if you say it well, I will accept it. It doesn’t have to be the case.”

He was a soft-hearted person. Little Qilin was with them for a long time. He also had some feelings, and it was okay.

Even if it wasn’t for the Karma of the Qilin clan, he could accept it.

Zu Qilin paused and stared at Duobao. You said that earlier, I have made my Heavenly Dao vows now. Are you just talking about it now?

I have reason to suspect that you are playing with me… Absolutely?

“Fine, nothing, he will follow me after suspicion, but Qilin is naturally Qilin.”

Duobao whispered, his thoughts moved, and Qilin’s disconnected luck with Qilin clan continued in an instant.

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