Chapter 339 Energy Sea

At the beginning, the endless light contained endless lich, and quickly merged into the torrent of light.

Behind it, there seemed to be the same number, and the torrent of light accelerated its flight, and soon disappeared in front of my eyes, and could no longer be seen.

The four watched the torrent of light from the starry sky fly far away.

“You are not a monster, nor a witch…what kind of race are you?” Nanjizi asked curiously.

The three black women were also dumbfounded.

Yes, aren’t they the monster race?


Suddenly, there was an endless roar from the depths of the starry sky, a powerful anomaly, even when I was here, I could feel it vaguely, and my whole body trembled.

“What do they seem to be fighting…There, is there anything that needs to be assembled between the Lich race to fight?”

Without thinking about it, the four of them are not difficult to guess from such a movement.

The three black women shuddered together, looking at the depths of the starry sky, with some regrets, but more fortunate.

From such a distance, I can perceive it, and it can be seen that the scale of this battle, strong and fierce, may be described as tragic.

Although I don’t know why they were not led away, obviously, this is not a bad thing.


“Did you find it?”

In the Kunlun Manor, Duobao raised his head, traveled through the endless space and distance, and saw the battlefield in the depths of the starry sky.

The two groups of Lich set up the Universe Star Fighting Array, the Twelve Capitals of the Celestial Swords Array… Pangu’s real body has appeared!


The crisp sound of crackling echoed in the ears, and the deeper space, representing the starry sky of Taiyi Golden Immortal Grade, was broken by the combined efforts of the two groups of Lich.


The strange buzzing sound reverberated, the starry sky shook, and a force swept the Lich clan and disappeared into the golden fairy starry sky.


In the other time and space, the disappeared Lich races reappeared, falling into the ocean of energy beneath them, like dumplings, with huge movements.

“Taiyi Golden Immortal, at this level… this trial, it’s almost time to really end!”

Duobao retracted his gaze.

As Kunpeng guessed, he did divide the starry sky into two, the first stage is the golden fairy and the golden fairy, and the first stage is the Taiyi golden fairy starry sky, where the energy sea is just the place to enter, behind it, There are also a lot of weird existences of the Taiyi Golden Immortal level that he has made before.

It’s where he experimented with weird powers!

At the beginning, Shi Hao searched for him, and he obtained the power of a strange family from Shi Hao, and there were two kinds of power.

One is the ominous power. After his transformation, it was carried out in the dark trial field, and the effect was good.

The other is the power of weirdness!

Compared with the ominous power, the weird power is much more weird.

Especially its pollution to mind, state of mind, and Taoism is even more powerful and extremely dangerous.

And after being contaminated by the power above the rules of his body, it is even more weird.

For the current primordial beings, if they encounter it, they will be contaminated in an instant…no exceptions will be made.

It was also because of the dangers of these things that he divided the starry sky into two.

The purpose is to prevent them from being contaminated by those truly dangerous weirdness.

“Honghuang…” Duobao suddenly looked towards the world and whispered softly.

In the prehistoric times, it is the Lich Period. According to Houtian, it is still the Xiantian Age, and Xiantian Spiritual Qi exists in it.

After the end of the Lich Era, the Tianzhu collapsed, the Tianhe River flooded, and the ancient land suffered huge damage. Then Xiantian became Houtian, and the Xiantian era ended, and Xiantian Spiritual Qi became Houtian Spiritual Qi.

Since then, the prehistoric environment has changed drastically, and the difficulty of cultivation is ascension… Basically, it is difficult to have a strong existence.

“The age of the lich has just begun… how can it end so hastily?”

Duobao gently rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers: “Although there were various reasons that made the prestige at its peak in the Lich Age, it ended afterwards.”

“But, in fact, to put it bluntly, the biggest reason is the decrease in energy quality.”

“Li Dao… Dao supports the world!”

Doubao thought, his thoughts were a little confused.

He could easily feel several avenues in the prehistoric times, which were several Sages and the avenues established by him.

These avenues held up the world and extended the time of the prehistoric Lich era.

Out of your mind, the good fortune jade disc appears in front of you, borrowing it to merge with the prehistoric world.

In an instant, a feeling of fullness and strength was transmitted into the perception, and then there was a strong pressure.

This is the Karma, karma, and the power generated by the development of the prehistoric world.

They are constantly oppressing the prehistoric world, which is nothing to the predominant world, which is now in its prosperous period.

But these pressures continue to grow and become stronger…When the prehistoric times pass this peak, naturally they will continue to decline under this pressure.

It’s like when a person reaches middle age, he will inevitably go downhill.

The pressure and strength accumulated in the past growth continue to drag it towards the decline.

The world is the same!

Duobao can feel that the prehistoric world instinctively wants to break through this pinnacle and grow stronger!

It’s just that in the world, Bu Zhoushan is holding the heaven and the earth firmly, immovable, and restricting its upper limit!

In harmony with the prehistoric world, Duobao is the prehistoric world at this time.

He can clearly feel the feelings of the wild world.

It is like a young man who finds that he is about to enter the stage of decline in the peak period. It is doing all kinds of ways to mobilize its own power, and wants to break through this limitation and avoid decline!

The Way of the Six Saints, the Way of Many Treasures… This is the only power it can call and the only power that can help it in its current situation!

It’s just that these forces fall on top of its current situation, and the effect is there, but not great.

It can even be said to be minimal.

Just feeling this, Duobao knew that if nothing happened, the world would definitely fall into a period of decline.

This is the sorrow of the creatures of the Primordial World, unable to help the Primordial World, and only the Six Saints and him can be considered some power, but unfortunately, it is not enough.

Duobao opened his eyes, and a divine light flew out in his eyes, dissipating at a distance of three inches.

The space was melted, revealing the pitch-black nothingness behind it.

In the emptiness, there is darkness, the deepest darkness.

It is also a great famine, but it is caused by the great famine’s own karma, Karma and many other negative forces that affect the development of the world.

It is also what dragged down the prehistoric nature.


Duobao whispered, looking at the two Lich races sleeping in the sea of ​​energy, with anticipation in his eyes: “Don’t let me down!”

He already knew about the problems of the great world, at this time, through the good fortune jade disc, it just made him clearer.

In this regard, he also has plans. If it can be completed, it will definitely be able to break through the upper limit of the wild world, but whether it can be completed in the end, even for him, is now uncertain.


Time is like water, and years are like flies, in the blink of an eye, I don’t know how long has passed.

The two families of Lich sleeping in the sea of ​​energy slowly woke up, each opened their eyes, and before they could clearly see the outside world, there was a strong joy in their eyes.

They lowered their heads to sense their own situation.

“My strength…I have made a breakthrough?”

“I finally breakthrough Xuanxian!”

“Great, I am Xuanxian!”

“Me too!”

“This place… sure enough!”


Surprised voices came, and the liches were extremely surprised, shouting one after another to vent their excitement.

Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi, Kunpeng and the Twelve Ancestor Witches all smiled and looked at each other.

It’s a success!

They succeeded!

Gathering the power of the two groups of Lich, they finally broke the limit of the starry sky and came to the starry sky of the Taiyi Golden Immortal level, and saw the energy sea that this side had made them vaguely sensed before.

Just as they had thought before, after coming to the sea of ​​energy, they had already reached the golden immortal limit, and each of them also got a breakthrough.

Sixteen people are already Taiyi Golden Immortals at this time.

Far beyond their original strength.

“Is this the starry sky of Taiyi Golden Immortal Grade?”

Taiyi sighed, walking in the energy sea, and slowly came to the edge of the energy sea.

The sea of ​​energy is said to be the sea, but in fact there is no coast. It is imprisoned by invisible forces and forms an ocean.


When I was full of joy and curiously looking at the strange starry sky outside, suddenly a dark shadow flashed.

Tai Yi was taken aback, and suddenly a heart palpitations appeared, making him stare wide, looking out of the starry sky, wanting to find the dark shadow.


Taiyi is clutching own chest, inside the body, the heart is beating rapidly, like a ball that beats vigorously, dong dong dong dong~


A thought came to Tai Yi’s heart and suddenly turned his head.

Next to them, the Twelve Ancestor Witch, Emperor Jun, Fuxi, Kunpeng and others had already walked here at some unknown time, their expressions dignified, and their joys faded.

“You… also saw it?” Taiyi asked.

Everyone nodded: “Yes.”

Di Jiang looked at the starry sky, it was pitch black and deep. In addition to countless stars, there were only various irregular stones, and there was no sight at all.

It seems that there are no creatures in it at all!

The dark shadows before seemed to be hallucinations, but the beating heart in their bodies, which hasn’t been completely calm until now.

“No wonder you want to separate this starry sky…” Di Jun understood.

With the strength of their breakthrough Taiyi Golden Immortal, they can feel such a danger here.

If you replace them with those who didn’t have a breakthrough before, if you come to this starry sky… can you survive?

The answer is of course no… the sea of ​​energy alone is enough to burst them, let alone the dangerous starry sky outside!

“What are you doing, Zhu Rong?”

Suddenly, a loud shout rang out, drawing everyone’s eyes away.

I saw that Zhu Rong actually took his own hand and quickly reached out of the sea of ​​energy and stretched out towards the dark starry sky.

Before anything happened, everyone felt palpitations and felt bad.

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