Chapter 328-The Return of the Lich

Everyone looked at the light gate, their bodies trembling, they looked at each other and did not dare to enter.

I slept inexplicably, woke up inexplicably, and after waking up, I heard the voice of the big brother…There is nothing more terrifying than this.


Amid the huge roar, the starry sky seemed to be trembling, and everyone turned their heads in amazement, dumbfounded.

I saw that the huge fruit tree that obscured the starry sky had pulled out its root system, its body shrank quickly, and strode towards the light gate.

A feeling of joy and excitement was felt by everyone effortlessly.

“How did it get in?”

Everyone was shocked, this is the source of the catastrophe, it…

“It was originally made by Big Brother… Isn’t it strange to go in?”

Someone whispered.

Suddenly, everyone suddenly felt that way.

Even this starry sky was created by the big brother, so what’s weird about this fruit tree entering?

“Why are you still here?”

Holding a black sword in his hand, Yuding walked slowly, looking at all the younger brothers and sisters who stayed in front of the gate, no movement, very strange.

“Don’t you dare to listen to what the big brother said?”

“Junior Brother Yuding, you are out!”

Seeing Yuding, everyone was extremely surprised, and then Jin Ling asked in a low voice: “Junior Brother Yuding, is the catastrophe over?”

“Did we pass this trial?”

If they passed, they would dare to see Duobao. If they didn’t pass…just thinking about it, their legs would be trembling.

Yuding understood, recalling what had happened in the starry sky, and slightly lowered his head: “It’s passed.”

The Fruit Clan is dead, and the Lich Clan is also dead. This is naturally the end of the catastrophe, and the trial is over.

It’s just that passing through like this didn’t make him very happy. In the process, they didn’t have any effect at all… they just stood on the periphery and watched the show.

After speaking, Yuding sighed and looked at the senior brothers: “Everyone, let’s go, don’t go again, if the senior brother is angry…”

“Walk around…”

Everyone shuddered together, and before he could continue speaking, they all walked towards the light gate.

The moment they stepped into the light gate, everyone felt like they were floating.

No, it doesn’t seem to be, it’s really floating.


The suspicious thoughts in the heart came out, and then, a very comfortable feeling appeared, and everyone closed their eyes unconsciously.

This is an ocean, a blue ocean, and the ocean is full of sea water, and everyone is supported by the water, floating on the ocean.

At the bottom of the ocean, communicating with Heavenly Dao, endless energy gushes out, Dao Yun, law, all appear together.

Duobao stood above the ocean and looked at his fellow juniors who fell asleep. Junior sisters: “It was my problem before. This time, it’s a reward for you.”

Strictly speaking, it is still the starry sky, but it is in the depths of the starry sky. He separated it from the outer starry sky and created a world of Tianjiao standards according to his previous ideas.

Realm here, strength, everything is in accordance with the standards set by him.

The strength of the juniors and juniors is still too weak, and although the foundation has been transformed, it is still a lot worse… Now Heavenly Dao, Dao Yun is manifested, and the most important thing is that he is in it, allowing him to exist. The trait he couldn’t find himself affected the starry sky drawn by this side alone.

Beside, a ripple appeared.

“Master, why are you here?”

Duobao was a little surprised.

“Let me take a look…” Hongjun said casually, carefully sensing the situation in the starry sky.

Suddenly, he slowly opened his arms and let go of his control. He was suspended in the air, and the endless Dao Yun flew out of his body and fell into the starry sky. In the midst of it, it seemed that other things appeared and fell into him. In the body.


Duobao was taken aback. He could feel that something had entered Master Hongjun’s body, but he could not tell what had entered.

Even if he feels it carefully, he can’t sense a specific existence, just that kind of feeling?

“Is what exists in me that makes me ignore the bottleneck, position Realm wantonly, and even change everything?” Dubao guessed.

Hongjun took a deep breath, feeling his own situation.

It’s incredible. His Magic power, Taoism, and even spells, Realm, everything is condensed and compressed… He is the ancestor of Tao!

The energy in all aspects is extremely powerful… so it can be compressed and condensed…

Hongjun slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed: “Sure enough, we guessed right.”

“Master, do you have any findings?” Duobao immediately asked when he saw Hongjun open his eyes.

Hongjun slowly shook his head: “No, but you can be sure, you do have the power after Realm…”

“look at me…”

Hongjun dissipated the cover of his strength, and his strength was immediately revealed in Duobao’s eyes.


After reading it, Duobao cried out in surprise.

“Whatever, I can be affected by my strength…”

Hongjun said in a deep voice.

Duobao didn’t say a word, and the color of surprise in his eyes became stronger.

Hongjun found something wrong, looked at him and asked, “What did you think of?”

My heart was raised instantly. Could it be that Duobao found out…

“Master… So you are not much better than me!” Under Hongjun’s nervous gaze, Duobao said suddenly.

Hongjun stayed in a daze, and it took a long time to react: “That’s all you want to say?”

“…Otherwise?” Duobao asked rhetorically.

He originally thought that he was the same person who mastered the rules, and he was much weaker than Shizu Hongjun.

It wasn’t until just now that he discovered that, except for the magic power problem, in other aspects, he was not much worse than his master Hongjun.

As long as he supplements his own Magic power, he will soon be able to catch up with Master Hongjun.

“You just have fun!” Hongjun rolled his eyes and was happy for nothing, and immediately didn’t want to talk to him.

“Okay, you handle the matter here, I’ll go first.”

Hongjun said, without waiting for Duobao’s response, he left on his own.

Duobao didn’t stop it either. When he thought about it, a fruit tree appeared beside him, and while the blue light flashed, she turned into a goddess in Tsing Yi, looking at Duobao idiotically with a look of admiration.

“Little Red…”

Thinking again, Xiao Hong, who has been playing crazy for a long time in the starry sky, appeared out of thin air and yelled sweetly: “Dad.”

“The next thing is left to you.”

Duobao pointed to the starry sky and said to the two of them.

The goddess of Tsing Yi and Xiao Hong looked at each other and nodded together. Xiao Hong said repeatedly: “Don’t worry, dad, just leave it to us.”

Dubao had already told them the specific things and what they had to do.

“Master, can you give me a name?”

Duobao’s leaving figure was stopped by the soft voice of the Goddess of Tsing Yi.

He stopped, turned his head, looked at the timid Goddess of Tsing Yi, patted his forehead, and smiled: “Oh, I would have forgotten it, if it wasn’t for you to say…it should be, it should be.”

“Seeing you look like this, just call it Xiaoqing.”

Duobao looked up and down the Goddess of Tsing Yi, and said after a long while.

Listening to the name, Xiao Hong next to her couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

This name…it’s useless at first glance, just like own name.

Or maybe the name is invalid?

Xiaoqing was very happy, and almost jumped up excitedly: “Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!”

“You don’t have to be polite, you can go ahead… after you’re done, just come and find me again.”

Dubao confessed, seeing that there was no problem with the two of them, he disappeared directly.

He has already arranged specific matters and specific context.

There is no need for him to worry about the rest.


Time passed slowly, and in the predicament, since the last time the Lich family appeared and swept the world, the prehistoric became much cleaner and the hearts of the people stabilized.

On this day, all beings were cultivating and Life normally. Suddenly, the sky was bright, the sun and the moon appeared at the same time, and the endless stars were all shining.

All beings in the predicament have been blessed, and many little demons have been able to unlock their spiritual wisdom.

The sun and the moon appeared at the same time, and the Stars came out together, and countless figures stood on each Star.

“The Yaozu…really returned!”

Someone said in a deep voice.

Before I finished speaking, I saw the wild earth shaking endlessly, and countless creatures were almost unsteady.

Before reacting to the situation of the return of the monster clan, he immediately descended to the earth under his body in amazement.

Not long after I saw it, I turned around and looked not far away. The mountains, hills, and even the rivers and oceans on the ground have become countless times larger.

The mountains, rivers, and the earth are skyrocketing, the sun, the moon and the stars are shining, endless energy is born from the sky and the earth, and the richness has turned into a cyan spiritual fog.

After a short period of time, the spirit mist turned into rain, and after a long period of time, a continuous rain of spirits fell.

In the spiritual rain, countless huge figures, topless, each with a wild connotation, disappeared after appearing in the world for a moment.

Since then, the two families of Lich have returned together, and the prehistoric world once again has a master.

In the predicament, some people are happy and some are worried.

The happy thing is that when the Lich races come back, there will be no fear that things like before will happen. The sad thing is that the Lich races are obviously stronger, and it is nowhere in sight if they want to surpass them.


“Big brother, big brother…”

In Kunlun Manor, Jin Ling ran in yelling, looking anxious, as if something urgent or trouble was encountered.

“What’s the matter? So anxious?” Duobao is still drinking tea. With his strength, it seems that there is nothing else he can do except drinking tea.

Thinking about it, it’s really boring.

“Big brother, in the star realm, Heavenly Demon appears, devouring creatures everywhere…Did you do it again?” Jin Spiritual Qi said to Duo Bao bulgingly.

Now, he was not afraid of Dubo at all.

I don’t know what happened, anyway, after the trial in the dark trial field, the big brother seemed to be a different person, no longer the elusive and frightening look of the past.

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