Chapter 364 The Fall of the Styx

“What is it?” Hearing Duobao’s words, Styx’s eyes reddened again.

He didn’t believe it, how much worse could he be than Sanqing and the others?

Although they are authentic Pangu, he is not bad in Styx, sitting on a sea of ​​blood, which is the source of blood.


The thought in his mind appeared, and his body was as calm as a puddle of stagnant water, and Styx suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He is the source of blood, as long as there is blood in the world, he will not die.

This is also his greatest confidence to dare to die in this way.

Normally, when he thought of the word blood, the true meaning of blood should naturally appear on his body, surging.

But now…

“You don’t have the opportunity for them, although the talent is not bad for them, it is a pity that you are above the opportunity, and you are too far away from them!”

Stygmy had no intention of thinking about these things. He stared at Duobao blankly: “Am I… dead?”

Although this body did not reject him, he couldn’t feel the power, Magic power, and Taoism that he should have originally.

At the beginning, I haven’t found it yet. Now that I found out, I found many things that were wrong.

For a moment, there were many speculations…Finally, I chose the most serious possibility and asked.

“Dead…not yet, but it’s almost there.”

Duobao was a little surprised that Styx could react so quickly and asked such a question.


Stygian asked unwillingly.

There are two important points in one sentence. One is why he died. He is the source of blood and the representative of blood in the predicament. As long as the concept of blood is present, he will not die.

Another important point is why Heavenly Dao treats him this way!

Duobao heard what he meant: “Relying on the concept, under the concept, you can indeed achieve the concept and immortality.”

“However, the so-called immortality is relative, it is just a concept. You only need to separate the concept and it will naturally die.”

While talking, Duobao stretched out his palm, and in his palm, thick blood poured out and turned into a condensed blood core.

Stygian was silly, staring blankly at the blood core on Duobao’s palm, and he became stuttered: “Probably…concept?”

He almost doubted his own eyes, perception… everything seemed to be a dream!

“Is it really a concept?”

Styx’s eyes widened, and in shock, he had forgotten about his own death.

This concept in Duobao’s hands is a real concept, a complete concept.

At the beginning, he was also able to gain the upper hand because of his birth, his feet, and the sea of ​​blood. That was the case. After reaching the limit of Da Luo Jinxian, he found the concept of blood contained in the sea of ​​blood.

It was so easy to put himself on the concept of blood to break through the quasi-sage.

It was just hanging, and because of the lack of strength, the concept of blood he saw was just incomplete and not complete.

Even in the back, the strength of Ascension has reached the limit of the quasi-sage, can see more concepts of blood, and is always far from the complete concept.

From this we can see, what kind of existence is the complete concept?

It was already comparable to Sage or even surpassing Sage, and it was more above the law… And such a supreme concept, in the hands of Dubao, appeared so understatement.

Easily, it almost made him think that the blood nucleus floating above Dubao’s palm was just a simple blood condensate.

“You, you, you…” Styx was stunned, unable to speak a complete sentence for a long time.

“Look, this is the concept you pinned on…”

Duobao didn’t care about Styx’s shock. On the palm of his palm, the blood core surged, and an aura that made Styx very familiar appeared.

In an instant, the already widened eyes almost burst out of the eye sockets.

“this is me?”

That’s right, the aura that appeared above the blood core was exactly him.

Logically speaking, if his breath appears above the sea of ​​blood, should he feel it?

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find any connection between himself and the blood core.


The familiar thunder sounded, and Styx’s body trembled and looked stupidly.

The Destroying Thunder reappeared, falling on the blood core, on the breath of Styx.

The breath that was originally closely connected with the blood core was smashed by the divine thunder and shook suddenly, and the connection between the two also became sensational.



There was a continuous roar, and Styx almost shrank himself into a spherical shape, looking at Duobao in horror: “Are you really Duobao?”

The endless destruction god thunder appeared, like rain, crashing down.

As if the previous scene reappeared, the endless thunder fell on the blood core in the breath representing Styx.

The god thunder submerged the breath, and it didn’t take long for the god thunder to dissipate, and the breath of Styx disappeared completely.


Styx’s throat rolled, watching this scene in horror, and understood the meaning of Duobao’s words.

Immortality is only relative, only need to erase the breath and power pinned on the concept, then the corresponding existence will lose the immortality characteristic.

Styx understood, and finally understood… Looking at Duobao’s eyes even more horrified, shocked.

He was trembling with straight hair all over his body.

You can tell me directly about such a simple matter, and I can also understand why it is necessary to reproduce such an incident?

Are you afraid I don’t know?

Need not!

No need!

“It seems that you understand now.” After the demonstration, Duobao looked at Styghe in fear and nodded in satisfaction: “This way I don’t need to continue.”

“No…no.” The corner of Styx’s mouth twitched, and on top of his ugly face, he squeezed out a little smile.

“The Destroyer Thunder is the Heavenly Dao Thunder, and it is the strongest thunder. Even for Sage, it does a lot of harm.”

“You entrust the concept of blood, with the Pangu god-tier bloody sea of ​​blood as the foundation. A destructive thunder cannot completely make you fall.”

Duobao said slowly, “However, once the number of Destroy Thunders increases, it will not be difficult.”

“The concept is strong, but it is only relative. There are many forces that can defeat it.”

“Everything in the world, whether invincible or immortal, is just relative!”

“As long as the strength is sufficient, everything is empty.”

“As far as the concept is concerned, the God of Destruction Thunder is still a bit short. It does not have the power to destroy it, but it has the power to destroy everything else in it!”

“Your current situation, in fact, is dead.”

“It’s just that, I don’t think you are reconciled. Use Magic power to support your idea and barely survive.”

Styx looked at Duo Bao steadily, and the panic in his eyes slowly dissipated.

Strangely, after getting Dubao’s accurate answer, after he had died, he didn’t even feel that it was so unacceptable.

“Actually, after seeing the rain-like Destroyer Thunder, in my own cognition, it is already dead, so I am so calm now.”

Styx took a deep breath: “You saved me, did you have any instructions?”

Hearing his name, Duobao was stunned for a moment.

Adjusted your mentality so quickly?

Moreover, it seems that he is still a smart person… a smart person who thinks too much.

Thinking, shook his head: “Nothing was ordered, it’s just a pity to see you, I don’t want to see you die, so I will save your life.”

“We had a fate…you don’t have to be so polite.”

In his eyes, the life and death of the quasi-sage is just a thought, a matter of thought?

What is his strength now?

Sage or Dao Zu?

Styx nodded clearly, seeming to have heard it.

But Duobao looked at his eyes and sighed in his heart. He knew at a glance that he didn’t listen much, and his attitude was still respectful.

“That’s all.” Duobao didn’t intend to say more. He saved Styx by himself, and it was just a sudden thought. Now that he has been saved, there is nothing left.

“Although I saved you, but I only saved a bit of your vitality. Your Cultivation Base, Taoism, Magic power, everything is destroyed by the Destroying Thunder.”

It’s not that he can’t let Styx recover completely, but it feels meaningless and unnecessary.

“Although you are alive now, you are already a mortal. Whether you can still reach your original strength is up to you.”

Duobao said softly, and then, without waiting for Styx to speak, waved his hand and sent Styx away.

Styx only felt his eyes flash, and he returned to the familiar environment.

The dark red blood flows around, countless undercurrents shuttle, and he can’t help moving with those undercurrents.

“Blood Sea!”

Styx looked at the surroundings steadily, only to come back to his senses after a long time.


A thought in my heart is clearer, clearer than before, and it has become an obsession.

Thinking of the situation in which Dubao had thrown him back lightly before, Styx couldn’t help clenching his fists.

“I must become Sage!”


In the sea of ​​blood, there was a huge roar suddenly, and Styx felt in his heart, using his familiarity with the sea of ​​blood, and using the surging undercurrent to move himself towards the source of the roar.

Above the sea of ​​blood, the heavenly punishment thundercloud finally dissipated, and the endless destruction god thunder also disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared at all.

Except for the slowly recovering world and space, everything else is no different from before.

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised and sluggish.

“It’s over? How about Styx?”

“Are you still alive?”

The divine thunder dissipated, his sight resumed, and the two samsara beads in the same place turned, and there was nothing under them except a pool of liquid that exuded endless killing Taoism.

“That is Yuantu, what was produced after Abi was burnt and melted by the Destroying God Thunder?”

Seeing the pool of liquid, everyone’s heart moved.

You know, Yuantu and Abi are the best Xiantian spirit treasures. Although they were destroyed by the Destroying Thunder, there is also the Xiantian immortal spirit. And the power will not be too weak.

For them, a superb Xiantian Lingbao is enough to make them greedy.

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