Chapter 461

The time passed quickly, and before he knew it, Hua Xu had been pregnant for twelve years. Counting time, it was time for Fuxi to be born.

“Fuxi is the future emperor of the human race, the strongest king.” Duobao and Huaxu stood side by side, looking at Huaxu not far away: “He is the one you want.”

“Fuxi?” Huaxu repeated the name: “Is this the name you gave him?”

“Um…” Duobao was stunned, too happy for a while, thinking that he would finally get rid of the troubles on his body, and even missed it.

But it’s nothing.

“Yes, Fuxi, he was born extraordinary, and his birth was accompanied by powerful visions. After a while, from the visions of his birth, you will understand how extraordinary your grandson will be!”

“When you want to come, you should have a little more confidence… and you won’t put your mind on me.” He didn’t say the following words, looking forward to Huaxu’s side.

“Is that so?” The Huaxu family was dubious, but also a little expectant.

She always believed that Duobao was actually the most suitable person to take on the hopes of the human race, and as the longer contact with him, she felt that Duobao could really lead the human race to rise!

Compared to the unborn grandson, she is still more optimistic about Duobao!

It’s a pity that Duobao himself didn’t want to. After all these years, she didn’t see any relief from him, and she couldn’t help it!

“Hope!” Huaxu thought silently in his heart.


Soon, with a loud cry, Fuxi was born.

Duobao was stunned, looking at the sky and the earth, stupid.

Just… was born like this?

What about the vision?

A good vision, this is the future emperor, the human king of the human race, so there is no face?

No vision at all?

No, according to history, myths and legends, Fuxi came into the world with huge visions that shook the world, and people would know that it was extraordinary at a glance. Why is there no such thing this time?

Duobao stared at the newly born Fuxi, his eyes daring not to move at all.

He just said that he could simply see the future potential of Fuxi from the birth vision, and the next moment was beaten in the face.

He has said everything!

Huaxu’s suspicious gaze fell on Duobao for a long time.

That’s it?

Emperor? King of people?

Duobao, just accept it, Human Race still has to rely on you, Fuxi…just let him be a child!

“What do you say now?” Huaxu asked quietly.

Duobao didn’t dare to turn his head, his forehead hurt: “Something must have gone wrong. Anyone born with extraordinary nature will inevitably have a birth vision. Even the big bald head dared to point to the sky and the earth after he was born. The solemn words of heaven and earth, the dignified emperor…how can I be weaker than him!”

Uh, it seems that the big bald head is him… it’s impossible now.

It should be said that the big bald head is the original Duobao.

However, this is not important.

Dubao’s brows twisted at everything: “No, no, what is wrong?”

This is a prehistoric, slightly heeled reincarnation, after birth, there will be many visions, strong or weak, how can Fuxi not have it?

After the appearance of Six Paths of Reincarnation, to a certain extent, the size of the anomaly produced at the time of birth can represent its future potential.

Over time, even sentient beings have gradually adopted the birth of a vision as the criterion for cultivating children.

“He is really just an ordinary child, not an emperor, let alone a human king.” Huaxu’s gaze is faint: “Let him be an ordinary child, Human Race… still depends on you.”

Dubao scratched his head, and wondered how this happened, why the majestic emperor had no birth vision.

He hardly heard what Huaxu said, and Dubao thought quickly: “Fuxi, Fuxi…ah, I see.”

“I know the reason!”

The original Fuxi didn’t do anything to divide the world and didn’t have such karma, so after he was born, he was blessed by Heavenly Dao to make him famous, but now, because of all the things he did before, Heavenly Dao doesn’t even wait to see him, where Will he make a name for him and ensure the smooth path of his emperor?

The so-called birth vision is nothing more than the foundation and background of the previous life, plus the destiny assumed after the reincarnation, which is blessed by Heavenly Dao.

Now Heavenly Dao is wicked against Fuxi, he also sealed Fuxi’s memory before, and also sealed his past life in disguise, so it’s right to have no vision.

“What’s the reason?” Huaxu sighed, looking at the excited Duobao and asked.

Up to now, she didn’t believe Duobao’s words at all, she only felt that he was shitting away, but she didn’t give up at this time, and it really made her a little speechless.

Just see what reason he can find.

“Yes…” Duobao was about to say subconsciously, when he saw Huaxu’s suspicious face, he was stunned, and when he reached his throat, he swallowed silently.


At last there is nothing to say, even you think it is outrageous, right.

The Huaxu family said heartily, and then asked seriously: “So, what are you going to do with Human Race?”

Duobao is choking, why is this coming back?

“Give me some time.” Duobao looked at Fuxi, his eyes flickering, although there is no birth vision, but Fuxi is Fuxi, the emperor is the emperor, and his future will not change.

Huaxu stared at Duobao, and for a long time, he withdrew his gaze in disappointment: “If you really don’t want to, just forget it.”

“Humans… Actually, they may not only look at you.”

Huaxu’s family walked towards Huaxu and said, “I was too anxious and emotional before, so I pressed such a big thing on you, sorry.”

“Although most of my human race have been turned into slaves and lost their original minds, there are still some people who are out of the race. There is still hope for the human race. What do you want to do, do what you want.”

Huaxu was disappointed, completely disappointed.

Duobao repeatedly shied away from it, and even now he was still looking for reasons.

Although from his previous performance, maybe he can really lead the human race to rise, but such a character, and he himself is not willing, even if he has the ability, it is useless.

Duobao opened his mouth, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable, and even had the urge to stop Huaxu immediately.

“What’s wrong with me?”

Duobao asked himself in his heart that it was a good thing that the Huaxu clan would no longer pester him. He should be happy.

Moreover, the human race has a general trend of own development, Fuxi has been born, everything is starting step by step, it is no problem, why he is a little uncomfortable.

He stood in a daze, looking at the Huaxu family who was teasing Fuxi, for a long time in a daze.

“Actually, my discomfort and suffering during this period is not because of the entanglement of the Huaxu clan, but because of the situation of the human race.”

“I have always regarded myself as a human being, and it has never changed.”

“Therefore, after knowing the situation of the Daoist clan, I will be so irritable. The Huaxu clan is only a superficial reason. The most fundamental reason is myself.”

Duobao gradually understood: “It is because of the human condition that I am anxious and irritable, and want to end all this as soon as possible, not because of the Huaxu family.”

“Is that so?” Duobao suddenly enlightened. After trying to understand everything, his whole person suddenly changed, and he was much more relaxed.

Face the own mind, all the difficulties seem to be less difficult than before.

He walked towards Fuxi, looked at the future emperor, with a smile, and pointed his finger on the fleshy face, very pleasant.

“You?” Huaxu turned his head to look at Duobao, a trace of surprise and deep disappointment flashed in his eyes!

Just because he is no longer entangled, so he is so happy and relaxed?

Sure enough, no matter what a person’s ability is, the key lies in the mind, whether he can bear it, whether to do it, or not, it depends on the mind, if the mind is absent, nothing is useless.

“Fine, nothing, let him go.” The Huaxu family completely let go of the obsession in his heart, and has no resentment towards Duobao.

Yes, it is a sentimental point, and it is only natural not to agree.

Thinking about it this way, Huaxu’s family also became relaxed.

Hua Xu, who had just given birth to a child, did not have the weakness of ordinary women. After all, it was a prehistoric era. Each had a Cultivation Base. Having a child was really not that weak.

Hua Xu looked at the two of them, always feeling that something happened during the time she gave birth just now. The two of them seemed to be a little different, and they felt… as if they were relaxed.

Hua Xu blinked with big eyes, sweat on his face. After all, giving birth is an individual effort. Although Cultivation Base is on his body, he still has sweat on his face.

Jin Ling took a peek at Duobao, and said to her heart that the difficult Daoist family’s problem has been solved… Oh, yes, Fuxi was born, and the desperate situation of the human race can be solved immediately.

Xiao Hong showed a happy smile. Daddy has been dark and unhappy all this time. She didn’t say anything on her face, but she was actually very worried. Now seeing Dubao relax, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief: “Great NS.”

“It’s time to give the child a name.” Duo Bao hugged Fuxi.

“Yeah.” Hua Xu nodded and began to think, what kind of name should he take?

Before Fuxi was born, she had actually thought of a lot of names, but now after the child was born, she felt that those names seemed bad, and wanted to choose a better name.

“Have you been born, have you been born, show me, show me.”

Kay, who had been hiding in the distance, was rushed over by a group of women not to look at him. Hearing the movement, he ran over violently.

“Oh, it’s really cute.” Looking at the fleshy Fuxi, little stars appeared in Kai’s eyes: “Why don’t you call Luban?”

“The big name Lu Ban, the nickname Little Short legs… it sounds like a very happy name.” Kai said with a look of excitement.

In an instant, everyone present rolled their eyes.

Let’s play too much with King Pesticide!

In the follow-up King Pesticide, Duobao updated some characters. Among them is Xiao Luban. Kai likes this hero very much. In the game, as long as there is Xiao Luban, even if he tries his own life, he is working hard to protect Xiao Luban.

“Go, go, you play a lot of games, right.” Duobao pushed Kai away, really thinking that Kai was Daddy Kai?

In the game, Kay is a minority, most of whom are Kay, especially the Hello Kitty among Kay.

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