Chapter 368

“But what?” Xuan Ming asked when she heard that something was wrong.

“But, when you are watching the little girl, can you also look at our Wu Clan?” Zhu Jiuyin said softly with her eyes drooping.

His voice is not loud, but he can be heard clearly by the ancestor witches.

“Witch? What about the Witch?”

The ancestors witches were puzzled and looked at the witch clan one after another. Under this look, they were all startled at the same place.

At first sight, all the witches suddenly showed an inexplicable force, like a chain, firmly locked all of their witches.

Above the chain, the breath of Samsara flashed.

The witch races on the chain are like prisoners, being locked tightly, while at the other end, falling into nothingness, it seems that there is another owner.

When I saw it, all the ancestor witches had a feeling in their hearts, as long as the other end of the chain had a heart, it was enough to pull the entire witch clan into Samsara through this.


The ancestor witches were shocked and looked at Zhu Jiuyin one after another: “Why does it mean Samsara?”

“Why is this?”

“The younger sister is the guide of Samsara, which is defined by the Father God. Except for her, no other existence can involve Samsara and intervene in it.”

“Once you intervened, you saw it…”

“Samsara has not been seen, and it is all over the wild world… Except for the younger sister, who is not invaded by Samsara, other existences will be locked by Samsara’s chains once they are contaminated. After Samsara is born, they will be included in Samsara.”

“Even I can’t be spared?” Zhu Rong asked in shock.

He carefully checked himself and the other brothers and sisters, and he couldn’t help but wonder if he didn’t see the existence of Samsara’s chains in them.

“The quasi-sage can be avoided, don’t enter Samsara… I’ll be fine when I wait.” Zhu Jiuyin explained.

Since they will be fine, what are they worried about?

“Then…” Zhu Rong was pleasantly surprised, but it was only a moment, and he paused after half-talking.

He suddenly reacted, looking at the ignorant Wu Clan, his lips were dry, and he kept pursing: “Witch Clan…”

He understood the reason for Di Jiang’s stop, and his heart sank.

They can live without being attacked by Samsara, but what about the Wu Clan?

Because of their hands, the Wu Clan was locked by Samsara chains. If they still insisted on doing it, the younger sister could be rescued, but what about the Wu Clan?

After Samsara appears, the entire witch clan will be drawn into it and become the new Samsara.

“So, do you understand?” Dijiang used the spatial blood knife to temporarily seal the flood of Gonggong, and he was already very tired.

Gonggong didn’t leave any strength in his shot, so he tried his best. Although he was the boss of the Witch clan, his strength gap with Gonggong was not big. It was not easy to stop it, and it almost consumed all of his strength.

“Do you want to save the little girl, or save the Wu Clan?”

“Now Samsara hasn’t appeared yet, everything is too late… If I save my little girl, I won’t stop it anymore.”

Gong Gong was almost crazy, and after being stopped by Di Jiang, the whole person fell into a state of madness.

He didn’t believe that own Dage would prevent him from saving the little girl, he couldn’t believe that he was so cold-blooded.

This is really unacceptable to him!

After Dijiang took the block, he even more recklessly caused himself to be injured in the situation, exploded vigorously, trying to break free from Dijiang’s block.

One of Di Jiang wanted to stop him, and the other had to take care not to let him suffer too much damage, causing irreparable consequences.

Until now, I was tired and unable to stop it.

Now that everyone knows the situation, the decision-making power is directly handed over to them.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

The ancestor witches hesitated and were very embarrassed.

On one side is the little girl, on the other side is the Wu clan… They will not hesitate to replace it with anything else in this world, but… this is the Wu clan!


The endless flood disappeared in an instant, Gong Gong bowed his body, coughing up blood constantly, and black energy spread on his body, and walked over.


Gonggong stood still in front of Dijiang, looking at him with strangeness.

“Gonggong?” Di Jiang was stunned, his fingers trembling, and Gonggong’s appearance at this time and his eyes all showed a message to him.

“The witches are the witches, and the younger sister is the younger sister!”

Ignoring Dijiang’s mood at this time, Gong Gong gave him a deep look, turned and walked towards the sea of ​​blood: “Once, when our twelve brothers and sisters were born together, where was there any witch?”

“You are between the Wu clan and the younger sister, and you have chosen the Wu clan… I don’t blame you for that.”

“But you shouldn’t stop me.”

“Since you know what will happen and what the consequences will be, just tell me directly.”

Dijiang’s body trembled, not because of injury, but because of his mind. He looked at the back of Gonggong’s departure and stretched out his palm: “Gonggong…”

“Heavenly Dao is here, today I will work together to break away from the Witch race, just to work together, not for the Witch race, Heavenly Dao’s lesson!”

Gonggong’s weak and firm voice resounded in the wild.

“Gonggong has left the Witch Clan?”

“Fighting among the Witch Clan?”


Dijiang’s lips trembled, and he immediately understood Gonggong’s thoughts. He stretched out his hand, wanting to stay, and want to say something, but in the end, only a sigh was left.

“It’s just the witch clan, you want to keep the witch clan, that’s okay, I also want to keep the little sister…it shouldn’t be a problem.”

On the beach of blood, beside the Samsara disc formed by Hou Tu, Gonggong’s figure slowly emerged, feeling the atmosphere of the back in the disc. Gonggong did not look at all the brothers and sisters, and took one step forward, with endless Karma, Karma, stepped into the Samsara disc.

The great tremors, endless karma, Karma throbbed, lasted for a while before calming down.

The atmosphere of Houtu became stronger and more obvious.

“Gonggong!” Zhu Rong looked at Gonggong’s figure disappearing on the Samsara disc, and cried out in a daze, then turned and left.

“Zhu Rong, what are you going to do?”

Di Jiang asked Zhu Rong’s back.

“Dage, I can’t say whether your behavior was right or wrong… It’s just that you shouldn’t stop Gonggong.”

Zhu Rong only said such a sentence, and then, it has completely disappeared.

Di Jiang was stunned, looking at Zhu Rong’s disappearing back, smiled sorrowfully: “Well, go, go all.”

“Do you also think I was wrong?” Di Jiang pressed his trembling body hard and asked the other ancestor witches.

Except for Zhu Jiu Yin, although the other ancestral witches did not leave, they also avoided his gaze.

So, without answering, he naturally has the answer.

Zhu Jiu Yin couldn’t bear it, and comforted: “Dage…you are right.”

“Standing on the Wu Clan’s force field…”

“Yes, I’m right.” Dijiang heard this, feeling relieved, and smiled sadly: “Standing from the standpoint of the Wu clan!”

After all, Zhu Jiuyin still thought he was wrong, and added the last sentence.

Di Jiang looked at the group of Little Brothers and Little Sisters, and realized in a daze: “Yes, yes, I was wrong, so wrong.”

He suddenly understood, as if he didn’t know when, he had already stood in the overall direction of the Wu clan, thinking about problems from the standpoint, gains and losses.

In the past, he was the Dage of the ancestor witches, and he always thought of them. Later, at some point, he suddenly became the leader of the witch clan, and his position changed unconsciously.

This time, he was indeed wrong!

From the standpoint of the Wu clan, he was right, but from the position of Dage, he was very wrong.

The witch tribe did not exist at the beginning. At first, only their twelve ancestor witches were the only ones who created many great witches and witch tribes by mixing their own Blood Essence with the blood of Father Pangu.

Di Jiang thought carefully, when did he put the benefits, gains and losses of the Wu clan above all his brothers and sisters?

“Dage…I’m sorry…” Xuan Ming suddenly stood up, bent over and bowed towards Dijiang.

She was apologizing. She didn’t do anything sorry before, but now she suddenly apologized, obviously… she will do it next.

“Ha ha, ha ha…” Di Jiang said nothing, but smiled miserably. When did their brothers and sisters be so unfamiliar?

“Dage, I’m sorry…”

“Dage, I’m sorry…”

Xuan Ming’s words seemed to have opened the first card of dominoes. The next moment, other ancestral witches also stood up and apologized to Dijiang.

Needless to say, Dijiang already understood what they were going to say and what they were going to do.

In the sorrowful laugh, I wanted to stop, but found out that I didn’t seem to have any qualifications to stop it.

“Heavenly Dao is here, I Xuan Ming…”

“Heavenly Dao is here, my sentence…”

“Heavenly Dao is here, my God…”

Before the words of the ancestor witches were finished, they suddenly raised their heads together.


In the sky, a huge black thundercloud suddenly appeared, and quickly reached the heads of the ancestors.

The thunder roars constantly, the world is trembling, the space is distorted, and a great coercion falls on the ancestors and witches.

The ancestors opened their mouths, but they couldn’t say anything behind.

Take a closer look, the black thundercloud, where is the thundercloud, clearly is the endless destruction god thunder.

Tian Wu struggled to stand up, exhausted his strength, resisted the pressure on his body, and wanted to speak.


As if he had discovered his thoughts, a god of destruction thunder fell down, knocking him to his knees.

“Heavenly Dao is furious…” Di Jiang closed his eyes: “Sure enough!”

The witches are the protagonists of heaven and earth, and they are the leaders of the witches. Other witches can have an accident and can withdraw from the witches, but they can’t.

Once they all quit, can the Witch Clan still be regarded as the Witch Clan?

Without the ancestor witch, the Wu Clan cannot occupy the position of the protagonist of the heaven and the earth. The original Lich era will immediately end!

How could Heavenly Dao allow such a thing to happen?

Gonggong’s withdrawal was unprepared. It was not foreseen. Now, other ancestors want to withdraw… how is it possible?

The appearance of the Destroying Thunder above his head represents the attitude of Heavenly Dao.

The ancestor witches looked ugly to the extreme, their eyebrows drooped, and they were so angry!

They do not want to cause the destruction of the Witch clan due to their own reasons, so they withdraw from the Witch clan, cut off the connection with the Witch clan, and save Hou Tu by themselves, so that both Hou Tu and the Witch clan can survive.

“Why, does Heavenly Dao have to kill my little sister?”

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