Chapter 340-Second Stage


Zhu Rong’s movements were very fast, and everyone was too late to stop him. When he saw it, Zhu Rong had already stretched out his hand, and a black figure appeared again.

This time, everyone was prepared, and they used methods to see their faces clearly.

Various spells such as heavenly eyes, god eyes, etc., the power of blood is boiling, the source of the curse…

Among the various methods of the crowd, the dark shadow finally showed its true colors, and it turned out to be a ball with a mouth full of its body.


Zhu Rong Muran stretched out his hand back.

The arm sticking out to the outside world has been bitten off by the black ball.



The broken arm was in the sea of ​​energy, and suddenly a burst of black air came out, and it touched the sea of ​​energy, making a series of harsh sounds, and then, the sea of ​​energy bubbling, and it took a long time before the black air was eliminated.

At this time, Zhu Rong’s blood and light flowed towards the broken arm, and soon the broken arm recovered.

Everyone looked at Zhu Rong, and then at the starry sky outside, their eyes full of jealousy.

Zhu Rong is an ancestral witch, and the strongest thing is his body… the original ancestral witch’s body is already very powerful, not to mention that he has now broken through the Taiyi Golden Immortal’s ancestral witch body.

Its hardness is probably not inferior to the best Xiantian Lingbao, but that’s it, the weird black ball still bit his arm off, and it doesn’t seem to be laborious.

Moreover, everyone can see that the black ball is not only the sharp teeth, but also the strange power.

Don’t look at Zhu Rong’s arm recovery quickly, it is because the place they are now is a sea of ​​energy.

The energy sea eliminated the power of the black ball, which allowed Zhu Rong’s arm to be reborn. If there is no energy sea washing, I am afraid that Zhu Rong would need to spend a lot of strength to eliminate it.

“This place… feels more terrifying than the dark trial field during the Great Tribulation!” Di Jun’s face was sinking like water, and he said in a condensed voice.

The black ball disappeared again, and after eating Zhu Rong’s outstretched arm, it suddenly disappeared.

They searched for it, but they didn’t find it.

But they can be sure that this thing must be somewhere outside, looking at them.

Fortunately, they are in the sea of ​​energy. Once they go out, they may meet them immediately.

Inexplicably, a deep malice came to my heart.

It feels like a sheep that has fallen into a pack of wolves, in crisis on all sides.

“That thing is very powerful, very powerful, faster, and most importantly…there is an inexplicable field shrouded in it, so we can’t find it.”

Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin work together to run the power of time and space, and use Zhu Rong to collide with Karma to explore the nature of the black ball.

Everyone looked over.

Kunpeng asked in a condensed voice: “Anything else? Any other news?”

They have come to this starry sky, and they need to survive in this starry sky in the future.

The black ball is something they have to face.

“Field? What field? What is the specific effect?”

Fuxi pondered, and asked in a loud voice.

Di Jiang, Zhu Jiuyin’s time force flowed through his body, calculating with all his strength, everyone stared closely.

After a while, the two opened their eyes and shook their heads helplessly: “No, it can only be calculated.”

“We don’t have people who are proficient in Karma’s law and can’t figure out more.”

“The power of that thing is too strong, and it is also resisting calculations… It is already the limit to be able to draw these.”

“Karma.” Hearing this, Taiyi looked at Emperor Jun.

Di Jun nodded, stood up with Taiyi, and came to Dijiang, beside Zhu Jiuyin.

“My two brothers are transformed by the yin and yang of the sun and star poles, and the yin of the yang, representing the two poles of yang, and bring the Karma of Yin & Yang to themselves… Let’s take action together, and maybe we can discover more things.”

Di Jiang, Zhu Jiuyin looked at the two of them, hesitated, and finally said, “That’s fine, try it, maybe you can.”

To be honest, a little bit of Karma that comes with it, but not proficient in Karma, what can it do?

However, since it is better to have something than nothing, it is difficult for them to refuse.

Emperor Jun, Taiyi manifests the true meaning of the great day, and Yin & Yang bipolar true meaning appears on the body, forming two sides of the Yin & Yang great day.

Yin & Yang’s big day turned, the surrounding temperature rose rapidly, the energy sea rolled, and the gurgling sounded constantly, as if it was boiling.

During Yin & Yang’s two-day rotation, the power of Karma slowly appeared between the two.

“It’s now!” At this moment, Di Jiang and Zhu Jiu Yin nodded their heads together, shot fiercely, moved time and space, and the power of blood boiled. He shot Zhu Rong with a black ball, set Karma, and turned into a Karma. small ball.

Shaking his hand and throwing it, Karma’s ball fell above Yin & Yang’s point between the two days.


The long river of time and space appeared, Yin & Yang double day horizontally on it, that point Karma wrapped the Karma ball and fell on the river of time and space.


The river washed away, and a black line suddenly appeared above the Karma ball.

The black line spread along the long river of time and space, and it didn’t take long for it to stop at one place.

The river is flowing more rapidly, like a torrent, constantly impacting, wrapped in black lines, wanting to break through.

In front of the black line, there seemed to be an inexplicable obstacle blocking it, and it was difficult to break through.

“Shoot together!”

Di Jiang suddenly shouted, and everyone came one after another, Magic power gushing out, motivating the law to help Di Jiang and others.


Under everyone’s full strength, the long river of time and space suddenly stagnated for a moment. The next moment the river rushed and burst out instantly, just like the Yellow River bursting out of its bank, immediately breaking through the invisible obstacles.

A familiar black ball figure appeared on the long river of time and space, and then a message came.

Before everyone could digest it, they saw the erupting river water, scouring the black ball, and rushing out an endless black line on his body.

The black line continued to spread everywhere under the turbulent river.

Then, one after another weird figures appeared.

A black ball with a big mouth, a long strip with eyes, a monster with red hair, a broken palm with only one hand, a creature with only one eye…

All the weird creatures appeared in a few breaths.

Everyone looked silly, cold all over, feeling that they were enveloped by endless malice, and a sense of great danger appeared.

Their instincts are constantly warning, danger, danger… go!

There was still no time to react. Over the long river of fate, those strange creatures seemed to have discovered their probing. They all turned their heads and looked at them.


In an instant, under the gaze of the strange creatures, everyone had cold hands and feet, feeling that they seemed to be in the land of Jiuyou, cold, horrible, hopeless, helpless… all kinds of emotions hit like tides.

Even with the power of everyone, there is no resistance at all.

They want to resist, but their powerful force seems to be bound in the body and cannot be displayed at all.

“Eat, food, food…”

“Sacrifice, good stuff, I want…”

“Hehehe, finally there is something to eat…”

A series of dim and strange whispers sounded in everyone’s ears.

Everyone looked ugly, and there was no trace of blood on their faces.

They felt a powerful and weird force, rushing towards them.

Di Jiang: “The sound…no good, everyone covers your ears, the sounds of these ghosts are attacks…they are going to pollute our minds!”

“You can’t cover your ears, everyone close your ears!” Zhu Jiuyin corrected.

The force of horror came, and everyone was powerless to resist, and the spells could not be used. They could only be slaughtered like a lamb.

Just because of the pride and pride generated by the breakthrough Taiyi Golden Immortal, the body was beaten in an instant.

It turns out that Taiyi Golden Immortal is still so weak!

Everyone felt desolate and closed their ears, but they could still hear the weird whisper.

Endless voices that can be described by dense and dense quantifiers continue to flow into the heart, seeming to ring in the heart.

After a short time, under such a voice, there was gradually more black air above everyone’s eyebrows.

Slowly, everyone’s eyes began to change, and the aura on their bodies slowly changed, and they looked a bit similar to those weird creatures!




When everyone was about to fall into it, a huge wave suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​energy, and a thunderous roar suddenly appeared.

The waves are overwhelming, smashing towards everyone!


Everyone was beaten down, their hair was scattered, the sea water was scattered above the hair, and the whisper in the ear disappeared.

Countless black energy flew out of his body, washed away by the sea of ​​energy, and slowly disappeared.

The long river of time and space spurred by the power of all people was also shattered by that wave.

The strange creatures above the long river of time and space uttered infiltrating people, screaming sternly, making everyone feel uncomfortable, and finally slowly and unwillingly disappeared.



The people who had escaped from the dead continued to breathe with lingering fears. Thinking back to everything they had experienced before, no one spoke for a long time.

I don’t know how long it has passed before everyone slowly came over.

“Those ghosts turned out to be the Taiyi Golden Immortal’s strength… Moreover, they are not newbies who have just stepped into the Taiyi Golden Immortal like we are now.”

Zhu Rong frowned, thinking of those weird things, it was a burst of anger.

Thinking of his dignified ancestor witch, he would be so embarrassed, and he was almost contaminated by such a ghost, and became like the same.

However, after anger, anger, and suffocation, only helplessness is left.

No way, the opponent is stronger than him, and it is much stronger, so strong that he has no resistance at all, so strong that he is desperate!

“It’s more than that. The most important thing is that each of those things is not unique. The number…is the biggest trouble!”

Di Jun said helplessly: “All of them are Taiyi Golden Immortal’s strength, and that number… I suddenly understood why Duobao wanted to separate this starry sky.”

“Compared to these things, the Fruit Clan is really great!”

Originally they hated the Fruit Clan very much, because of it, both Lich races were destroyed once.

But after seeing these weird monsters, they no longer hate the Fruit Race. In comparison, the Fruit Race is really too gentle!

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