Chapter 413: The Real Graveyard of the Gods

I felt cold all over, my body was made of ice, and I couldn’t feel any warmth. Even my consciousness seemed to have a different breath, feeling extremely cold.

“This is the cemetery of the gods!”

The ancestors witches were horrified. He had only heard what Xuan Ming said before, and learned that such a place existed. They were horrified and shocked, but the most shocking was nothing but the divine residence comparable to Sage.

But, until they really came to this area, they didn’t understand… what is the cemetery of the gods!

This has just arrived, and in the body of their ancestor witch, in this short period of time, they actually have a feeling of being attacked and becoming dead.

Only then did they understand the horror of this place!

After clearly realizing this, the ancestor witches glanced at each other in horror, and then all looked in the direction of Hou Tu.

The previous door leading to the cemetery of the gods suddenly changed. It was too sudden, they did not react, and the power was too strong, and there was no resistance to it, so they were sucked in.

They paid it back by themselves. After they came in, although they felt extremely dangerous, they were most worried about the land.

Houtu is not like them, with a complete body of the ancestor witch, as well as peak strength, Houtu, now it is just a true spiritual state!

“Little girl?”

Seeing the situation of Houtu, the ancestors witches couldn’t help but screamed in surprise.

As you can see, Houtu was surrounded by countless terrifying black qi at this time, and he was put on the ground. It seemed that the situation was very bad, but when the true spirit on his body collapsed, it was also suppressed by those black qi. No longer will there be a little real golden light flying away.



While the ancestors were surprised, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

“It seems that this place is not inferior to Samsara. Although weird, these lifeless auras also have the effect of Samsara’s power, and the younger sister’s situation is stabilized.” Di Jiang let out a sigh, and after careful observation for a moment, said .

“It’s not as good as Samsara, it’s stronger than Samsara!” She corrected her with solemn eyes in her eyes.

He is the ancestral witch of poison, he is inclined to the feminine law, and he is most familiar with the power of gloom.

Coming to this cemetery of the gods, he felt stronger than other ancestral witches.

“Here…” He slowly swept his gaze towards the cemetery of the gods, and said in a deep voice, “It’s dangerous!”

He stretched out his arm, black air came out of his hand, stared for a moment, suddenly stretched out his finger, and swiped his arm.


The arm was cut open, and the red and cold blood flowed out of it. Just looking at it gave people an extremely cold feeling.

Before the blood hit the ground, it immediately turned into blood-red ice cubes, falling to the ground, rolling continuously.

Look carefully, there is still a lot of black air in the bloody ice cube.

That black energy was not the poisonous power of the corpse, but the death energy of this world.

The ancestor witches were not simple generations, and naturally saw what was going on, and their faces changed drastically.

“We have been recruited?” Zhu Rong immediately checked himself. He didn’t notice it at first. After taking a closer look, he immediately saw that in the own body, under the blood flow, the skin, flesh and blood, and blood are all faint. The black air turns.

The black air flowed with the chill of the most yin, which made the hot blood become cold, and their bodies became cold, which is why.


Soon, a series of chilling sounds sounded.

“When?” Ancestral Wu said in surprise.

Their bodies had been eroded and changed by these black qi before they knew it, and in this short period of time, they had been eroded by almost one percent.

How long is this!

It is foreseeable that if they stay here for a long time, they are afraid that they will be completely eroded.

“This black air…no, lifeless, so strong!” Zhu Rong’s eyes widened, like a copper bell, and said in surprise.

You know, they are ancestral witches, known for their powerful bodies in the prehistoric lands. Moreover, he is even the ancestral witch of fire. He has also been transformed into cold body, and he has not the slightest knowledge of the law of flames, which is not weak. effect!

The most important thing is that in this process, they didn’t even have the slightest resistance or even much induction.

When such a huge change happened to them, they would feel that it was normal, and if it weren’t for the action of the corpse, they didn’t even think about it!

You know, even if there is a root of grass on the body, they will have a feeling, but now, such a change… there is no!

The nine Yin candlesticks mobilize the law of time, and want to check the time in this world, and check what happened in the past.


In front of him, a small wave appeared and disappeared instantly.

Zhu Jiuyin was surprised and solemn: “This world has the law of time, but it is extremely powerful, far beyond imagination, and I cannot induce it.”

Originally, he should have connected a long river of time, but under his full strength, it only formed a small wave, and it was the kind that disappeared in an instant!

He had already tried his best to estimate the strength of the cemetery of the gods in his heart, but at this time, he found out that he still underestimated…and far!

“Xuan Ming, didn’t you say that there is a terrifying old man and girl in this world?” Di Jiang asked Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming was looking at her own changes in astonishment. When she came in before, she didn’t seem to have experienced all of this. Although it felt terrifying, it didn’t happen as it is now.

It was the first time for her to be eroded and contaminated by other forces.

“Yes, but…” Xuan Ming opened his eyes hard and looked at the world of the cemetery of the gods, looking for familiar figures.

Moreover, under her efforts, she could only see the situation within ten miles, and she couldn’t see it no matter how far away.

You know, in the midst of the predicament, she can see more than billions of light-years at a glance…Here, it’s only ten miles!

“They… don’t seem to be here?”

Xuan Ming said something, and then a thought suddenly flashed in her heart, and she said: “The last time I came, there hasn’t been such a change. This time… won’t it be because of their absence, right?”

Listening to Xuan Ming’s guess, Di Jiang and others looked at each other and nodded: “It should be like this!”

Before that, Xuan Ming told all the details about his experience in the cemetery of the gods.

There is no information about the current situation… I thought she had forgotten it before. Now, depending on the situation, she probably didn’t experience it last time.

“This place is really terrifying. It is worthy of being a place where the gods are buried.” Zhu Jiuyin said slowly: “The old man and the young girl, the horror is more horrible than we thought.”

“Xuan Ming, last time you came in, you didn’t encounter all of this. It should be their existence that suppressed everything.”

“Now that they are not here, the place of the tomb of the gods really shows its horror!”

With that, Zhu Jiuyin smiled bitterly, and felt the long-lost weakness.

Although they found themselves being invaded by the death aura, they could not stop them with all their strength. Their power, under the death aura, as fragile as air, had no effect at all.

Every time here, the body is constantly being eroded… You know, they are the ancestral witches who are famous for their strong bodies, and even here, they behave like this. If they are replaced by other creatures, I’m afraid It can be completely eroded in an instant.

He doesn’t know what kind of changes will occur if the body is completely eroded… But, you can know, that is definitely not a good change!

“Okay, it’s all here… Now the situation is not right.”

Di Jiang thought for a while and said in a condensed voice: “Although the situation of the little girl has been suppressed, we still have to find a way to save her.”

Previously, his purpose was only to maintain the situation of Hinterland, and to keep her true spirit from drifting away.

Unexpectedly, after they came here, they didn’t need to do anything, the true spirit of Houtu collapsed and was naturally suppressed.

As a result, he also had a bigger idea, and he was very confident.

“It’s really strong here…the ones lying under the tombstones are really comparable to Sage’s existence.”

It turned out that he was still a little bit skeptical. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in Xuan Ming, it was just…comparable to Sage. How could Sage accomplish so well?

Comparable to Sage, just one, so many… no matter who said it, it seems so false!

But when he came here and personally felt the power of the cemetery of the gods, he immediately believed it.

After they have gone through the dark trial field, their strength has reached the limit below Sage, and just like that, they can’t resist the death aura of this world at all.

The death aura is condensed after the death of the gods, if it is not comparable to the death of Sage’s existence, how can such a powerful death aura be condensed?

“Xuan Ming, pass on the method of sacrifice to me.” With all the thoughts in his heart, Di Jiang said to Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming nodded, walked a few steps, and came to Di Jiang, icy finger on Di Jiang’s forehead, and passed the method of sacrifice.

The cemetery of the gods in a complete state is terrifying. Her own power is greatly suppressed, and her power can hardly be rushed out of the body. Only through this method can the information be transmitted.

Di Jiang closed his eyes and watched carefully, then opened his eyes and his expression was firm.

With the palm of his hand as a knife, he opened his chest, and the red and cold blood flew out of it. When it was about to fall, it was supported by a strange force and suspended in mid-air.

“My Emperor Jiang, in the name of the descendants of Father Pangu, sacrifices to the gods with his own blood…”


When he said, the originally peaceful cemetery of the gods suddenly rioted, and countless figures frightened out of the cemetery. The breath was monstrous and terrifying, and the whole body was shrouded in black mist, making it hard to see what they looked like.

The ancestor witches instantly felt a powerful force appearing, and they could not raise their heads under pressure.

Heaven…it got dark in an instant!

Terrifying auras and auras continued to appear, and a series of fierce and powerful figures came out of the tomb and walked over.

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