Chapter 437: Limit and Heart

Fate, luck, aura, future, potential, everything has changed. It is not unpredictable, but uncertain, and its own actions and thoughts have a greater impact on it.

The emergence of any idea may cause unpredictable changes to own’s future, which may be good or bad.

The butterfly effect, the creature after becoming this way, it can be said that every movement and every thought of oneself is producing the butterfly effect.

In this way, its ultimate possibility of reaching the level of standing Tao is much stronger than that of other ordinary creatures.

“Change your fate?” Hearing this, Duobao thought about it for a while, and it seemed that there was no problem saying that.

I thought about it again and laughed: “Hey, it’s really appropriate to say that.”

Luo Hui’s words seemed to express part of the nature of the power above the rules in his body.

As long as it is an existence that comes into contact with oneself, or a creature that oneself wants to change, it seems that there is no problem on the surface, but in fact, the essence has changed.

It has become unpredictable, and it is right to say that it has changed the number of lives!

“Uh!” Seeing Dubao’s performance, Luo Hui was a little confused: “What do you mean to say that?”

“Don’t you know it yourself?”

It’s all the effects that he has created by himself, but he doesn’t even understand it himself?

The words are ambiguous, unclear, how do they feel unreliable.

“The power above the rules, you know.” Duobao didn’t care, and said with a smile: “If I can figure it out, I will have made a breakthrough.”

As they were talking, suddenly the two of them looked in one direction, where a figure appeared out of thin air, and walked over quickly.

Duobao immediately stood up and respectfully saluted: “Disciple Duobao sees Master.”

“Huh!” Luo Hui rolled his eyes, his nose is not a nose, his eyes are not eyes: “Old Miscellaneous Mao, you are here too.”

Hongjun stretched out his hand to signal that Duobao didn’t need to be polite. He sat down and poured himself a glass with a smile: “This is the dojo of my disciple and grandchildren. You can come, why can’t I come?”

“Master, are you here this time?” Duobao asked curiously.

Shizu Hongjun hadn’t looked for himself for a long time since he said those things to himself last time. I guess he wanted him to think more and think more about it, so that he didn’t want to disturb him.

Suddenly now, it is either something or something.

Two figures flashed in his mind, and there was already a guess in his heart.

Sure enough, The next moment, Hongjun turned his head to Duo Bao and said, “Du Bao, Haotian and Yaochi, what did you plan to do?”

As he spoke, he stared at Dubo’s expression closely.

After handing over the leader of the prehistoric, good fortune jade disc to Duobao, he also regained his freedom, but at the same time lost his strong control over the prehistoric world.

Because Duobao is more suitable for Honghuang than him, the transfer process was basically without problems and went smoothly.

After Hong Huang handed it over to Duobao, he slowly covered a layer of confusion in his hands, making it hard to see clearly.

Even if he is the rule, Sage is the same… The power above the rule is on Dubao, and with his movements, it seems that it has slowly penetrated into the prehistoric world.

This is a good thing. It has brought an unpredictable future to the prehistoric sentient beings, and it has also given them the opportunity to change their destiny more easily.

But at the same time, this is a bit unfriendly to those of them who are already standing on top of the prehistoric peak!

Omniscience and omnipotence are very boring in the eyes of those who have achieved it, but when they are lost, they will also not be so comfortable.

“Sure enough.” Hearing this, Duobao secretly said in his heart, knowing that the master came for this.

The Lich leaves and the place of heaven and earth is vacant. Logically speaking, the second generation Heaven Court should appear, and Haotian and Jade Pool should be the Heavenly Emperor. The queen, Nuwa can fill the sky, seek the way with her body, and close Tianwei.

And because of his intervention, Heaven Court’s original rules and order collapsed, the rules were chaotic, and riots. Unless they took action, even Sage would not be able to rebuild Heaven Court.

“Master, do you think Master Haotian can become the Heavenly Emperor?” Thinking in his heart, Duobao looked at Hongjun and asked.

“Heavenly Emperor?” Hearing this, before Hongjun spoke, Luo Hui laughed first: “Duobao, are you kidding me?”

Heavenly Emperor, what kind of existence is that?

That is the supreme Taoist fruit that can be compared to the concept Sage after accomplishment, and even the limit can reach their level. A boy, dare to say that he can become the supreme Heavenly Emperor?

Isn’t this the biggest joke in the world!

Haotian, Yaochi, he has also seen him, and after being familiar with the trend of the great and wild, he is no stranger to him. It’s the demon ancestor.

However, not neglecting is not neglecting, and it is still far from qualified to be seen by a character like Demon Ancestor.

Hongjun gave Luo Hui a dissatisfied look, then looked at Duobao: “Forget the Heavenly Emperor, they…”

Haotian and Yaochi have followed him for many years and have served him for many years. He also regards him as a disciple. Although he did not accept him as a disciple, he still has a lot of affection.

It is also because of this that he will hunt for treasures for them.

But even he, under the influence of feelings, didn’t think that the two of them were qualified to become the Supreme Heavenly Emperor and the Supreme Queen.

“They can become the Heavenly Emperor, and the Queen will be fine.” Thinking about it, Hongjun sighed, feeling a move in his heart, but thinking about the difficulty of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor and the Supreme Queen, he naturally gave up.

That is simply impossible.

“Master thinks it’s impossible?” Duobao asked calmly, “But I don’t think it’s necessarily!”

“Duobao, I know your thoughts, but their aptitude is limited, and their gaps in all aspects are too far. They are the Heavenly Emperor. I forcibly lifted the position of the queen of heaven. It was very reluctant. They almost couldn’t sit down. Steady, you should know this too.”

Duobao nodded. Of course he knew that Haotian’s Heavenly Emperor’s position seemed stable, but in fact, after the achievement, he was hacked to death by Xingtian for the first time. Samsara went away and experienced 1,750 calamities. Every twelve thousand nine thousand six hundred years, exactly the number of Yuanhui, which adds up to 1,750 Yuanhui, will return to the position of Heavenly Emperor in the name of Zhang Bairen, the reincarnated body.

That’s it. Later, the Sage brothers were forced to ask for help from the ancestors, and they were given a list of the gods, set up the robbery of the gods, and replenish the position of the Heaven Court. As a result, they were emptied by the gods on the list, and their name was false.

During the Journey to the West, he was beaten by a monkey and asked for help in the west.

Sure enough, among the three major calamities, there are elements of acting, but the Heavenly Emperor, if it is strong enough, why bother acting?

After all, he was not qualified enough, his foundation was not strong, and he couldn’t sit firmly in this position.

“It’s correct to say that, but Master, Master Uncle Vast Sky, Master Uncle Yaochi have experienced too little, and as soon as they appeared in the first year of the junior high school, their vision, foundation, and cognition were far away.”

“That’s why the latter happened. What if they experienced more?”

Hongjun’s eyes moved: “Duobao, do you plan to train them?”

There was some excitement in his heart, Duobao’s strength was extraordinary, his strength was even stronger, and he had the power above the rules that they didn’t have, and could affect the number of lives.

If it were him, even if he intervened, he would not be able to drastically change the fate of Haotian and Yaochi, but he could be replaced by Duobao, which would be different.


Duobao nodded and shook his head.

Hong Jun was stunned: “What do you mean?”

“I gave them the opportunity to choose, and I also gave them the opportunity to change their destiny. Whether they can seize it, it still depends on them.”

“To put it bluntly, I just let their destiny be able to produce the greatest gains with the least amount of strength, but no matter how big it is, if you don’t work hard, it will be zero.”

Luo Hui kept listening. Hearing this, he couldn’t help but cried out: “No, no, Dubao, are you really going to train those two boys?”

“That’s just a trivial boy?”

If a mere boy wants to become the Heavenly Emperor, he almost has to reach his level. How can he be willing?

That doesn’t mean that if they really do it in the future… Is he equivalent to a boy?

“Dage, although they are boys, they are also Duobao’s uncle.” Duobao said seriously, with dissatisfaction.

Birth and footsteps are very important in Honghuang, but he doesn’t like this, and these things are not important to him.

His impression of Haotian and Yaochi is also pretty good, and the relationship is here, so if they really have that potential, he doesn’t mind helping them.

“Okay.” Luo Hu curled his lips and stopped talking about Haotian and Yaochi as a boy.

“Do you really want to push them to the position of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, the Supreme Queen?” Luo Hu still couldn’t hold back his silence and asked again.

Duobao nodded: “If they can really do it, it’s not impossible.”

Hongjun glanced at the depressed Luo Hu proudly, then looked at Duobao and asked worriedly: “They…really okay?”

That is the Heavenly Emperor, the Supreme Queen!

“Master, wasn’t the personality you set for them the Heavenly Emperor and the Supreme Queen?” Duo Bao asked.

Hongjun choked. Indeed, he did set such a personality for the two of them at the beginning, but after all, the two still lived up to his expectations, and even the ordinary Heavenly Emperor, the queen of heaven was not firmly seated, let alone Said to be the Supreme Heavenly Emperor and the Supreme Heavenly Queen!


Duobao chuckled, “Master, they are your people, don’t you have confidence in them?”

Hongjun stared at Duobao, he could have a ghost if he had confidence!

The chaotic stone is the chaotic stone. Although it has the word chaos, it seems to be not bad, but it depends on what it is compared with!

If it were compared with ordinary creatures in the wild, it would be an absolute high heel, but if it was compared with the personality of the Heavenly Emperor, it would be far worse!

It is not a level of existence at all.

“Cultivation is a heart, a will.”

Duobao continued: “The heel can determine the limit of the heel, but if you want to break through this limit, you still have to rely on your heart and your will.”

“As long as there is enough will and heart, it will definitely be able to breakthrough.”

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