Chapter 407

“Can’t find it!”

Tangled, hesitated, like the ancestor witches who had made the most difficult decision. Hearing this answer… they were all stupid on the spot again!

Originally, they all made the best preparations, ready to face any problems and sacrifices.

However, Xuan Ming’s words… and all their preparations and sacrifices were shattered.

“It turns out that even if we ourselves want to make sacrifices… don’t we necessarily have a chance?”

For a long time, Tian Wu said mockingly.

They think that as long as they are prepared, they can do it, but the fact is that even if they are willing, they have to see whether the other party wants it and whether they are willing to accept their sacrifice and dedication!

This is really a very sad thing, but also a helpless reality!


In the cemetery of the gods, Duobao consumed all the water of the rules, the magic power of the rules, and after changing himself, he began to simulate various ways of establishing the way.

If he wants to train people who establish Taoism, he must first understand what Taoism is and what Tao is!

Moreover, you also have to have a lot of experience in your heart, so that you can better accomplish this goal!

He already knows what Tao is, and he also understands what Li Tao is.

However, it is only clear and understand that the relevant data and information in all aspects are not perfect enough and need to be further expanded and filled.

What is Tao?

To put it simply, it is a Taoist school, complete from scratch, and a Taoist school for cultivation!

For example, the Gold Core Avenue taught by people, elucidating the way of teaching conforming to the secrets of heaven, such as the way of intercepting religion, such as the way of Western Buddhism.

Each of them has a complete and large-scale system that can supply cultivation from scratch, and they all exist individually.

It’s not that if you have arrived at the Cultivation Base, you will be able to stand up if you have the strength, no!

It’s like mathematics, physics, chemistry…and so on in modern society.

Each of them can be regarded as a Tao… Can others learn these to the deepest and strongest point, and then they can establish the Tao?

No, it’s not!

The people who create these disciplines are considered to be Li Dao…The people behind them, even if they are stronger and much stronger than the most original founders, the Li Dao people, they are just people who learn this Dao.

The biggest compliment is that the blue is better than the blue, not the way!

Learning is just learning, not creating!

To build a path is to create…to learn from others, no matter how strong it is, it is only a learner, not a creator, not a person who builds a path.

The so-called establishment of Tao is to re-establish a Tao with own knowledge, cognition, arrangement, clarity, and a Tao with the most basic and core concepts.

From this point of view, you don’t even need a strong Cultivation Base, as long as you recognize it, you can naturally stand on the road. It has nothing to do with Cultivation Base, just look at cognition, foundation, and knowledge.

Just like the suffering he established at the time, his Cultivation Base was not very high, but he still established the path, relying on cognition, foundation, and knowledge.

Kudao develops the four words of wretchedness, and makes full use of it. With this as the core, he has developed many Taoisms, many strengthening each level, each Realm Taoism, and perfecting all its foundations and cores. So… he stood up.

And other cultivators, no matter how strong they are, their essence is the way of others…cannot be separated from others.

Daozu Hongjun was outside the chaos, opened up the Zixiao Palace, preached three thousand people, and passed down the cultivation way.

This was originally a good thing…but gradually it turned into a bad thing.

Although there were only three thousand visitors in the Purple Cloud Palace, after they got the Dao from the Purple Cloud Palace, they went back and taught them to the disciples of the Own Clan. The disciple of the Clan would inadvertently affect other people. Slowly, almost all the cultivation of the ancient creatures In the middle, they all took the shadow of Zixiao Palace.

Their strength is Ascension, but the essence has become the way of the Purple Heaven Palace!

This move allowed Dao Zu Hongjun to harvest most of the fortunes of the predecessors, and through this, he joined the Dao to control Heavenly Dao, and his strength soared.

But in the same way, almost all of the primordial sentient beings were shrouded in the shadow of the Purple Heaven Palace, making it difficult to escape.

This is not a bad thing. After all, there is a brand new path with clear goals and a bright future. When you cultivate, you have goals and progress. It will be a lot easier, a lot, and it will be very comfortable!

But after being comfortable for a long time, you will gradually forget your hard work and move forward in accordance with the cultivation way of the predecessors, without knowing the development or innovation, so naturally, there will be no new things appearing.

Li Dao…the way of the predecessors has not been cultivated to the limit, how can I think of Li Dao!

This is the common idea of ​​the predecessors, all thinking is to cultivate the way of the predecessors to the limit, the peak, and then find the breakthrough!

At that time… it was still too far, too far away from them, so I basically didn’t want to!

This idea seems to be true. After all, there is an obvious road that hasn’t been completed yet. Why do you have to work hard to open up a new road?

Isn’t this something wrong?

However, there is a problem. The Tao of the primordial beings comes from the Zixiao Palace and the Taoist ancestor.

To completely complete the path of the predecessors, it is necessary to reach the level of the current Taoist ancestor…that is, the rule Sage!

Can it be achieved?

So, this is a road that can see the end, but almost never reach the end.

It’s like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey, you can see it, but you can never eat it!

This is the biggest problem!

The most critical problem is that this kind of cognition has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and it is difficult to reverse it. Even if you tell him that you need to reopen the road now, it will be good for your future and it is worth it!

There is a high probability that the other party will roll your eyes and then scold you for being insane.

Isn’t it just a neuropathy? If you don’t take a good road, you have to drive on your own… Isn’t it ill?

From a personal point of view, this is okay, but if you walk from the perspective of the world, this is a big problem!

Daozu Hongjun opened up a way, Mozu opened up a way, other Sages passively opened up a way, and Duobao opened up a way.

In total, the total is Dao Ancestor, Demon Ancestor, Six Sages, Duobao, and a total of nine Dao.

These nine paths have supported the prehistoric world…it seems to be a lot, but in fact there are too few. For a world, the best thing is that a hundred flowers bloom, all kinds of thoughts are mixed and exploded, and then there will be greater development.

It’s like the information explosion in the 21st century…Before the big bang, the world was like an ancient society. After the big bang, the world can be regarded as a truly modern society, and it can also be understood as the information age.

And what Duobao wants, the best development for the prehistoric world, is similar to the modern society, the prehistoric era of the information age, the era of great roads.

If that time comes, what kind of catastrophe, calamity, calamity, under the suppression of many avenues, will not be able to set off a storm at all, and will be suppressed at the first thought.

In this way, there will be no great calamity, even the existence of immeasurable calamity… the prehistoric world will naturally become an eternal world.

This is currently the highest pursuit!

If he really did, Dubao felt that he should also be able to use this to break through the rules of Sage and reach the level of being who created his own Gold Finger.

From the coming of Dijiang in the future, it can be seen that… he seems to have succeeded!

Therefore, he is very motivated now.

“In the information age, the information explosion, the first thing to do is to have enough information to reach a certain scale before a big explosion can occur!”

“Li Dao… I don’t need to create all kinds of Dao, I just need to create the shadows, prototypes of all kinds of Dao, with a certain amount of inspiration… Then let the great creatures see and gain from it, before they can explode!”

Although he can establish a lot of Dao now, but those Dao are made because of him, which is good for the world, but after all, the source is too single, and the feedback from Heavenly Dao is not as good as that of the living beings who established the Dao because of him. The gains brought.

Therefore, from the point of view of interests, it is best for him to cultivate people who stand by the way, and let the wild flowers bloom.

“Pure, infinite, faith, refining, qi training, complex, single…”

Countless thoughts flashed in Duobao’s mind, and the magic power in his body slowly turned, pulling the thoughts in his mind, combining his own cognition and information, into a book, flying out of him, spinning around him endlessly. .

Each book carries a rich culture, Taoism and civilization.

These are all generated from the novels he has seen and the various thoughts he has learned in the information age. The basic theories are enough… plus his Cultivation Base, the current Realm, and it is easy to use it. Perfect and repair completed.

It can be said that each of these books represents a new avenue…a perfect avenue!

As long as the prehistoric creatures have thoroughly eaten and digested any book, they can establish their way!

But, in that case, the people who established Taobao are still Duobao, not them…They can only be regarded as learners and inheritors who learn this kind of Tao and spread it!

The thoughts in his mind erupted like rain, and there were more and more books around Dubao’s body. The civilizations of each other merged, faintly, turning this place into the ocean of Tao, the starting point of civilization.

At first glance, it seems that this is the origin of countless civilizations, the origin of the avenue…the mysterious and extraordinary, the civilization is magnificent.

Books slowly grew, and Duobao still had no tendency to stop. Aura burst out, books increased, civilization was bursting, Dao Yun was powerful, and gradually they merged with each other.

In the intersection, an inexplicable force appeared.

This power is so powerful, profound, heavy, vicissitudes, and primitive, it seems to run through time and space, surpass fate, and carry everything.

In the end, this force was even so powerful that it exceeded the barrier set by Duobao, and it came to the cemetery of the gods, broke through the barriers of the cemetery of the gods, and entered the prehistoric world.

Transcendence, civilization, vicissitudes, and ancient auras radiate. Under the suppression of this force, the entire prehistoric world has stagnated for an instant, ceased circulation in an instant, and space seemed to be suppressed.

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