Chapter 378 Heavenly Dao Feedback

As he said, what happened to him and others in Duobao’s hands before resounded, and couldn’t help but shudder again.

Fortunately, the big brother seems to have recovered now, not as scary as before. This is really great!

“Respect and afraid?” Aoxue smiled and turned her head: “Respect is there, but are you afraid… The big brother seems to be very cute too!”

“Cute?” Hearing this, Yellow Dragon suddenly became silly, staring at Aoxue in horror, like a ghost.

Didn’t you act like this before?

Before, Aoxue was trembling, and she would tremble when she heard the name of the big brother. Now, why has it become like this?

Can words like cute be used to describe the big brother?

And, in this case, why would it come out of your mouth?

Yellow Dragon looked at Aoxue like a stranger.

Suddenly, he understood why he felt that the Aoxue in front of him was different!

It’s character, it’s temperament!

Weak, poor, and helpless before… Now… it feels more terrible than the big brother!

Yellow Dragon didn’t understand, what caused Aoxue to undergo such a drastic change in such a short period of time, it is simply not like a person anymore!

What did she go through when she was inside?

“Wait…” Suddenly, Yellow Dragon’s gaze condensed, remembering the chills he had previously shaken, and then looking at Aoxue’s eyes differently.

“No, the source of the previous feeling… is it because of Aoxue?”

“Cute…what did she do to the big brother in there?”

The thought that suddenly appeared in his mind made Yellow Dragon stunned: “Hey, why do I think she did something to the big brother? Not what the big brother did to her?”

“Brother Yellow Dragon, Senior Brother asked you to take me to the star realm cultivation…What is the star realm?” Ao Xue asked Yellow Dragon curiously.

“Star Realm?” Yellow Dragon was stunned for a moment, and looked in the direction of Kunlun Manor in an unbelievable way, and asked in disbelief: “Big Brother, let me take you to the Star Realm cultivation?”

He originally thought that it would be good for the senior brother to teach Aoxue’s true law, let alone let her enter the cultivation place of his own Kunlun disciple.

The most, the most, what he dared to think about was to let Aoxue enter the dark trial field for trials, and most of the others were the twenty-four heavens…no, it was the thirty-six heavens now!

Unexpectedly, Big Brother actually let Aoxue enter the star realm directly!

You know, in the star realm, only their junior and younger brothers and sisters can enter. So far I haven’t seen anyone else go in, and the creatures in the star realm are naturally born in the star realm.

For them Kunlun disciples, the star realm… can be said to be the core of Kunlun, and all of them are regarded as exclusive.

Only when you enter it will you be recognized as your own by people like them.

Aoxue…Although he belongs to his family, he is not a child of Kunlun. He never dared to think that Aoxue could also enter the star realm!

This means that she has also entered the core layer of Kunlun while getting the permission of the big brother!

“What the hell did you do to Big Brother?” Yellow Dragon was so shocked that he couldn’t help but ask.

“What did you do?” After hearing this, Aoxue suddenly smiled, remembering what happened before, smiling happily, and she was confused when she saw Yellow Dragon.

“Nothing, by the way, where exactly is the star realm?”

“Is it all right?” Yellow Dragon took a deep look at Aoxue, did not ask, just secretly said in his heart, believing you are a ghost.

If you really didn’t do anything, would you have such a big change?

If you really don’t do anything, big brother will let you enter the star realm?

“Star Realm, when you go to you, you will know.”

Aoxue nodded, and then suddenly seemed to think of something, and said: “Yes, the big brother also said, let you reach the four hundredth floor of the abyss.”

“What is the abyss?”

Yellow Dragon’s body shook, and a strong bitterness suddenly appeared on his face: “Sure enough, I knew that the big brother must be staring at me!”

There are three cores in the star realm, the Star Tower, the Abyss Layer, and the Taoist Net.

It was all made by the big brother. There are Star creatures in the Star Tower, and the fragments of the law can be obtained by killing them. Whether it is used to cultivate magical powers, true methods, or Ascension Realm, the effect is very strong!

There are abyss creatures in the abyss layer. You can get Dao power by killing, and you can use Dao power to exchange the number of times you enter the Star Tower. is used to communicate and test supernatural powers, truths, and various strange ideas of oneself.

The abyss layer is not simple. They still don’t know how many layers there are in total, but the four hundred layers correspond to the Golden Immortal Peak.

It is the golden fairy peak in the Realm Cultivation Base set by Dubao, not the golden fairy peak outside.

If you want to reach the four hundred floors, you must reach the true Golden Immortal peak, the limit among the limits!

Now, he is far from the peak of the Golden Immortal, let alone the real limit, to the point where he can enter the four hundred layers of the abyss… Isn’t this embarrassing him Yellow Dragon?

Yellow Dragon was panicked, very wronged, and couldn’t help but glanced at Aoxue bitterly.

Now, he can be sure that the reason why the big brother treats him this way is definitely because of Aoxue’s relationship.

She must have done something in Kunlun Manor, otherwise the big brother knew him and would not set him such a task!

Judging from the difficulty, Big Brother didn’t plan to let him go easily this time!

“What evil did I do?” Yellow Dragon wailed in his heart, and suddenly regretted bringing Aoxue over.

“What’s the matter?” Aoxue didn’t understand, why did Senior Brother Yellow Dragon’s complexion suddenly become so ugly?

“Could it be that the abyss layer is something terrifying?”

Yellow Dragon sighed, very helpless, very aggrieved, this matter obviously has nothing to do with him, so how can he stare at him?

The matter was caused by Aoxue, if you have any dissatisfaction, go to Aoxue!

I was wronged, I was implicated!

But, helpless, what’s the use of grievance?

He didn’t dare to ask Dubao to explain, what could he do? I can only recognize it!

“Let’s go!” Yellow Dragon said helplessly.

“Where to go?” Aoxue asked.

“Go to the star realm, you are all right, I am suffering!” Yellow Dragon sighed and led the way first and flew towards the star realm: “You know, this time, for you, I paid a big price!”

Aoxue looked at the back of Yellow Dragon dumbfounded.

“What are you trying to do, keep up!”

“Oh oh.”



In Kunlun Manor, watching the departure of Yellow Dragon and Aoxue, Duobao snorted and he was also relieved.

Finally, this Upgraded girl was sent away.

By now, he has understood why Aoxue was so afraid of herself in the first place. It was because he was next to Yellow Dragon and was arranged by him. Could this easily spare him?

“Seeing that you have also been slack lately. This time it happened, so you can cultivate and catch up with the progress.”

Duobao thought, and suddenly a good fortune jade butterfly flew out in front of him.


The good fortune jade dish is blatant in front of him, so that the surroundings are full of the meaning of good fortune.

The law appeared, gathering, rich, powerful Taoism filled all around, instantly turning his body into the realm of Tao.

In Realm, the coffee table, tea set, and other things all got good fortune, and the spirit of Taoism gradually appeared on the body.

Seeing that the Dao Yun was still spreading to the outside world, Duobao reacted and waved his hand to stop the Dao Yun from spreading, and then looked at the good fortune jade disc.

Among the jade butterfly, the water of the rules surging, suddenly flew into his body in his eyes.

The Magic Treasures simulation system rotates and the power of Gold Finger is activated.

Duobao’s eyes widened, he took a deep breath, let go of his thoughts about the good fortune jade disc, and instead explored the power of the Magic Treasures simulation system with all his strength.

This is the first time that the Magic Treasures simulation system has undergone such a huge change.

In the past, they directly simulated Magic Treasures. Although there was power flashing, they were extremely hidden. Even with his strength, he couldn’t detect the slightest trace.

It’s like a precision machine, even if it is taken apart, it can’t be understood even if it doesn’t understand the principle.

At this time, the action of the Magic Treasures simulator is like a teacher explaining its essence in detail.

When Duobao discovered this, he didn’t dare to be careless and probed and researched wholeheartedly.

The water of rules flows out from the good fortune jade disc and falls into his body, mixing his own Magic power, rules, Taoism, everything, and starts to merge and rotate, just like a huge roulette.

During the rotation of the roulette wheel, it gave him great power, which made him feel stronger, think more clearly, and explore the nature of the Magic Treasures simulation system faster.

Magic Treasures simulates the rotation of the system, stimulating the water of rules, and inexplicable transformations begin in the body. Incomprehensible forces appear, and subtle changes occur in the process.

Duobao’s eyes widened and wanted to see more clearly. Although this kind of action didn’t help, he still behaved like this.

Under the action of the Magic Treasures simulation system, the regular water that enters the body quickly transforms into regular Magic power, and it gradually brings a trace of breath and power that Duobao can’t understand now.

After a short time, everything is over. The water of rules, Magic power, Taoism, everything has been merged together and turned into the magic power of rules.

There are thirty-six ways in a thought.

The Magic Treasures simulator returned to calm, stopped running, and the deepest power was hidden again and could no longer be seen.

Duobao stayed where he was, feeling the Magic Treasures simulator that was restored to his calm and stayed quietly as usual.

This time, his gains were not great, it was just a vague feeling, but there was no substantial gain.

“Sure enough, I’m still too far away from that level. Even if I show up in person, I can’t see the clue.”

“However, the strength is a lot of Ascension.”

Duobao was a little lost, comforting himself silently in his heart.

After a long time, he calmed down and turned to look at the good fortune jade disc: “Heavenly Dao feedback?”

“Because Taiyi…”

Thoughts fell into the good fortune jade disc, and immediately countless information appeared in his mind, clear, simple, and clear, and immediately let him understand the reason for the change of the good fortune jade disc.

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