Chapter 412: The Reappearance of the Graveyard of the Gods

Duobao understands that he can do all this, even his current strength, not relying on himself, but relying on the system, relying on Gold Finger.

“This power is really domineering, detached, and can ignore everything. In front of it, there is no bottleneck, and the conditions, as long as you want, can do it!”

He thought carefully about the power of the system. Although he could not find its place in own, he gradually understood its essence.

“It is the existence of Panacea, no matter what the conditions are, it can make up for it. I want to establish a way, and it can be generated naturally by simply relying on an idea, a thought.”

“Moreover, after being generated, it is not different from the real Tao!”

“I initially recognized that something went wrong, and as a result, a cultivation system that is independent of and stronger than the prehistoric…This is also a kind of Tao.”


Knowing the power of the system, Duobao thought a lot, a lot.

I reviewed my previous experience, almost everything, all over again.

Because of this, he was even more shocked.

“The Realm, cultivation, Immortal Dao, Realm, what a perfect, rigorous, and difficult system… other immortals, poor for a lifetime, countless billions of years, countless Yuanhui, may not be able to break through the Realm, I just want to, Can break through.”

“The bottleneck in many Realms, many strict rules and systems, are ignored by me.”

“If we say that all the cultivation, systems, and foundations of the predecessor are like a net, rigorous and logical… I am like a behemoth falling into this net, destroying and changing it unreasonably. ”

“No, it’s not me… it’s the system in me, the power above the rules.”

“It was he who made me change from being a creature in the net to a saboteur, a changer, and a transcendent in the net.”

“At the level, because of the existence of the system, I have naturally surpassed the entire prehistoric world, so I can do all this.”

“It’s also because of this that I can unreasonably establish these many ways.”

Thinking of this, Duobao was a little bit lost. Originally, he thought that he could have such strength because he thought his own talent and own hard work.

But now, it seems that the biggest reason is still his system.

If there is no system, I am afraid that he is just a small golden immortal in the prehistoric world, at most, it can only be regarded as the Taiyi golden immortal, even Da Luo is difficult.

After all, he is an outsider who is not familiar with the most core laws and systems of this world. It takes a long time for him to be familiar with it.

It’s not that he can have the achievements of Duobao if he passes through and becomes Duobao.

He is a native creature, he is a foreigner, and he is familiar with the cultivation of living in this world, how could he be worse than him!

“Duobao, I know you have power above the rules. This is a good thing and a bad thing.”

Looking at the brooding Duobao, Hongjun sighed and slowly said: “For us, for the entire prehistoric, it is a good thing.”

“But this is not all good for you.”

“Huh?” Duobao looked up in amazement, a little confused.

“The power in you has allowed you to unreasonably reach the rule Sage in this short period of time, and almost surpass us.”

“That kind of power, after all, is only your external force, not your own strength.”

“In essence, although you are strong, you can only be regarded as an ordinary kid holding a super Magic Treasures. Of course you are unscrupulous and without taboos, but for yourself…you are still just a kid.”

“You… have never been a qualified cultivation person!”

In the end, Hongjun said, the sound was not loud, but Duobao was shaking, and there was a roar in his head.


Duobao wanted to refute, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is correct.

His mentality has never changed greatly. From the time he traveled to the present, he relied on the system and the constant strength of Ascension, but his state of mind was ascension on the surface, but the essence did not change much.

The person of cultivation…really hard to say, only that he is a mortal with great power.

“Having such power, these things are actually not that important, but if you can also Ascension yourself, that would be the best.” Hongjun said earnestly.

He had just discovered this point. He had always felt it before, but he was not sure.

After all, who could have imagined that Sage’s strength has reached the rules, yet he is still in a mortal state of mind?

How can such a state of mind control such great power?

Strength also needs a corresponding state of mind to control it, otherwise, it will be affected by strength.

To put it in the simplest sentence, the body is armed with a weapon and the heart is self-inflicted. This is the reaction brought by the inability of the state of mind to fully control the power.

It was also that the power above the rules was too strong, and it was really unreasonable. Let Duobao possess such power, but it didn’t even affect his heart.

But this is the problem after all.

External force is always external force…the most important thing is its own Ascension.

As Doubao thought about it, he finally nodded his head: “Master, I know.”

He understands, he didn’t know this aspect before, but now he understands, he will try his best to change himself, Ascension.

However, under the influence of the system, he is not sure whether he can change.

After all, the power of the system is too strong!

“Well, you know it.”

Hongjun nodded with satisfaction, and said nothing.

Whether he can do it or not depends on Dubo himself, he has no way to intervene, nor can he intervene.


In the Pangu Temple, various forces flashed, time and space, ice, weather, thunder, flames… etc., many forces were distinct, and they joined forces to face the earth.

After thinking for a long time, they still did not think of a suitable, 100% solution.

Then something happened again in Houtu. With the last Sage power, Xuan Ming didn’t completely freeze Houtu, setting the tendency of it to collapse.

“It can’t go on like this.” Tian Wu said with a serious face, “You must find a way!”

The other ancestors were silent.

Is not this nonsensical!

Of course they knew that they couldn’t go on like this. After a long time, the earth would really fall. They were also trying to find a way, but the point was that they couldn’t think of a way.

Xuan Ming was stunned for a moment. The ice-cold power in his hand shook for an instant, causing a true golden light on Hou Tu’s body to break through the blockade and flew out when Xuan Ming was shaking.

“Xuan Ming?” All Ancestor Witches suddenly looked over, somewhat dissatisfied.

The true spirits of Houtu have been scattered a lot, and now, any golden light of true spirits is extremely important.

It is very possible that in the end, this golden light is the last hope!

Xuan Ming looked at the extreme ice battle in his hand, and a rich surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Seeing the change in Xuan Ming’s complexion, the ancestor witches were taken aback, and then reacted.

“Sister Xuanming, did you think of a way?” Zhu Rong asked first.

Xuan Ming nodded and shook his head again. Before the ancestors could think about it, Xuan Ming said, “I seem to sense the cemetery of the gods again?”

A sign suddenly appeared in the Battle of Extreme Ice. She subconsciously moved her power and rushed over, and immediately a channel slowly formed.

On the opposite side of the passage, cold, dense, full of death, familiar and unfamiliar, it was the cemetery of the gods she had visited before.

“The cemetery of the gods?”

The ancestors witches were dumbfounded, and then they were overjoyed.

“Great!” Di Jiang reacted immediately and said: “In this way, the rest of you will continue to hold down the true spirit of the little sister, and sister Xuan Ming and I will go to the cemetery of the gods to find a solution.”

“Dage, you are the strongest, and the space is the best at closing the town, let me go.” Zhu Rong retorted first.

Go to the cemetery of the gods and see Xuan Ming’s previous experience. After entering and then coming out, the price is his Pangu bloodline.

Di Jiang said that it was simple, but in fact, he had already done a good job of paying the price of his own blood.

“Yes, Dage, you are the leader of my Witch clan. Anyone can do without the Witch clan, but you can’t.” Qiangliang stood up: “I’ll go!”

“I go!”

“I go!”

Seeing the vying Little Brothers, Dijiang’s eyes flashed with relief, and then slowly stretched out his hand, suppressing the voices of the ancestors and witches, and said in a deep voice: “I have an unshirkable responsibility for the little sister. This time, let me go!”

“If I don’t go, I’m afraid I will live in guilt in my whole life…”

The ancestors were silent, and Di Jiang was determined, and said so… they didn’t seem to find a reason to refute.

“Okay, that’s it, I’ll go.”

Di Jiang said in an unquestionable tone, and then, without looking at the ancestor witches, said to Xuan Ming, “Xuan Ming, let’s go.”

Xuan Ming did not hesitate to activate the passage, and a black air flew out from the battle of extreme ice, forming a dark gate in front of him.

The door is simple, without any reliefs, and the whole body is enveloped by black air.

The ancestors palpitated for a while, and felt the deep danger, subconsciously averted their eyes, not daring to look more.

Although it is just a simple gate, there are no powerful rules, and some are just endless black auras, but every black aura, pure, rich, not a rule, is better than a rule.

Just a first glance made them feel that they seemed to be dragged into Death by him.

“It deserves to be the burial place of gods comparable to Sage…”

The ancestors were amazed.

“We’re leaving now.” Dijiang glanced at the ancestors, walked toward the gate, and exhorted: “Look at the little girl carefully, don’t make any accidents, we will be back soon.”


The door trembled suddenly, and after a short while, a huge suction force formed, and the ancestor witches who hadn’t reacted in an instant, especially the horrified ancestors on their faces, swallowed it!

In the cemetery of the gods, a spatial ripple appeared, spitting out countless figures.

Cold, dark, like Death, chilling in the heart.

The ancestor witches had just appeared, and they immediately shuddered involuntarily, and felt a strong discomfort, as if they had come to the restricted area of ​​the living.

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