Chapter 406

Now that she has used up her hole cards, she can only put her hope on Houtu.

“No way.” Zhu Rong shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was thinking about this possibility just now.

He was able to enter Samsara because of Dubo.

If this is the case, it’s okay to say, the key is that after he enters Samsara, he needs to go through Samsara nine times before he can enter the depths of Samsara, come to the place where Hou Tu is, and see Hou Tu.

He didn’t even dare to be sure whether he could get through it even nine times, let alone bring the earth with him.

Hou Tu had no consciousness, and Samsara couldn’t make it through the first way, so nothing else.

“Yes, if I have passed Samsara nine times, can I bring my little sister back safely without the real spirit falling apart?”

Thinking of this, Zhu Rong was immediately stunned.

He understands Duobao. Since Dubao put him in Samsara, he has experienced Samsara nine times…Perhaps as long as he really passes, it won’t happen like this!

“Is it the wrong way to open it?”

“What did you think of?” Dijiang asked, seeing that Zhu Rong’s expression was wrong.

“Perhaps…” Zhu Ronggang wanted to tell Own’s guess, but when he saw the frozen Houtu and Xuan Ming, he shook his head slightly: “Nothing, forget it, it’s just a guess.”

It’s really just a guess. Let’s not say whether he can spend Samsara nine times. Even if he does, can the little girl really be taken out by him safely?

Xuan Ming has done well enough, and has paid too much for this. The current situation is already like this. What should be done is to find a solution instead of thinking about these things.

“By the way, I haven’t asked you yet, how did you get into Samsara?” Di Jiang squinted his eyes and asked.

Zhu Rong didn’t want to say, he definitely had his considerations. As Dage, Di Jiang could understand it and didn’t force it. He just asked immediately.

He can ignore everything else, Zhu Rong entered Samsara, and it was Samsara’s deep method, which is very important to them now.

Hou Tu looks like this and must be sent back to the depths of Samsara… Since Zhu Rong has such a method, he must know.

“I…” Zhu Rong hesitated, but faced Dijiang’s firm gaze, he still said: “I went to find Duobao.”


Di Jiang murmured, suddenly, if it were him, it would be understandable.

Strong slapped his head with great strength, and made a dull voice: “Yes, we can go to Dubao!”

They couldn’t solve the problem of Hou Tu, but Dubao could definitely solve it.

With his strength… this kind of problem is not a problem at all.

Di Jiang shook his head, looked at Zhu Rong, and realized that the problem was not so simple.

“Zhu Rong…isn’t this okay?”

Among them, Zhu Rong is now the person who understands the situation best, and logically speaking, he should be the first to think of this method, but his current performance is somewhat wrong.

The other Ancestral Witches who were in surprise were also a little surprised. Listening to Dijiang’s question, they all looked at Zhu Rong and caught their eyes. Zhu Rong’s embarrassed, hesitant and tangled complexion made their hearts sink.

Could it be… a bad guess suddenly rose from my heart.

“You speak!” Zhu Jiuyin said angrily.

Zhu Rong hadn’t spoken, hesitated, and entangled, completely different from his normal personality.

The bad premonition in my heart is even stronger!

Xuan Ming looked at Zhu Rong, thinking of his previous experience in the depths of Samsara, but he understood a little bit.

“Don’t force Zhurong Big Brother, he should have no choice.” Xuan Ming sighed and said helplessly.

The ancestral witches all looked at Xuan Ming again.

“You know?” Dijiang asked anxiously.

“Yes, if Zhu Rong Big Brother entered the depths of Samsara through Duobao, this is indeed understandable!”

“Also, he entered before me, but in the end, I brought the little girl back…Have you ever thought about the reason for this?”

The ancestor witches were meditating, it seemed that there were really some problems.

“Why?” Zhu Jiuyin asked.

“Because after Zhu Rong Big Brother entered, it was not that simple.” Xuan Ming looked at Zhu Rong, thinking about the mark she had found on Zhu Rong before.

In it, she felt the breath of Samsara, connected to the whole Samsara, and faintly wanted to pull Zhu Rong into Samsara.

It was also after discovering this that she only took action and smashed it to pieces.

She didn’t know the specific situation represented by the mark, but she could guess it roughly.

“Zhu Rong Big Brother, what did you experience when you entered the depths of Samsara?” Xuan Ming asked softly, “Can you talk about it?”

Zhu Rong was still hesitating. He didn’t want these brothers and sisters to know the catastrophes he had suffered. He could bear these alone, and there was no need to learn about the streets.

“Zhu Rong, Big Brother, this is related to my little sister!”

However, after Xuan Ming’s words, his mind was shaken, and his psychological defense line was instantly broken. After a long time, he sighed and said: “That’s it, then…”

Zhu Rong slowly explained all his own experience.

“So, you need to go into the depths of Samsara nine times before Samsara can get close to the little girl… and you have gone through seven times!”

Ju Mang exclaimed, looked at Zhu Rong in astonishment, and patted his shoulder for a long time: “You have done well enough.”

Di Jiang finally understood why Zhu Rong didn’t want to say it, because it seemed useless to say it, and, nine times Samsara…simply said it, but he knew that if it were to go through, it would definitely be an unimaginable ordeal.

“I don’t know if I can make my little sister not experience Samsara?” Zhu Jiuyin thought for a while and asked.

Zhu Rong’s eyes brightened, raised his head, and then lowered again: “Maybe!”

Hope is not great. He knows that when he begged Dubao before, he knelt outside his manor for a long time before he got such a chance. That’s it, he still needs to experience Samsara nine times.

One more time… Duobao did not owe them, but instead owed Duobao for helping them again and again.

Saying this over and over again… They feel embarrassed themselves!

Of course, if it’s for the sake of the earth, they can’t ask for it again…but I’m afraid it’s not very possible!

This is understandable!

Di Jiang shook his head slightly: “This is the last resort, let’s think about it first, and see if there are other possibilities, methods, that can save the little girl…or send it to the depths of Samsara.”

“There is really no way, then I can only ask him!”

The ancestors looked at each other, this indeed seemed to be the last resort!

“Other methods…” On Qiangliang’s forehead, the thunder flickered, and the lightning ran away, thinking carefully.

What else can be done?

In the depths of Samsara…rescuing the little girl…one by one is harder than the other!

The ancestors and witches were thinking, thinking, racking their brains… Xuan Ming clenched the Extreme Ice Battle in his hand, looking at Houtu, very guilty.

It’s all her. If it weren’t for her, Hou Tu should be in Samsara right now, protected by Samsara, and it wouldn’t have fallen to the way it is now… it will truly fall!

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn’t think of a way!

This is too difficult!

Suddenly, in embarrassment, Di Jiang suddenly saw the battle of extreme ice in Xuan Ming’s hands and was stunned.

“Xuan Ming…can you still find the cemetery of the gods?”

Di Jiang was struggling, his hoarse voice sounded, drawing the attention of all the ancestors.

“The Cemetery of the Gods!!!”

Three huge exclamation marks suddenly appeared on the foreheads of the ancestor witches!

That was the place where Xuan Ming entered before, and got the artifact and lost Pangu’s bloodline!

It does not exist in the prehistoric, even beyond the prehistoric place!

The gods…comparable to and beyond Sage!

When I first heard about the cemetery of the gods and knew its strong situation, the ancestors and witches all made a decision in their hearts for the first time, stay away!

Must stay away!

After all, that was the first place to eliminate their Pangu bloodline!

The first time this name appeared, it became a taboo in their hearts.

From now on, don’t talk about it, don’t even think about it, just as if I’ve never heard it before, know it…this is a real taboo, more taboo than those forbidden areas, forbidden areas, and territories in the dark trial field. Taboo!

Now, what does Dage bring up this taboo?

Zhu Jiuyin’s complexion changed, the first to guess Dijiang’s thoughts, could not help looking at Dijiang in amazement.

At first sight, Di Jiang looked tired and helpless, his whole person, in an instant, seemed to be aging a lot.

In his eyes, there is still a trace of firmness.

“Little sister…” Zhu Jiuyin murmured. He swallowed what he wanted to say, then turned to look at Xuan Ming, and asked quietly, “Xuan Ming, can you still find the cemetery of the gods?”

Why did the second brother say the same?

All the ancestors’ witches’ eyes fell on Zhu Jiuyin again.

Zhu Jiuyin met the gazes of the ancestor witches and glanced at Houtu.

The ancestors were silent for a long time, sighing for a long time, and understood.

“Sister Xuanming, if you can find it, take us there!”

In an instant, the minds of the ancestor witches were unified again.

The Pangu bloodline is really important to them, but if it’s for the little girl… it’s not something you can’t give up!

“No, I can’t find it!” Xuan Ming shook his head and understood their thoughts, wanting to abandon the father’s blood in exchange for the power to send the younger sister back to Samsara, or to save the younger sister.

She can pay for the future, and other Big Brothers are naturally no exception.

This is the Wu Clan!

This is brother!

But, let them down, when she left the cemetery of the gods, she also looked back and looked for it, but she could not find the existence of the cemetery of the gods at all.

Whether it is from space, time, destiny, Karma… etc., there is no trace of its existence at all levels.

It was as if all those experiences were just a dream, an illusion of her, they were all false!

It’s just the artifact in her hand and the blood that disappeared from her body, which all proved the true existence of the cemetery of the gods… It’s just that she can’t find it anymore!

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