Chapter 377

“Huh?” Aoxue’s movements finally stopped, looking at Duobao who was holding her eyes tightly, she was stunned for a while, and suddenly her whole person turned red, like a well-seasoned crab.

Isn’t that the case?

Did she understand it wrong?

Only need to say two good words to get the truth?

Isn’t it said that you can’t pass it lightly?

This is more than the general Dao law, enough for Xuanxian to fight Taiyi Golden Immortal’s true method, is it so easy to teach?

How do you feel that such a precious truth doesn’t seem to be that important here, big brother?

Now, listening to Duobao’s words, Aoxue is not stupid, but thinks a lot. People…long is more sensitive, and she immediately understands. In fact, Duobao didn’t intend to embarrass her at all, but just wanted to make fun of her. Tease her.

Normal development requires only a few soft words from her, as Dubao said, and it will be done.

As a result, because of her own understanding, she changed things like this…feeling…

Aoxue’s blushing cheeks, looking at her half-unbuttoned clothes, a little white came out from the loosened clothes, like mutton white jade, crystal clear, and looked very attractive.

In shyness, Aoxue looked at it again and never dared to look at Own Duobao, blinking her big beautiful eyes.


Inexplicably, a strange thought appeared in her heart, slowly dispelling her original fear and fear of Duobao.

“Big brother… it doesn’t seem to be that scary!”

“Have you dressed up yet?” At this moment, Duobao asked suddenly.

Aoxue’s eyes turned, and a strange smile suddenly appeared, and she said softly: “It’s ready.”

The moment Duobao opened his eyes, a touch of suet white jade-like skin fell into his eyes with crystal clear blood, like paint, dyeing his face red.

“Aoxue, you…” Duo Bao quickly closed his eyes and scolded angrily.

I don’t know why, the teacher’s masterpieces he has seen in his previous life are not too few. Even an old driver who has been on the battlefield for a long time, can not help but blush when he sees the white and crystal clear red.

“Gluck…gluck…” Seeing Duobao’s movements, Aoxue suddenly smiled triumphantly, the last trace of fear in her heart for Duobao disappeared.

A rustling voice sounded, and Aoxue said again: “Big brother, I’m all right.”

“Don’t lie to me?” Duobao still didn’t dare to open his eyes. Even though he heard the sound of dressing in his ears, Aoxue seemed to have suddenly changed dramatically.

Before it was gone, he was trembling like a little sheep, weak and helpless and pitiful, bold and scary.

He withdrew his own mind, and for the perception of the outside world, he covered his eyes, leaving only the most basic hearing.

He couldn’t guarantee whether the voice just now was deliberately used by Aoxue to confuse him.

If it was the former Aoxue, she would definitely not dare, but replaced by the current Aoxue…he is not sure!

How can there be such a big change in such a short time?

Duobao is very depressed and puzzled!

Originally I wanted to tease her, but she seemed to be countered by her!


“Big brother, giggle… It’s all right, don’t lie to you.” Aoxue covered her mouth, smiling like a flower.

“Girl…you…” Duobao opened his eyes and looked at Aoxue who was well-dressed. He breathed a sigh of relief, opened his mouth, and wanted to reprimand him, but looking at her big bright eyes, it was like night The star, bright and dazzling, for a long while, sighed, and said nothing.

Obviously, this girl is different now, even if he is reprimanding, it is nothing to her.

She is no longer the little lamb before, and she is about to evolve into a big wolf!

The road is too wild.

To be honest, Duobao was a little scared of her.

“What’s wrong with me?” Aoxue looked at Duobao grinningly: “Big Brother?”


The voice was so soft that Duobao couldn’t stand it anymore. He shuddered and felt goose bumps all over his body.

“Don’t talk in that tone… awkward!”

The smile on Aoxue’s face was even worse, walking in front of Duobao, her small face leaned in front of him, exhaled: “Why are you awkward? I think it sounds pretty good!”

Duobao took a step back, and Ao Xue followed one step further. A divine light suddenly appeared in Duobao’s eyes, covering Ao Xue, and Ao Xue stopped moving.

“Big brother…what are you going to do?” Aoxue’s eyes waved, and she didn’t panic at all, her voice became more greasy.

Duobao has a headache, and sure enough, this girl has really become a big wild wolf!

No, it’s Ohno Dragon!

How can one dragon change so much in such a short period of time?

Dubao really couldn’t figure it out.

“Don’t make trouble!”

Duobao said with a stern face, in the divine light, Aoxue’s various information and data fell into his eyes, his thoughts turned, and countless mysteries appeared, just like a universe.

Originally planning to molest Duobao’s Aoxue again, she was dumbfounded.

In the dark eyes, there are endless mysteries, understandable, incomprehensible, profound, simple, everything.

Ao Xue was fascinated, and it felt like she had seen a universe of different directions, each of which seemed to be able to lead to an endless distance, taking her into places that no one else could reach!

“Okay, nine real dragons like this… take it and leave.”

Duobao’s voice awakened Aoxue.

Aoxue blinked, awake from the endless mystery, looked at a red-gold book floating in front of him, and then looked at Duobao, who was hiding far away for unknown time.

“Big brother, why are you running so far?” After moving his body and realizing that he had regained his mobility, Aoxue was not in a hurry to take over the true law, and shouted towards Duobao.

Duobao was sitting in front of the coffee table, slowly sipping his tea, without squinting, he didn’t seem to see Aoxue.

“I’ve given you the true method you want. Take it and cultivate it. It doesn’t matter if you want to cultivate the true method for whatever reason.”

“It’s just that although the true law is strong, the difficulty of cultivation is also stronger than that of the normal Taoism. For this, you must be prepared.”

“The true law is obtained, and whether you can successfully cultivate depends on your own.”

Aoxue walked a few steps tightly and came to sit down in front of Duobao.

“Big brother, don’t you help?” Aoxue pouted and asked.

Duobao: “The master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual. I will teach you the truth…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Aoxue: “But, you are not a master, your big brother!”

“Moreover, I heard Senior Brother Yellow Dragon say that when they were cultivating the true method, you all helped…” In Aoxue’s big eyes, strong water vapor appeared in an instant, and she was about to cry. I am very wronged.

Duobao: “…Yellow Dragon!”

Outside the Kunlun Manor, the Yellow Dragon, who was waiting for himself, suddenly hit a violent spirit. A chill appeared. He reached out and touched his vest. His hands were damp, and he was sweating.

“…” Yellow Dragon quietly glanced at the direction of Kunlun Manor, and instantly thought of the source of such an inexplicable feeling. He couldn’t help but shrank his neck in fear, surprised and aggrieved: “No! ”

“Big brother doesn’t look like such a stingy person?”

“It’s just a true method… For the big brother, it shouldn’t be so important, right?”

It was his intention that Aoxue came to seek the truth.

After all, both belong to the dragon clan, and have been entrusted by Zulong, of course he has to think about his own clan.

Before deliberately revealing the power of the true law in front of him, it was to make Ao Xue aware of this, and then he would think about the true law.

According to his understanding of the big brother, Aoxue will definitely be taught the true method.

In this case, Aoxue’s strength can also get a huge Ascension!

Although Aoxue entered Kunlun, basically nothing will happen!

However, relying on the sky and the ground is not as good as relying on yourself. Ascension of your own strength is your greatest confidence!

He hoped that Aoxue could stand in the predicament by relying on herself, and no one would dare to mess with it.

But looking at the prehistoric man, he can think of it, and only the big brother can do this!

Originally he thought it was nothing, but now it seems…it seems that something went wrong in the middle.

“It shouldn’t be because of the true law… Although the big brother is a little weird, he is not such a stingy person.”

Yellow Dragon frowned and looked at Kunlun, with an urge to run away immediately.

However, he also knew that if the big brother really wanted to deal with him, how could he escape?

“Hey~” I thought, unconsciously sighed and frowned, “What the hell happened inside?”

He couldn’t understand how he thought about it, what made the big brother remember him?

That feeling, you can’t go wrong, it must be a big brother.

“Hope, Aoxue can get the truth!” Yellow Dragon prayed silently in her heart.

No matter how bad things are, he can accept it, just hope that Aoxue can get what she wants, everything else, it doesn’t matter!

While worried, Aoxue walked out of the manor.

Yellow Dragon immediately greeted him and asked worriedly: “Ao Xue, has the big brother taught you the truth?”

He was really worried, so he asked immediately without looking carefully.

After asking, Aoxue hadn’t answered yet, he suddenly noticed the changes in Aoxue.

I couldn’t help looking up and down at Aoxue: “Aoxue…you…”

There seems to be something different between Aoxue at this time and Aoxue in his previous impression!

It’s not the appearance, it’s the feeling… I always feel that something is wrong!

But the time was too short, he didn’t understand it for a while.

“Passed, True Dragon Nine Transformations.” Aoxue said with a smile, her eyes flowed, and she looked back in the direction of Kunlun Manor: “Big brother is really amazing. He just glanced at me and immediately created such a The truth of the door fits me very well.”

“Furthermore, the true dragon nine changes, really strong!”

Aoxue recalled the situation of the Nine Changes of the True Dragon, and exclaimed sincerely.

“That’s good!” After hearing this, Yellow Dragon breathed a sigh of relief, and just told the truth.

After breathing a sigh of relief, he heard Aoxue admire Duobao immediately, and said proudly: “Of course, that’s a big brother, he is the best!”

“Although there are some problems with personality, we always make some things that make us juniors and juniors frightened, respectful and afraid, but when it comes to strength, there is no doubt!”

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