Chapter 363

It’s not that he didn’t count the appearance of Heaven Punishment, but that the power of Heaven Punishment was so strong.

The initial Destruction Thunder had already made him frightened and lost his previous confidence.

Originally in his calculations, the Nine Heavens Thunder should have appeared, but he did not expect it to be Destroying Thunder!

That’s all, after all, the black and white round beads have been blocked, but behind, this Destructive Thunder that rained down, really made him unable to help despair!



Destroying Thunder submerged the black and white beads, and the endless thunder blocked all mighty eyes, and the sight, Styx was also submerged in it.

Houtu backed away again and again, not daring to be troublesome, these thunders, even for her now, did not dare to face each other and could only avoid it.

too strong!

“Can Styx be blocked?”

Houtu stared closely at the Styx that was submerged by Destruction Thunder.

By now, she had understood all of Styx’s behavior and purpose.

She admired this, but similarly, she was not very optimistic about Styx.

Destroying Thunder is too strong, it is almost a power that can hurt the saint!

Quietly raised her head and glanced at the Heaven’s Punishment Thundercloud above, there were countless Destruction Thunder flashes in it, and in the depths, there could be a feeling of incomparable heart palpitations, making her afraid to look at it.

Obviously, Destroying Thunder is not the most powerful force in this day’s punishment, there is still in its depths.

“Heavenly Dao is angry?”

Hou Tu thought to himself in his heart, looking at the situation of the punishing Thundercloud that day, it was necessary to kill Styx as a punishment for changing his own destiny.

Before you have enough strength, it is best not to touch the existence that you can’t contend!

Hou Tu is a warning!

Styx’s vision was completely obscured, and darkness struck.


There was a cracking sound in the ear, so Styx was also in an instant, and his heart was broken.

“Black and white ball…can’t stop it?”

Styx knew that it was the sound of black and white spheres breaking apart.

“Is it really going to fail?”

Under the thunder of destruction, everything does not exist. He can’t use any means to detect everything outside. What he can feel and see is completely dark.

The tide-like pain on his body suddenly dissipated slowly, and the state of Styx was much better.

However, he was not happy!

The darkness in front of him has not changed, but in his opinion, it seems to have become deeper, darker, and darker, slowly replacing all his consciousness and thoughts.

Stygian’s mind was completely black, and he lost all thoughts.

The black and white orb was injured by the endless destruction thunder, broke through the defense, and landed on Styx.

Body, mind, Magic power, Taoism, everything, under the thunder of destruction, submerged and dissipated.


I don’t know how long it has passed, Styx heard a sigh in the endless darkness.

The sigh seemed to have inexplicable power, like a lamp in the darkness, awakening Styx’s consciousness and giving him the ability to think again.

He walked in the darkness, still not fully awake.

Looking at the darkness around, curiosity filled the mind.

In the darkness, a house suddenly appeared.

He subconsciously walked over.


The door suddenly opened when he reached the door.

Styx walked in stunnedly, and saw a figure right away.

It was a black-haired young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his facial features were clear. He was sitting in front of a coffee table, smiling at him.

“You are here.” The young man greeted him: “Sit down.”

Styx nodded blankly, and Yiyan sat down.


The moment he sat down, a huge wave suddenly appeared in his mind. After the wave passed, Styx immediately regained all consciousness and memory.


Styx’s eyes widened, he was dumbfounded when he recognized the identity of the young man.

“Ancestor Styx, I’ve met again.” Duobao nodded with a smile, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Styx.

“Dobo, you…”

Looking at Duobao, Styx suddenly had countless questions in his heart, but soon, he didn’t need Duobao to answer, and he figured it out for himself.

“So it was you!” Styx suddenly realized.

He was speculating before, who is the supreme existence that can change the prevalence?

There were not many targets for guessing, and Duobao was among them, but he was the first to rule out.

After all, no matter how strong Dubao is, no matter how strange his performance is, he is just an ordinary person, not Sage.

Even Sage can’t change the prevalence. How can Dubao not be Sage’s existence?

He had guessed about the Chaos Demon God, Dao Zu Hongjun, Demon Zu Luo Hu, and even the fallen Pangu god-tier, but he was not sure.

All these doubts, at this time, after seeing Dubao again, all disappeared, and the answer appeared. Although it was unbelievable, there was no doubt that this was the truth.

“Are you sanctified?” Styx asked in disbelief with some excitement.

His lifelong pursuit is sanctification, for which he can pay any price.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn’t achieve Sage… it was too difficult!

Sage is the true ruler of heaven and earth. To achieve Sage, a vision is bound to appear.

He had never seen any vision before, but Dubao, without a doubt, was now sanctified, even surpassing Sage.

This kind of strength…this kind of situation made him suddenly have a different idea in his heart!

“Sanctified… be it.”

Duobao smiled and looked at Styx carefully.

The slender figure was half head taller than himself, and Fang Zheng had a pair of Danfeng eyes on his face, which were not charming, but more fierce. It was just these eyes that made people feel that this was a fierce person and not easy to provoke.

“This is not only a fierce man, but also a cruel man!” Duobao sighed in his heart.

Originally, he didn’t care much about Styx, but Styx’s movements shocked him.

He was originally waiting for Samsara to be transformed into the soil.

The Xiantian era will continue. The emergence of Samsara is bound to be won. Samsara, with countless creatures, should also be on the agenda.

For the new era, Samsara is a very important level, so it must appear.

The black and white round beads he gave to Hou Tu, named Samsara Dao beads, were the result of his own perception of Samsara.

Although it is not Magic Treasures, it is not weaker than Magic Treasures.

Houtu contains Samsara left behind by Pangu god-tier. Her transformation of Samsara can inspire the original Samsara, and with his Samsara beads, Samsara can be made stronger.

For the world, the stronger Samsara, the more stable and healthy the world.

Everything was planned, but I didn’t expect that a Styx would appear in the middle.

The various things that Styx did later made him even more admired.

Duobao looked at Styx.

The Styx that appeared in front of him now was actually not his deity anymore, it was just a thought from him.

His true body, Taoism, Magic power, mind, consciousness… and everything else have been destroyed by Destruction Thunder.

To change own destiny, you, Sage, dare not do this.

It was facing Heavenly Dao, there was no rule Sage’s strength, if you dare to do this, you will inevitably die.

Styx is looking for death!

The idea is good, with the help of Samsara Daozhu, to resist the punishment caused by his behavior, it is indeed no problem, and it is also a good idea.

However, he underestimated the power of Heavenly Dao and underestimated the control of Heavenly Dao in this area.

The stronger the strength, the greater the original destiny. After being separated from the overall destiny, the greater the impact will be. There will be too many variables. How could Heavenly Dao allow it?

This is a raw matter of turning himself into a variable, and how could Heavenly Dao tolerate a variable, unless he has the confidence of Dubao.

Unfortunately, he didn’t, so he…dead.

“Can you be sanctified without Hongmeng and Purple Qi?” Styx became more excited, and asked repeatedly: “Why is there no sanctification vision?”

“Can I be sanctified?”

Duobao shook his head slowly: “Without the Harmony and Purple Qi, you can be sanctified. As for the vision of sanctification…My situation is different, it won’t happen.”

“As for you…”

Styx’s heart was lifted in an instant, and Fang Zheng’s face was clearly nervous, like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced.

Life and death seemed to be in Dubao’s words.

“is it okay?”

Duobao slowly shook his head: “You…cannot be sanctified!”

Stygian has a good talent, but unfortunately, it is still a lot worse, his way is not enough.

Learning Nuwa to create human beings and learning Sanqing to become sacred, but they only learned the surface.

They can be sanctified because they have a foundation and a cosmopolitan spirit.

There is a great avenue in the grand and purple qi, let them set up the great avenue, coupled with the means of Pangu god-tier, before they can be sanctified.

But if they really want to take turns, in fact, if they are based on their original foundation, they are indeed not qualified to be sanctified, so why do they have a background?

And Styx is different. He has no foundation, and his own way is not enough. He can’t stand up. After studying for a long time, he just learned the surface. How can he become holy?


Hearing that, Styx became excited immediately, and his body trembles as a result, and said angrily: “Heavenly Dao is unfair, I am not as clean as Styx, Nuwa, lead, where is the quasi-di worse, why can they? , I can’t?”

“I made people, I set up a religion, and what they did, I did everything. Asking myself, Styx is definitely not worse than them, why can’t I?”

Styghe was extremely excited, extremely angry, his eyes turned red with the words, and his sanity gradually lost.

A strong intention of killing appeared from his body, forming a blood-red mist, impacting the surroundings.

An aura of madness, destruction, and slaughter hits his face, as if to destroy and kill everything in front of him.


Duobao said softly, covering Tianwei, and instantly suppressed the excited Styx.

Styx’s eyes, the blood red receded, and the angry mood was instantly suppressed by the powerful force, and the whole person fell down.

“Really speaking about talent, if you follow the foot, you are actually not much worse than them, but unfortunately, after all, you are much worse than them.” Duobao didn’t mind Styx’s rudeness, and said slowly.

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