Chapter 436

Didn’t you still talk about it just now?

Are they not in the same group?

Why did you make a sudden move?

There was even more fear in the doubt. Originally, the black-clothed youth had a smile on his face. Although it brought great pressure to her, in fact, she was not very afraid.

But this suddenly happened… her heart was trembling.

Mood and irritating, I had a good chat last moment, so the next moment will do it directly…How can she not be afraid!

How long has she just been born, and haven’t enjoyed it, Life, but I don’t want to die.

The black-clothed youth grabbed Fuxi’s great city with a palm, then grabbed Fuxi’s true spirit in his hands with a hand behind him, and waved his hand again, and a dark passage appeared in the starry sky.

“Samsara passage?” Xiaoqing was surprised, the fear in his heart dissipated a lot.

Although he didn’t fully guess the behavior of the black-clothed youth, at least he could understand that he was really not a moody person. At least the previous shots did not come suddenly, but were justified.

“Go all the way well.” The young man in black raised his hand to send Fuxi True Spirit into the Samsara passage, waved his hand.

Fuxi bowed deeply to the black-clothed youth, and left with Samsara’s passage.

After doing all this, the young man in black did not shy away from Xiaoqing. He raised his hand again and transferred the powder that Fuxi’s body had turned into his hand. A black energy appeared on his body, rushing into the powder, and soon countless twisted figures. Strange shapes, faintly appearing.


The black-clothed young man threw his hand, and countless powder was scattered into the starry sky, and then, a breath of life appeared in the starry sky.

Xiaoqing cultivation is the law of life, so he feels more clearly.

The powder that Fuxi’s body turned into, in the hands of the black-clothed youth, used means to turn it into countless brand-new lives, and these lives seemed to carry a trace of…a demon aura.

“Little girl…” Just when Xiaoqing thought a lot, the black-clothed youth suddenly shouted.

Xiao Qing’s body trembled and looked at him in horror.

“Haha, don’t be afraid, girl, I’m not malicious to you.” Heiyiqing laughed, and shook his head helplessly: “Do I look so scary?”

“Of course.” Xiaoqing did not answer, a voice suddenly sounded in the starry sky, and then a figure slowly appeared, and said to the black-clothed youth: “Dage, you are the demon ancestor, who can compare to this predecessor. Are you more terrible?”

“Dobao, you say that, Dage is really going to be sad.” The black-clothed youth laughed, with a hint of sadness on his face.

“Master.” Seeing the incoming person, Xiao Qing’s eyes lit up, his body suddenly lightened, and there was no pressure anymore, he flew behind Duobao and called out.

“I’ve said it all, just call me Dage from now on. What’s the master?” Duobao shook his head helplessly.

“That’s true.” The black-clothed youth, Luo Hu, touched his chin and smiled triumphantly.

“Dage, why did you come out?” Duobao asked curiously.

Luo Hui had always been suppressed by his master Hongjun at the foot of Sumeru Mountain before. He was not unable to come out. After all, it was all rules Sage. If you really want to, you may not be able to trap him.

However, since the original battle was lost, there is a natural price to lose.

Being town at the foot of Sumeru Mountain is the price that Luo Hu needs to pay.

Of course, Sage is the rule after all. If you really want to come out, there are other ways to come out without breaking the rules.

For example, if someone deliberately releases it.

“Don’t you know, is it possible to hide this from your eyes?” Luo Hui rolled his eyes, then glanced at the entire starry sky: “You plan to talk to me here?”

“Our brother hasn’t seen each other for a long time, don’t you plan to greet me?”

Xiaoqing stood behind Duobao, looking at Luo Hu curiously.

In terms of address, it seems that he is her master’s Dage, but as far as she knows, her master is the Xiantian Lingbao incarnation, born by nature, alone, where did Dage come from?

Moreover, is this Dage’s strength a bit too strong!

“Ah, it’s not for the younger brother.” Duobao smiled apologetically, stretched out his hand and opened a passage in front of him, leading to Kunlun Manor: “Dage, please.”

In the manor, sitting in separate rows, Xiao Qing stood aside, quietly watching the two of them.

Duobao glanced at her and shook his head slightly.

“Good tea.” Luo Hui suddenly praised the herbal tea under the water: “It is refreshing and distracting, and distracting thoughts. Your sip of tea, I am afraid that it can be worth the hard work of a 10,000-person person.”

The other person in his mouth had to be Da Luo Jinxian the last time.

“Of course, to entertain Dage, it is natural to bring out the best thing.” Duobao said with a smile, and then changed the conversation: “Dage also wants to intervene this time?”

Fuxi’s changes shouldn’t have been this way, but now there is such a performance, which divides the primordial world into a chessboard, turning the entire world into countless separate worlds. It is certainly not enough to rely on Fuxi’s own power. Yes, of course the greatest hero is his good Dage.

“Did it disrupt your plan?” Luo Yu put down the tea cup and said with a smile: “I was on a whim, and Fuxi fell into a demon, you know, Dage is a demon ancestor, he was in a demon, and he was naturally discovered by Dage. ”

“Originally, I had always been boring under the Sumeru Mountain, the wild things, anyway, it was just like that, I didn’t bother to take care of it, but I didn’t expect it.”

As he said, he looked at Duobao in amazement: “You not only changed the prevalence, but also changed it to what it is today. This is something Dage can’t do, I can only say admiration.”

This recognized little brother, when we first met before, knew that he was extraordinary, and even more faintly made him a little bit invisible. It was only a period of time that he did not expect that because of him, Honghuang would be turned into by him. It looks like this.

The two families of Lich disappeared, the Xiantian era continued, Nuwa patched the sky to seek the Tao, Sanqing entered the star realm to enlighten the Tao… everything, everything is changing the trend of the predecessor.

This is something he or even Hongjun can’t do.

Moreover, after Fuxi awakened him, he carefully inspected Honghuang and found that with the participation of Duobao, the great trend of Honghuang had undergone tremendous changes, and some small and subtle places could also be changed.

This made him change his impression of Dubao again.

“He is more mysterious than I think!”

Luo Hui thought to himself in his heart: “Perhaps, he can really change the future of my wild world.”

“It’s not a big deal, it’s just a natural development.” Duobao said with a smile: “The plan is not a perfect plan. Dage is willing to participate, so naturally it couldn’t be better.”

Looking at Luo Hu, Duobao smiled happily in his heart.

Why did he forget? Compared to this one, his talent for being a villain is not enough.

He did all the previous plans. The good guys and the bad guys were all made by him, and he was exhausted.

But if we find someone to help share the burden, wouldn’t it be easy?

As for being a bad person, is there anyone in this world who is more suitable than the person in front of him?

Duobao looked at Luo Hu and suddenly laughed.

Luo Hu’s vest was cold, and he looked suspiciously at Duobao: “What were you thinking about just now?”

There is no need to guess, there are not many in this world that can make him feel this way. Seeing the weird smile on Dubo’s face now, should he guess again?

“It’s nothing.” Duobao shook his head, and said, “Dage, there is a character here, I don’t know if Dage is interested?”

“Character?” Luo Hao was a little confused. What was the role? He knew, wasn’t that the unique title of the characters played by the actors in a certain era in later generations?

“What do you mean?” Luo Hui asked.

“That’s it.” Duobao added plans to own, and most of them said it. Then he looked at Luo Hu and waited for his reply.

Since he is ready to let the other party help, of course he can’t hide half and reveal half.

“Oh.” Luo Hu suddenly said: “You intend to let me be this villain, become their pressure, help them grow, and force more people to stand up?”

There was some shock in his words, but the shock in the words was not as strong as the shock in his heart!

The person who forced the way out is simple, but in fact, this is not something that can be made by the touch of the upper and lower lips.

Even if they are regular Sages, they can even manufacture Sages in batches, and even conceptual Sages, but the Sages and conceptual Sages that are made in that way are only superficial Sages, and the essence is too far away from the road.

If this was not spoken from Duobao, even if it was spoken from Pangu god-tier, he would never believe it.

But Duobao’s words… the general trend of the prehistoric has changed, and Luo Hu is not blind, there are two more people in the prehistoric world, although they are not fully mature, but at least they have a prototype, complete, and mature. Sooner or later.

And in the original general trend, they definitely can’t reach this point.

He couldn’t make a move, Hongjun couldn’t make a move, even if it was Pangu god-tier.

However, Duobao was made. In the two new Taoists, there was a strong Duobao aura. The origin of Karma was in Duobao.

“Can someone who establishes the Tao really force it out?” Even so, Luo Hui still asked in disbelief.

Li Dao, can successfully establish Dao, after they have the corresponding qualifications, they are considered to be detached from their destiny, and their essence has undergone a huge change.

Time, Karma, in the eyes of their existence at this level, is not a straight line, but a circle. As long as they have the corresponding qualifications, then at that point of time, his own time, Karma, will change and become blurred. Unclear and unpredictable.

This does not mean that they will eventually be able to establish the Dao, but it does mean that they have the qualifications to establish the Dao. Even if they are the Rule Sage, they cannot be detected.

“Can you detect a person with an unpredictable fate?” Luo Hu asked again before Dubao answered. After thinking about it, he found it inaccurate. Then he changed his statement: “Can you change the destiny of living beings?”

The fate here does not refer to a simple ordinary fate.

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