Chapter 409

As Heavenly Dao, it doesn’t bother anyone, but only these two people can’t help it.

Coming violently and extremely angry, Heavenly Dao suddenly turned into endless grievances after a difficult pause.

It stared at Duobao. Although he did not have eyes, Duobao could feel the endless grievances and grievances that made him hairy.

“It’s not the time yet!” Duobao knew Heavenly Dao’s emotions and softly comforted.

Not time?

When is the time then?

Heavenly Dao stared eagerly at the many civilizations, Dao, who had been suppressed and calmed down beside Dubao, unwillingly give up a little strength to seduce them, wanting to seduce them to own.

However, since Duobao has awakened and suppressed it, how could these civilizations and Dao be seduced by Heavenly Dao again.

“Don’t worry, it’s yours, it’s all yours, but now…not yet!”

Duobao shook his head and noticed Heavenly Dao’s small movements, but he didn’t care, even slightly surprised.

“It seems that Heavenly Dao’s instinct is a bit strong!”

He almost couldn’t suppress it, if it weren’t for the owner of these things, plus his identity as a prehistoric leader, otherwise, without that one, Heavenly Dao would not stop at this time!

This seems aggrieved, even a little pitiful, if there is no identity, any point is missing, it is not cute, Heavenly Dao will tell you what is called terror!

After seduce for a while, there was no response, Heavenly Dao also gave up, and coupled with Dubao’s words, Heavenly Dao twisted slightly, did not speak, but a message of its own came into Dubao’s mind.


“It’s like this…” Seeing Heavenly Dao, Duobao said all of his own plans. The most important thing is the arrangement of these civilizations and Dao.

Heavenly Dao now, this is the most important thing!

If you don’t explain this matter clearly, I’m afraid Heavenly Dao won’t let it go!

In the current situation of Heavenly Dao, if he is really rough, he really doesn’t have much to do!

“What’s the matter, that’s it. If you want to, you also want to see a hundred flowers blooming instead of one of the best?” At the end, Dubao asked.

Heavenly Dao’s power hesitated for a moment, and there was obvious entanglement. Although he didn’t move, Duobao seemed to be able to feel it, and his eyes fell on the many civilizations and Dao.

After a long time, Heavenly Dao’s power still dissipated.

It is a machine that can best calculate gains and losses, good and bad.

Duobao is right. These Taoisms and civilizations are now established, and the source is Duobao. Although the benefits are great, they are indeed not as great as the inspiring other creatures that Dubao said.

In contrast, despite its reluctance, it gave up.


Duobao gently wiped off the non-existent sweat on his forehead and let out a sigh of relief.

“This guy, the instinctual consciousness is really too strong… won’t go to the back, really become a creature, possess wisdom, and affection?”

Now we all know the greed, desire for civilization and Tao, and the intention is so clear and clear… With the growth of the prehistoric world, this may really be inaccurate!

“Will…I will personally cultivate a Heavenly Dao creature in the future?”

A thought came to Dubo’s mind, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he burst into laughter.

“That seems to be very interesting, isn’t it!”

Although the Heavenly Dao creature, in the sense, is as rebellious as the artificial intelligence guessed in the previous life, possessing all kinds of powerful powers, it can cause unbearable consequences!

However, Duobao is not very scared!

After all, no matter how strong Heavenly Dao is, it is only a creature under the rules. No matter how strong it is, there are limits… if the prehistoric world is so strong that Heavenly Dao can live, then he relies on Gold Finger and gains power from it. …It is estimated that it has already surpassed the rules and reached a level above the rules.

At that time, if the Heavenly Dao creatures really want to make trouble, they can suppress it by turning their hands.

Therefore, he is not afraid at all, even faintly expecting it!

Of course, the most important point is also where the strongest courage lies. It is the appearance of the future Emperor Jiang to let him know that the future self has a high probability of breaking through the rules.

Now that it has breakthrough…what are you afraid of? Make it hard!

“You guys, just rest assured!”

Duobao looked at the many civilizations beside him and said…lightly shook his head.

As soon as I finished speaking, my heart suddenly moved, and I felt it, and said involuntarily, “Huh…did you find it?”

“In this case… the next thing can start.”

His eyes flickered, and he glanced at the ancestral witches in the Pangu Hall, and then looked beyond the chaos and in the Purple Cloud Palace.

“Master came to me… I’m afraid it’s because of this incident, so I still have to explain.”

Thinking about it, Duobao yelled aloud.

The next moment, a figure broke through the air, looking at Duobao impatiently: “Daddy? What’s the matter?”

As he spoke, the corner of his eyes kept turning towards the civilizations next to him, swept across the road, full of interest.

Before in many civilizations, when Dao rushed out of the limits of Duobao, she had already felt the difference.

Seeing that kind of civilization, that one by one, her heart moved, and she was dizzy. It felt like she had seen the best things in the world and was about to move.

If it hadn’t been because Duobao was here, she would have rushed over.

It was only because he was worried about Dubao and afraid of affecting him, that he kept guarding from a distance, watching eagerly, until Dubao called her, and then rushed over immediately.

“You little clever ghost.” Duobao saw Xiaohong’s little movements and lit her little nose in a petting way.

Xiao Hong is a weird creature, who relies on control and parasitizes civilized creatures to grow herself.

Every time one more creature is controlled and a civilization is parasitic, it will be of great help to it.

Although these civilizations and Taoisms are just prototypes, to Xiao Hong, they are no less than the best food in the world, and they are salivating.

He was already surprised if he could bear it till now.

“Daddy has some things to go out and handle, I’ll leave it to you here.”

“Behind, there will be some people here, just watch and leave them alone. When they are over, just throw them out.” Duobao said.

Xiao Hong nodded, but kept his eyes on the many civilizations and Tao.

“These things, you can see and understand… Forget it, you can move at will, as long as you have fun.”

Dubao said helplessly.

These civilizations and Tao are the foundation he prepared, originally they could not be moved now, and they would not be used until the plan began.

These things are almost complete, and if you don’t pay attention, you may become a real civilization, Tao… Therefore, he didn’t dare to let Xiaohong move.

But seeing Xiaohong look like this, he couldn’t bear it again.

After all, Xiaohong has been restricted by herself since she was born, and she has not been allowed to sway her own nature, which is also severe.

As a weird creature, he hasn’t done many things that fit his identity… Its strength has been stagnant because of this!

Thinking this way, I still feel a little distressed!

Xiaohong has an extraordinary voice and a powerful heel. Its potential is even higher than that of a group of Sages. Coupled with his urging, it stands to reason that by now, he should have Sage-level strength, but so far, it is still only Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The reason is still because she did not use her own ability to grow under the limitation of own.

Now, Tao is right beside these many civilizations. Although no creatures were born, just absorbing the civilization and Tao in them is enough to allow them to grow on a small scale.

After all, weird creatures can’t be crossed by common sense!

He waved his hand to lock up all the civilizations and Dao, so that they would not be completed ahead of schedule. Without affecting the plan, Duobao indulged Xiao Hong for the first time.

“Really?” Xiao Hong turned her head, her big eyes were full of longing and disbelief: “Daddy?”

In fact, she has always known the situation of own, not so decent, and the prehistoric, orthodox situation of Daddy’s survival, contrary to and incompatible, as if standing on the opposite side.

She didn’t say it, but she knew it in her heart. Therefore, it has always been not only Duobao who has consciously or unconsciously restricted her, but she has also deliberately suppressed her own nature.

She didn’t want to make her dad embarrassed, and she didn’t want to cause her own recklessness to cause the result she least wanted to see!

Therefore, she has always appeared to be very sensible, even if she is occasionally naughty, it is always within a limited range.

She has always been very cautious, saying nothing, just doing it silently.

At this time, when I heard Duobao say this, he was a little more nervous at the same time of excitement.

“Really? Can Xiaohong really be wanton?”

Xiaohong asked cautiously: “That’s it… don’t you need to suppress own wanton?”

Looking at Own Xiaohong cautiously, like a chick, Duobao was taken aback.

Suddenly, a deep guilt came to my heart.

“It turns out that she has always been like this?”

He had always thought that Xiaohong was happy with him and Life was very happy. Although there were occasional problems and conflicts, they quickly dissipated, so he never paid attention.

However, at this moment, under the temptation of civilization and Tao, and even more under his words, Xiaohong only showed her true thoughts and broke the own disguise for the first time.

It was not until this time that Duobao realized that this little guy had always been so cautious and struggling in Life.

She has been suppressing herself all the time, and she has been living carefully all the time.

“Xiao Hong…” Duobao was sour, touching Xiao Hong’s head, his eyes almost changing to sparkle, and he raised his head slightly: “Really, of course it is true.”

“From now on, you don’t have to suppress yourself. With Daddy, nothing will happen. Daddy can handle everything.”

“It doesn’t matter what you want to do.”

Duobao kept saying that he always regarded Xiaohong as his daughter, and he loved it.

He always thought that he loved Xiaohong very much and treated her very well!

But, until now, he didn’t realize that all he thought was what he thought all the time!

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