Chapter 410

“Really?” Xiaohong was surprised and puzzled.

Duobao had always known the weird and ominous feelings.

She is a weird creature, her own feeling is very strong, and her intuition is quick. It is precisely because she has always felt Duobao’s attitude towards weird and ominous power that she has always been so cautious.

It’s not pretending to be in front of Dubao, but he doesn’t want Dubao to be embarrassed.

Once, for this reason, she had always hated why she was a weird creature and why she was not a normal creature. This might be different.

This is also the reason why she can stay alone in the depths of the star realm for so long.

She knew that she was ominous, not accepted by the orthodox world, and even faintly jealous of her father. Therefore, she was at ease and careful to survive alone, not to cause trouble for others.


Duobao hugged Xiao Hong and said heavily: “As long as you don’t mean to be evil, it doesn’t matter what you do, and Daddy can solve it.”

“You don’t need to suppress your own nature. You are Daddy’s daughter. As long as you haven’t changed, then, what does everything else matter?”

The tip of his nose smelled the breath of Duo Bao, as usual, reassuring, Xiao Hong buried her little head in Duo Bao’s arms, and gave a soft hmm.

“very nice!”

Silently, she thought so in her heart.

Her keen perception, and the feeling that made her very happy in Duobao’s body, the faint fear before, has completely disappeared.

This made her sure that Dad was really telling the truth.

After a long time, Duobao put down Xiao Hong and said softly: “Then you just stay here first, Daddy will come as soon as he goes.”

Xiao Hong is extremely well-behaved: “Okay, Daddy.”


Outside the primordial chaos, in front of the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun stared at the primordial land, sensing the changes that had disappeared in the depths of the primordial land.

“How could it suddenly disappear?”

His eyes were full of puzzlement, and his heart was full of great loss.

Obviously before, I could sense that the primordial world was about to undergo a metamorphosis, drastic change, but suddenly, all the changes, the source, all disappeared.

Everything seemed to be an illusion, and it didn’t happen at all.

There is not much difference between the primordial land that I saw before my eyes.

“Dobo, Dobo…”

Hongjun whispered softly, calling Duobao’s name.

Now Duobao’s strength is not much different from him, and he can’t find Duobao’s traces. The only way to let Duobao know and let him come by himself.

“This time, it must be inseparable from Duobao, and even he did it.”

Hongjun understood in his heart.

Although Zixiao Palace is the supreme Sacred Land in the hearts of the prehistoric creatures, in fact, it is not too big, it is just a simple palace, located in the chaos, without powerful visions.

It’s just because it’s located in the colorless chaos, its purple appearance is so strange.

Hongjun was standing in front of Zixiao Palace, waiting for Duobao, looking a little anxious.

This is somewhat different from his identity as Taoist ancestor.

But what happened this time really made him difficult to understand, and it was too important for him to remain calm.

In the chaos, a ripple appeared, The next moment, a figure appeared.

“Duobao pays homage to Master.”

Duobao respectfully saluted, and the moment he raised his head, a big anxious face appeared in front of him, which frightened him.


Hongjun, who had been waiting for a long time, came to Duobao in no time, and said anxiously: “You don’t need to be polite, Duobao, I ask you, does the previous matter have anything to do with you?”

Sure enough, it was for this.

Duobao secretly said in his heart, and then nodded: “It is true.”

Without waiting for Hongjun to continue to ask questions, Duobao said all the relevant matters.

Hongjun was stunned when he heard it, before asking for a long time: “So, you can create a lot of Dao now, enough to form a civilized Dao?”

A way that can establish a way can basically form a civilization and become the core and pillar of civilization.

The standard of establishing Taoism is civilization.

Ruobao’s bitter path set up before is actually a development of wretchedness.

Originally, this was not enough to form a unity, but based on own cognition, Duobao gradually perfected it, taking wretched development as the core, forcibly ascensioning it to the level of civilization and Tao, and therefore, he established it.

Li Dao has never been simple…this is Hongjun’s previous cognition.


Hongjun recalled Duobao’s words in his mind, and couldn’t help asking: “How many ways did you create?”

There was a terrible storm in his heart, and Gu Xiang’s cognition was broken, Hongjun couldn’t imagine, Li Dao…It turned out to be so easy!

“How many!” Duobao scratched his head annoyed: “I haven’t counted it. I guess it’s a few hundred, right?”

He was not sure, indeed, he hadn’t counted it. Although it was just a thought, he did not have time to have this thought before.

When I just woke up, I found many civilizations and the movement made by Tao, and then I communicated with Heavenly Dao. Then Xiaohong and Shizu Hongjun appeared again, disrupting his thoughts, and he really hasn’t counted it yet. , How many channels did I make during this period of time?

“several hundred!”

Hongjun’s eyes widened suddenly, and he was shocked to hear this number.


You know, before Duobao, there was no double-digit Dao in the entire Primordial Land, and suddenly there were a few hundred more Dao Dao?

This… is too unbelievable!

Hongjun looked at Duobao up and down, feeling so strange.

In terms of the number of Dao alone, in front of me, my disciple-grandson is already comparable to dozens of primordial grandchildren.

With one’s own strength, it is comparable to the prehistoric… What an horrible thing this is!

Who can believe it?

Who can believe it!

But Hongjun believed that Duobao would not lie. The changes in the prehistoric world all proved the truthfulness of this matter.

“How did it happen?” Hongjun asked in shock.

Duobao thought for a while, and it didn’t seem to be too difficult: “That’s it!”

The Tao is just a bit simpler, but it is a little core, a little theory, plus a little cognition, combined together, it is formed.

To support a civilization, I have read so many novels in previous lives, and almost every novel has its own cultivation system and various theories.

Although from his current point of view, those seem a little imaginary, like a joke, but the idea is correct, and with his current strength and foundation, it is not difficult to perfect it.

A novel is a complete cultivation system. After being perfected, it will become a complete Tao…Hundreds of Taoisms are just a few hundred novels.

More than a few hundred novels he had read in his previous life?

Counting it down like this, there are actually a few hundred of them, which is still considered to be few.

“That’s it!” Hongjun silently lowered his head.

It’s so easy to say, it’s like eating and drinking water.

He wants to say something like this, and he wants to do so, why can’t he do it?

Even he couldn’t think of more than three ways.

“Is this the gap?” Hong Jun secretly asked in his heart: “Above the rules, is it really so difficult to understand?”

Even the Tao that supports civilization can be produced so easily and on such a scale. This is not considered to be above the real rules, but it is only contaminated with a trace of power above the rules, and it can be done to such an extent.

If it is truly above the rules, where can it be achieved?


Hongjun couldn’t understand Duobao’s current behavior, and in the end he could only blame it on the rules.

Duobao looked at Hongjun strangely, also a little strange.

“Why…Master reacted like this?”

“Rules Sage, beyond time and space, can be measured, past, present, and future things…Although it is different now, it is difficult to measure, but it was still possible before!”

The past is nothing more. There will be a modern society in the future. In the future of this world, there will also be the emergence of modern science and the emergence of the information age.

As a rule, Sage must know that era… He has read countless novels and learned a lot from them. Logically speaking, Hongjun should also be clear about it.


As he was thinking, he suddenly had a heartbreak, and Duobao found a problem: “If you knew it before, it would actually not be that difficult to establish a road, but why…”

As a rule, Sage knows the existence of modern society, so he will definitely know the countless novels and the complete theories in countless novels, and he will definitely know more than him.

If this is the case, it is not a difficult task to establish a road!

Lidao, for Honghuang, is a great good thing. If you know it, it will definitely not be like he is now. There are other calculations, and naturally they have all come out… But in the end, why there are still so few Kind of way?

Until he appeared, there were still those Dao in the prehistoric, and no other Dao appeared!

This is not normal!

“Master…” Thinking about it, Duobao asked unconsciously, “Have you not counted the future era, the information era?”

Hongjun woke up from amazement, and when he heard Dubao’s words, thoughts flashed in his mind, a little puzzled, but still said, “I know.”

“I know!” Duobao waited until his eyes, looked at Hongjun of course, and asked again puzzledly: “Since you know, why are you so shocked?”

“If you know the information age, after reading the explosive information, you will naturally be able to stand up!”

Hongjun was dumbfounded at this time, listening to Dubao’s words, his face was confused: “???”

Duobao looked at Hongjun’s expression, also with a question mark on his face: “???”

The two looked at each other, both seeing the doubt in each other’s eyes… puzzled!

After a long time, Hongjun slowly recalled, and hesitated to ask: “So, what do you mean is that these Taoisms you created are related to the information age in the future?”

“Yes!” Duobao replied naturally, and then looking at Hongjun’s expression, he slowly realized the problem: “Isn’t it… shouldn’t it?”

“Should it?” Hongjun’s doubts in his eyes became heavier.

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