Chapter 369: The Real Protagonist

Xuan Ming was not reconciled, so he rushed away and flew back.

“Cough cough~” Xuan Ming coughed up blood.

Originally, because of their scruples about the Witch Clan, they all planned to temporarily quit the Witch Clan and only used their personal identities to save Houtu, but they didn’t expect Heavenly Dao to be so cruel.

The more I thought about it, the more angry, the ancestor witches of Xuan Ming’s encounter became extremely angry, and their eyes were full of anger. Even Dijiang, who had been calm, had his eyes turned cold like ice, and the surrounding space seemed to be frozen.

Di Jiang turned the space blood knife and struck towards the god of destruction thunder!


The blood knife rushed into the divine thunder, destroying the divine thunder in a riot, and a huge roar continued.

The next moment, countless black divine thunders like silk threads fell, like a rain curtain, trapping the ancestor witches.

The divine thunder field formed in an instant, and Di Jiang’s actions seemed to anger the divine thunder. Although the destruction of the divine thunder did not attack them, it trapped them.

“Can’t get out!”

Xuan Ming’s face was sullen, and she felt a powerful banning force. All her own energy, blood, power, and even the law had already been banned at this time.

“We are sealed!”

Di Jiang said in a deep voice, looking at the God of Destruction around him, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

He knows the meaning of Heavenly Dao, this is what it is… it’s a bit too much!

“Hey, the Witch…”

Above Heaven Court, the monster clan Emperor Jun, Taiyi and others looked at the place where the witch clan was, and sighed faintly.

The scene before them made them feel complicated.

The Lich holds Heaven and Earth, saying that he is the protagonist of Heaven and Earth, but now he is so powerless, the Witch Clan is like this… how about his Monster Clan?

“The trend is irreversible!”

On Mount Sumeru in the west, Jundi Chief breathed a sigh of relief.

The Wu clan can’t have an accident now, if all the ancestor witches are to be separated from the Wu clan, then the problem will be troublesome.


In Kunlun, Duobao opened his eyes slightly, glanced at the direction where the Witch Clan was, and shook his head slightly: “The prevalence is unchangeable… Witch Clan… This is the sorrow of the weak!”

He didn’t feel much about the current situation of the Wu Clan.

Although the Wu Clan had a huge Ascension with his help, it was still too far behind if he wanted to reverse the prevailing trend.

He is not the nanny of the Wu clan. What he does depends on his mood and the long-term.

The prehistoric Samsara must be released, and the land must also be transformed into Samsara.

With the power of Samsara, only after the Houtu proves Sage, can we still preserve the identity of the Witch clan… Now, it’s still far away.

Endless information, data gathered in front of you, forming Heavenly Dao**.

Above **, a few light spots shine, with a noble and noble aura.

That is the manifestation of the saints and the great roads set by him.

Only the creatures who set up the Great Dao are qualified to escape from all living beings and appear on Heavenly Dao**.

The so-called ants under Sage, but that’s all!

In addition to those light spots, there is a tiny light spot that grows slowly, which is the way of Samsara represented by the earth.

Although Samsara was made by Pangu god-tier, Houtu got the chance of Samsara and opened up for her. Naturally, Samsara’s way also fell on her.

The way of Samsara appeared, and the original nature was strengthened.

At the Heavenly Dao** center, a Wang Qingquan appeared, and the flowing water was born.

This is the water of rules, the basis of carrying rules, and the energy of using rules.

The more water of rules, the more and bigger the rules that can be carried.

For the prehistoric world, this water of rules is the core and most important thing.

The greater the empire, the more ways it can be, and the more regular water. If it can reach the level of the ocean, it is even enough to create a regular Sage.

The appearance of Samsara has a lot of benefits for Honghuang, the most obvious is reflected in the water of this rule.


Surrounded by endless Karma, karma fell, Gonggong broke into Samsara, and immediately felt a huge power, chaos, pulling him into an endless abyss.

The spiritual platform is heavy, Karma, karma turned into black energy, covering the spiritual platform, Gong Gong felt that his own consciousness was becoming blurred, and the connection with himself was also blurred and obscured.

“Little girl~”

In the confusion, Gonggong’s voice remained firm, and he instinctively exuded huge suction, pulling the surrounding Karma, karma, towards own.

The body became heavier, the spiritual platform became more chaotic, Gong Gong even gradually forgot his own existence.

Karma shocked, karma suppressed, and Gonggong’s voice gradually became low and turned into a whirlpool, sinking in it.

“Gonggong Big Brother…”

I don’t know how long it has passed, Hou Tu’s figure appeared, looking at it complicatedly, but she didn’t find the co-worker who appeared.

In the process of transforming Samsara, she carried Samsara, and everything that was vague and unclear before was already clear.

“Unsanctified, no witchcraft after all!”

Hou Tu whispered, very touched, but still helpless.

Raising his bare hand, rushing into the Gonggong body, the endless karma in his mind, Karma, suddenly rolled back.

Gonggong’s bewildered spiritual platform recovered, pulled into the darkness, and the sinking consciousness regained consciousness.

“Little girl…” Gonggong shouted in surprise: “I’m here to save you!”

“Gonggong Big Brother…” Houtu smiled, without waiting for Gonggong to speak more, raised his hand, and a huge force was generated, pulling Gonggong and flying towards the outside.

“Sister, what are you doing?” Gonggong was anxious, struggling violently, and the law of water appeared, surrounding his body, forming a huge water god.


As soon as the Dharma phase appeared, it was washed away, unable to resist the pulling force.

“Little girl, no…” Gong Gong was distraught, anxious, realized something, and hurriedly shouted.

Losing the commitment of Gonggong and the karma, Karma recovered again, all falling on Houtu.

Houtu’s figure disappeared, Gong Gong looked at it blankly, stopped struggling, and let the strength pull him away quickly.

“Can’t it?”

Gonggong murmured in a loss, reaching the edge of Samsara, and could already feel the aura of the wild.

He is going to be sent out!


Gong Gong gritted his teeth fiercely. At this time, how could he willingly…

Gonggong ran his own qi and blood, shot with all his strength, the law of water rushed out of the center of his brows, forming a crystal clear water drop.

The drop of water floated in front of him, holding the force that sent him out.

“Little girl, I must save you!”

There is a wave of anger in Gonggong’s heart.

Houtu is the smallest among them. With Big Brother and Big sis like them, why should Houtu sacrifice?

The water drops hold the power, freezes oneself, Gonggong eyes reveal resolutely, took a nostalgic glance at the lost earth in the depths of Samsara, shot with all strength, hit Karma, karma.


There was a huge roar, and the water droplets were like the sharpest weapon, born in this Samsara, and made a small hole.


Among Kunlun, Duobao suddenly turned his head, his gaze fell, and he looked here with a little surprise: “Gonggong?”

The stable Samsara, because of Gonggong’s movements, a gap appeared.

Karma, karma flows along this gap to the outside world.

Samsara trembled, was hindered, and stopped.

In the depths of Samsara, Hou Tu’s figure reappeared, looking at Gonggong in shock and amazement.

The figure quickly turned, coming towards Gonggong.

Samsara was blocked, how big is that Karma, in Samsara, an eye with endless majesty appeared, and the cold gaze fell on Gong Gong’s body.


Gong Gong coughed up blood, his body was heavy, and he was seriously injured. He was suppressed by Karma, unable to move, but his eyes were full of pride: “The prevalence is not necessarily unchangeable!”

Heavenly Dao’s eyes flickered, and a raging flame suddenly ignited on Gong Gong’s body.

In the flames, the body of Gonggong’s powerful ancestral witch was rapidly melting, and the Taoism, Magic power, Qi and blood, everything was being burned.

Gonggong did not resist, nor did it have the power to resist.

He looked at Heavenly Dao’s eyes mockingly: “Since you have to die for your little girl, then simply stop playing!”

The Eye of Heavenly Dao could not speak, but the breath of Gonggong was quickly disappearing.

“Gonggong Big Brother…”

A stern cry came, and Houtu finally arrived.

With tears on her beautiful face, she looked at the co-worker who was disappearing quickly, running Magic power, using his magical powers, and wanting to heal the co-worker.


The light of Heavenly Dao fell, blocking the back soil, and at the same time annihilating the restoration supernatural power in his hand.

A warning message came, and Hou Tu became mad, and the Gonggong he saw was about to disappear completely, and shouted at Heavenly Dao: “Gonggong died, the earth fell!”

A huge flame also appeared on Houtu. In the flame, everything about her was also burning.

The fire of self-immolation.

“Samsara’s life, Hou Tu knows it, and I am willing to bear it, but I can’t die with the Big Brother. If the Big Brother dies, Samsara won’t have to appear. The predecessor…destroy it!”

Houtu looked at Heavenly Dao firmly.

She is threatening Heavenly Dao.

Although Samsara itself exists, she is Samsara’s lead. In the predicament, only she can transform Samsara. If she does not die, then even if Samsara is still there, she will not be able to reappear after all.

This is her confidence.

That’s why she dared to say these words.


The eyes of Heavenly Dao turned, still cold, and the light of Heavenly Dao fell on Houtu.

The self-immolation fire disappeared, and Houtu lost control of itself in an instant.

Magic power surged, Samsara’s light flashed, and the earth moved towards the depths of Samsara uncontrollably.

Heavenly Dao controlled her without the slightest threat.

Houtu’s eyes were full of unwillingness, despair, and disbelief.

She didn’t expect Heavenly Dao to be so determined. After listening to her threats, she didn’t even compromise at all, and simply controlled her directly.

“Ha ha, ha ha…”

Hou Tu smiled miserably, although he could not control his body, he was still able to talk and laugh.

“Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao… Sure enough, there are ants under Sage, and Sage is also ants under Heavenly Dao!”

She understood that Samsara would definitely come out, whether she wanted it or not.

Her introduction, while assuming the responsibility of Samsara, also means that she has lost her independence.

“I’m sorry…” Houtu repeatedly said to Gonggong.

Gong Gong was also laughing, ridiculing extremely, one is ridiculing Heavenly Dao, the other is ridiculing himself.

“The protagonist of heaven and earth, lich overlord…hehe, hehe…”

“The protagonist of the prehistoric has always existed. It is not the tribe of dragons, phoenix and Qilin, nor the two races of lich, nor the future human race… Heavenly Dao is the real protagonist!”

At this moment, he seemed to understand.

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