Chapter 462: Secret Gear

“Let’s call Fuxi.” Before Dubao finished speaking, he suddenly heard a voice of milk and milk, and the movement came from his arms.

Looking down, Fuxi, who was just born, seemed to know they were naming him, sipped his mouth together, and uttered two words: “Fu…xi…”



He kept repeating, without stopping, as if he was afraid that once he stopped, everyone would give other names.

Huaxu’s gaze was slightly strange, staring at own, the little grandson.

Just born, can speak with open mouth, the first sentence is not mother, but Fuxi.

It seemed that my grandson seemed a bit extraordinary, and Duobao didn’t seem to be fooling her completely.

At least, there are not many humans who can talk when they are born, but there are some, but they gave themselves a name in the first sentence, which is the first one.

It seems a little different…Could it be…

The thought flashed in his mind, Huaxu slowly shook his head and glanced at Duo Bao.

It’s just a little different, and there will be some achievements in the future, but if you want to say that you can become the emperor, become the king, and lead the human race out of desperation… that is still too far!

Far from enough.

Huaxu glanced at Huaxu’s family, then looked at Duobao, smiled slightly, all the names in his mind disappeared, and said with a smile: “Since he has given himself this name, then in the future, he will be called Fuxi.”

No one listened to his own opinion, Kai was a little unhappy, and said with the last hope: “How about the big name is Fuxi, and the nickname is Xiaodujun?”


Everyone took a uniform sip, and the squirting Kai couldn’t help taking a step back: “If you don’t bark, don’t bark, as for?”

“I think the name Little Short Leg is so nice and cute.”

“Haha.” Duobao took a look at Kai. You dare to say that if you really take this name, wait for Fuxi to recover your memory and see what you do.

“There really should be a nickname, a good name.” Dobo thought for a while and said: “It’s fine for short legs. Seeing his chubby appearance, he should be called Tuanzi.”

The smile on Hua Xu’s face froze, this name is no better than Short legs!

Jin Ling, Xiao Hong listened, and suddenly looked at Dubo strangely.

They know the origin of this child and the existence of Fuxi.

That can be regarded as a great power in the past. Although you have reincarnated and become a child, but you take such a name, is it really not afraid that the child will get back his own memory and trouble you when he grows up?

In this regard, Duobao is proud, he is really not afraid, he will come if he has the courage!

Kai looked depressed. He was despised by everyone for taking short legs. No one said how many treasures were taken for dumplings. There really is no human rights!

Angrily and cold, he Kai, when can he stand up!

As if he had guessed what he was thinking, Duobao cast his gaze down, and Kay suddenly showed a bright smile like the sun.

“Just call it Tuanzi.” Hua Xu retorted intentionally, but thinking about the plan in his heart, he finally spit out a few words with difficulty.

Hearing that, the Huaxu clan, Jin Ling, Xiao Hong, and Kay suddenly looked at Huaxu without saying anything, but the expressions in their eyes had already explained their meaning.

Can you recognize such a name?

“Haha, well, from now on, you will be called dumplings!”

Duobao ignored everyone’s reaction, held Fuxi in his hands, and said with a smile over his head.


Five years have passed since time dazzled. The fleshy little guy at the beginning has also become a big fleshy little guy. Maybe it’s because of the dumplings. The dumplings have been called too much. After growing up, Fuxi was actually too. It really grew into a dumpling.

“Brother Bao, Brother Bao.” The five-year-old meat dumpling ran towards Duo Bao who was lying on the bamboo chair, holding a three-layer crystal clear gear in his hands.

“Let’s see if there is any problem with my Tianji gear?”

The little guy is holding the gear, looking at Dubo expectantly.

Duobao didn’t look at it, and waved his hand impatiently: “Take it, take it, take it.”

“If you have any questions, ask you Jinling Big sis, don’t ask me.”

This relationship is indeed a bit messy. Fuxi is Huaxu’s son. Huaxu is called his elder brother, and Fuxi is also called his elder brother, but it does not affect each person’s name.

“But, Jin Ling Big sis asked me to come to you.” The little guy pouted his mouth when he heard the words, very aggrieved, and the big eyes became crystal clear.

Duobao helplessly opened his eyes and looked at the little meatball in front of him, rubbing his head with a headache: “Okay, okay, that girl, she really knows how to be lazy.”

Taking the crystal gear from Fuxi, looking at it, the gears are distinct and have a fateful atmosphere. Duobao feels that Own’s head hurts even more.

The gears of the heavenly secret are condensed by the air of the heavenly secrets. The gears rotate and the heavenly secrets rotate to form the power of destiny, which captures the vitality of the Spiritual Qi.

This is the Magic Treasures that Fuxi condensed after following Jin Ling to learn the calculation method of heavenly secrets.

Not very powerful, but it is already a level treasure of Celestial Immortals.

For Fuxi, who was only five years old, it was indeed too strong. You know, the entire human race now doesn’t have many Celestial Immortals.

Of course, after all, Fuxi is not the same as his feet, and has stronger talents. It is reasonable to have such a performance.

It’s just that Fuxi, who looks like this, is different from the original Fuxi in the general trend.

Tianji Gear is said to be Magic Treasures, but in fact, it has already brought a little taste of the game.

It was because of the deep influence of the game that Duobao thought of the games that he updated later in and said in his heart.

“Well, it’s probably okay, but…”

Fuxi asked nervously: “But what?”

“Things are good, but still need to experiment, kid, you need to go out.”

Duobao looked at Fuxi carefully. He was only five years old, but he had grown to 1.6 meters, and his whole body was full of flesh. It was really a fleshy dumpling.

“Go out?” Fuxi was blank: “Where to go?”

Since he was born, he has been carried by the Luo River. He has never left. The scope of his life is small and pitiful. He has never seen the outside world.

“Go to the Huaxu tribe.” Duobao looked into the distance: “Since your supernatural powers have been achieved, some things and some responsibilities should be understood and tried to solve them.”

“Things, responsibilities?” Fuxi’s big eyes were filled with doubts.

“Golden Spirit.” Duobao shouted loudly.

“Here!” Jin Ling ran over immediately and hugged Fuxi: “Oh, the little meat dumpling is here. You can make Big sis easy to find.”

Fuxi’s cheeks were rubbed together by her hands, and she rolled her eyes when she heard this. Didn’t you ask me to come and find Brother Bao?

“Brother Bao, what’s the matter?” After teasing Fuxi, Jin Ling looked at Duobao and asked.

“The matter of the Huaxu tribe should be settled. Take Fuxi with you. Go ahead. Remember, you are not allowed to shoot until the most dangerous time.” Duobao said, and then took it from his waist in Jin Ling’s fiery gaze. Put down the Hundred Treasure Bag and threw it over.

Jin Ling caught it, and then as if afraid that Dubao would go back, he ran away holding Fuxi, and the voice came from a distance: “I know, big brother!”

During these years, Jin Ling has made some troubles relying on the treasure bag, and he has no choice but to take it back, and the days have stabilized.

Jin Ling always wanted to steal it, but after he took it back, he kept it on his waist. He never left, so Jin Ling could only look at it.

After looking eagerly for several years, now Duobao finally let go and gave it to her, how could she bear it.

“Haha.” Looking at the two people’s backs, Duobao’s eyes gradually deepened: “Fuxi, the Emperor…Sure enough, even if I became a mortal, the power still exists, and Fuxi has changed from the original. ”

The power of the Tianji gear is not great, but the essence is different. It is definitely impossible to replace it with the original Fuxi.

The foundation has undergone a fundamental change. Now Fuxi, with his intervention, will definitely be the emperor and king of people in the future, but it will not be the original emperor or king of people.


In thinking, a blast of air flow appeared on Duobao, circling around him, wherever the air flow went, time and space dissipated, the law was annihilated, and he was restored instantly.

He has restored his original strength, and the life of a mortal is almost over here.

He has lived through the life of a mortal, and the rest is to see how Fuxi leads the human race to rise, can he open up a new path because of this?

After all, I have been following him for so long, and I have been contaminated with his power, and his fate has changed unpredictably. What kind of point he can achieve depends on his own efforts and ideas!


“Huaxu people!” At this time, among the Huaxu tribe, the Black Mountain god-tier appeared again, and the powerful pressure fell, crushing the people of the Huaxu tribe to the ground.

“How has My Black Mountain treated you all these years?”

“Under my protection, you have plenty of food and clothing, no worries about food and clothing, and no risk again. Isn’t this kind of life bad?”

A magnificent, huge, thunderous voice came from Black Mountain: “Why are you doing this to me?”

Huaxu lowered his head and said nothing.

Behind her, many people from the Huaxu tribe also knelt neatly. Seeing that the leader didn’t speak, they glanced at each other and became silent again.

“Do you… really want to die?”

Their silence made Black Mountain even more angry. They shook, and a circle of black light flew out and fell into the Huaxu tribe. The mountain shook suddenly. Many people from the Huaxu tribe knelt unsteadily and fell down. Go down.

After falling down, he didn’t get up again, the aura on his body continued to decline, and it seemed to disappear completely.

“God-tier is happy and angry, I’ll wait, I’ll wait…” Perceiving the breath of the people behind her, Huaxu finally spoke. She knew what Heishan wanted to hear, but she opened her mouth, but still remained Did not say it.

Black Mountain stared at Huaxu with a thick and cold voice: “Hua Xu, I have waited for you well enough, don’t challenge my patience!”

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