Chapter 329 Heavenly Demon Strikes

Before, Big Brother was Big Brother, but they didn’t dare to get close to him.

Except for daring to approach him at the beginning, he basically didn’t dare to show up in front of him behind him, and even if he saw him, he had to hide.

It’s not that I hate him, but I’m just afraid of his sudden thoughts, thoughts…because his wrong perceptions and ordinary care will become unbearable pain.

However, recently, it seems to have changed.

“Heavenly Demon?”

Duobao raised his eyebrows. The star realm was a world he had reopened according to his own definition of Realm. The conditions in all aspects were far beyond that of the realm.

It’s all good things inside, whether it’s law, Tao, or various cultivation resources, it’s far above the prehistoric ones.

However, he didn’t remember that he had thrown Heavenly Demon into it.

And, Heavenly Demon…

Duobao stretched out his palm, pinched it, shook his head slightly, and said in secret.

“Big brother? Didn’t you do it?” Jin Ling saw the clue and asked.

“Well, you can also assume that I did it.” Duobao said with a smile.

“How did Luo Hu find it?”

Heavenly Demon was made by Luo Hui, so he didn’t need to figure it out. When he heard the word Heavenly Demon, he had a guess.

In the prehistoric times, basically, things with magic characters are inseparable from Luo Hu. Even if it doesn’t matter at first, it will be related later.

After all, Luo Hu is the demon ancestor.

It’s just that he was a little surprised. The star realm had just opened and it was still in the experimental stage. How did Luo Hu discover it?

Not only found out, but also intervened?

“Consider it?” Jin Ling’s face turned ugly in an instant, and he became tangled.

“Big brother?”

She stepped back subconsciously, swallowed, and shouted cautiously.

Jin Ling was very scared and panicked.

No, the big brother in front of you won’t become the big brother before!

She suddenly remembered the fear of being dominated in the dark trial field.


Jin Ling wailed in his heart, and finally the big brother became normal, but he must never change back again.

How long is the good day? Is it going to return to the frightening days before?

Jin Ling regrets it, so why did she come to the big brother so obsessedly?

Now think about it, those Heavenly Demons in the star realm can’t be dealt with!

It’s just stronger, weird, and difficult, and it can be solved anyway…In any case, it is much better than the big brother returning to the original state.

“Haha.” When Duobao was still thinking about Luohu, he suddenly felt Jin Ling’s reaction. He glanced back and couldn’t help but smile.

With this smile, Jin Ling almost took a step back in fear.

“It’s okay, the Heavenly Demon matter, for the star realm, the impact is not too big, for you, it is not a big or small test, and it will be fine after it passes.”

Duobao’s words made Jin Ling even more frightened.

“Ha ha, ha ha… what the big brother said.” Jin Ling showed a far-fetched smile on his small face, not daring to refute, but could only force a smile.

“Are you okay?” Duobao asked.

Jin Ling immediately shook his head fiercely: “No, no more.”

“Then you go back, remember, cultivation can’t be slacking off, if you really want to talk about it, you don’t have to pass the previous trials!”

Jin Ling: “Yes, big brother, we will work hard.”

After speaking, for fear that Dubao would say something more, Jin Ling turned into a flame and disappeared in a flash.

Duobao smiled and looked at it: “It seems that it really made them miserable before, and it all has a psychological shadow.”

After thinking about it carefully, he also understood that he was a bit too much before.

However, overall, the effect is still good.

These juniors and younger sisters, in the previous tossing, although they did not break through the golden immortals he divided them apart from the Yuding Ding, most of them also broke through the Xuanxian.

Replaced by the prehistoric Realm, it’s all big Luo Jinxian!

This is their ultimate achievement.


Speaking of Yuding, Duobao couldn’t help but marvel.

To be honest, he didn’t expect that Yuding was the most prominent among his junior brothers and sisters.

He originally thought it would be Sanxiao or Jinling.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Yuding…Compared with other juniors and younger sisters, Yuding is the only one who has made breakthroughs in the golden immortal, comparable to the quasi-sage.

“A ruthless man!”

Duobao sighed that Yuding could have such a strength and breakthrough as it is today. Among them, his arrangement was only the basis, and the most important thing was Yuding himself.

Yuding has never put all kinds of tests on him, causing the slightest fear in the forbidden ground.

Moreover, after careful exploration, he made full use of all the power he left behind to sharpen himself.

For this reason, even Dubao was shocked by the pain he endured.

“Astral… Is that place called Astral?”

At the foot of Sumeru Mountain, Luo Hu explored a strange world through Karma.

What’s strange is that there is a concept of a demon in it, and it is easy to use it as a cause to turn into countless Heavenly Demons and enter it.

When he entered, he was shocked immediately.


Heavenly Demon fell into the star realm, and in an instant, the basic situation of the star realm appeared in his mind.

The laws and Taoism in it surprised him: “This world… was created by Hongjun?”

“No, Hongjun can’t do it…this one…no…no…”

The black-haired Luo Hui rubbed his head fiercely, and after the surprise was endless doubts.

As far as he saw it, it was impossible for the star realm to appear at all.

Among them, for Realm, the division of strength has almost messed up his mind.

“Impossible, impossible… How can such a world appear?”

“Junior Duobao, see Rahu Demon Ancestor.”

“Who?” Luo Hui woke up, turning his head to look at the person who suddenly appeared next to him, shocked in his heart.

With his strength, even if he is sealed, not everyone can quietly appear beside him without being noticed by him.


Luo Hui widened his eyes in surprise: “Are you Dubo?”

As a rule, Sage, of course, knows most of the people in the predicament.

Of course, Duobao, a great disciple of the teachings, and the Buddha who will be in charge of Buddhism in the future, is no stranger to him.

However, looking at Duobao, Luohu’s eyes became more shocked.

“Are you Duobao?” Unable to resist, he asked again.

“Yes.” Duobao also looked at Luo Hu curiously. This was the first time he saw the legendary Demon Ancestor.

The eyebrows are clear, the black hair is supple, and the corners of the eyes are smooth. There is no fierceness or horror of evil at all.

If I saw it outside, I thought it was a righteous person.

Is this the legendary demon ancestor?

“Duobao… how could it be you?” Luo Hui felt a terrible wave in his heart, unable to calm down for a long time.

The Duobao in front of him was far from the Duobao he knew, except for his identity.

In his induction, the Duobao in front of him gave him an unfathomable feeling.

Although he was only transformed by a thought, it was the rule of Sage in itself. Since Dubao could give him such a feeling… it meant that he had also broken through the rule of Sage.

“You… breakthrough?” Luo Hui’s face was shocked, and his voice was full of shock.

“How could it be you?”

To be honest, Samsara, the predecessor and chaos, will always have breakthrough rules, but he did not expect that this person would turn out to be Duobao?

A magical energy rushed out and fell into the prehistoric trend, entering the prehistoric and chaotic Samsara. He wanted to find out how many times Dubao broke through in Samsara… the endless fog covered the general trend.

Luo Hui was even more surprised: “Can’t see clearly?”

“Because of… him!”

Luo Hui withdrew his devilish energy, and Samsara was covered by a cloud of mist, and even he was unable to detect it anymore.

Everything in the future will become unpredictable.

“Are you…really Duobao?” Luo Hui asked in shock, looking at Duobao.

Hongjun, Pangu, and raising eyebrows are all familiar to him. He knows that these people can’t have such an impact.

The only change is the addition of a Duobao… a Duobao with the rules of the Dao.

After Duobao appeared, Honghuang became unpredictable, and the source was simple.

“Of course, Junior is Dubao,” Dubao replied, understanding Luo Hu’s doubts.

“You opened up the star realm?” Luo Hui asked again, with answers to the doubts in his heart.

“Yes.” Duobao nodded: “Magic Ancestor, enter the world created by Junior at will, isn’t it a bit wrong?”

Hearing this, Luo Hui suppressed the shock and various thoughts in his heart, and did not directly answer Duobao’s words: “What do you want to open up the star realm?”

“Try it.” Duobao didn’t mind Luo Hu’s rudeness, and said instead: “It’s okay for Heavenly Demon to appear, but Heavenly Demon’s strength is a bit low.”

He came this time, one was to meet the legendary Demon Ancestor, and the other was also to talk about it.

“Lost strength?” Luo Hui puzzled.

The Heavenly Demon that he invaded the star realm was his thoughts and thoughts, and the essence was still on him. He could say anything, but how could he not say that his strength was low?

“For the Star Realm, their standards are too low…If you want to use the means of Lord Demon Ancestor, you can definitely Ascension their strength a little bit, right?” Duobao said.

The star realm is the world of Tianjiao, and all standards in it are much stronger than the outside world.

Heavenly Demon is enough in the prehistoric world, but compared to the star realm, it is still a lot worse.

Especially their own Realm strength is based on the standards of the prehistoric world.

Staying in the star realm for a long time will have some bad effects on it.

“So, you are here this time, not to ask me to settle the account, but to let me ascension the strength of Heavenly Demon?” Luo Hui understood a little.

Duobao nodded: “Since so.”

“If… I don’t?” Luo Hu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the peaceful Duobao in front of him. It was just one action, and the whole person’s aura was naturally different.

Although he was still that person, it seemed that he was already in line with Duobao’s guess about the devil ancestor.

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