Chapter 305 Red Cloud’s Death Tribulation

If you really want to have enemies, they are all other creatures who covet the red clouds and the purple qi.

But, no matter what, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun can cope with the current situation.

“That’s true.” Duobao nodded looking at the two.

Indeed, with the strength of the two of them now in Jinxian Realm, it is indeed dangerous to go back again.

To survive in the predicament, it is inevitable to forge some hatreds, enemies, some are for reasons, some are pure jealousy, red-eye disease, can’t see people better than yourself, and count as a chance if you have a chance.

There are too many people like this.

“Immortal Cave?”

Duobao lowered his head, swimming in the purple air in his hands, and in it, the familiar feeling grew stronger and stronger.

He has a hunch that even if he doesn’t refine this grand purple qi, he will also get a lot of gains from it.

“It seems that this Immortal Cave can’t be simpler!”

It is not the time to study this thing to collect the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

After thinking about it, Duobao thought of the way Hongyun looked at the Fifth Stage before, and he had an idea in his heart.

“Two uncles, please come with me.”

Duobao faced Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun and the other two raised their hands, and then flew up.

Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun glanced at each other, come with you?

Where to go?

With doubts, following behind, there is also some expectation.

Seeing what Dubao meant, should he take them to their future Immortal Cave?

Out of the Fifth Stage day, I came to the Sixth Stage day. This is a void. It is the void that only appeared after the Fifth Stage day. It is the frame of the Sixth Stage day. It fills the power. After the development, the first The Sixth Stage day will be done.

“This is?”

Following Duobao, standing in this void, Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun looked at the void, expecting all to be turned into doubts.

They sensed it carefully, but what they could sense was nothing but void, and nothing else.

The two were not disappointed, but even more shocked.

They are not stupid. Thirty Third Stage days are naturally 30 Third Stage days. They fly up from the Fifth Stage day, and naturally they should reach the Sixth Stage day.

It’s just that the Fifth Stage day has been opened, and the Sixth Stage day is still empty… They can’t feel it, but they can guess.

“No sense at all, Brother Dao, do you feel it?” Hong Yun asked Zhen Yuanzi with his eyes.

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head heavily, no, not at all.

They are quasi-sages, although Realm has become a golden fairy now, but their strength is still there.

Even in the real 30 Third Stage days of the Primordial World, they can feel all the 30 Third Stage days and feel more.

But here, they didn’t perceive anything.

The Sixth Stage has not been opened yet. At this point, they were a little surprised, but not very surprised.

To their surprise and shock, they suddenly discovered that when they were on the Fifth Stage day, all they could perceive was the breath of the Fifth Stage day, and nothing else in the other heavens.

Because of this, they originally thought that Dubao had completely opened up the thirty Third Stage days, but they didn’t expect that they had opened up the Fifth Stage days.

“Here, it’s stronger than the real thirty Third Stage days!”

Zhen Yuanzi came to the conclusion and looked at Duobao in amazement.

How is this done?

Even Sage… may not be able to do it.

“Could it be?” Zhen Yuanzi had an even more incredible thought in his heart. He glanced at Hongyun, nodded his head, and confirmed his previous guess.

Dubao has surpassed Sage!

“The quasi saint becomes a golden immortal, then Sage…converted, what level is it?”

Hong Yun looked at Duobao silently, her eyes flickering.

He is a good man, not a fool.

A lot of things, a little clue, can infer more things.

Since their strength has not changed, Realm has changed, and they have guessed a lot, and now he has confirmed his guess.

Duobao has a cognitive error. Although this is strange, it is not too much of a fuss!

Wrong seriousness should have been wrong, but now, Hong Yun suddenly discovered that what seemed to be wrong was becoming right, and what was right seemed to be wrong instead.

Duobao’s wrong perception is changing the world!

Hong Yun’s mind was extremely shaken, but he didn’t show it on his face.

He had already thought about why the sages did not intervene to deal with the things that had happened before, and even the Dao Ancestor was in the default state.

All this is because Duobao has established a complete worldview based on his own erroneous cognition, and has filled it with real existence.

The quasi-sage’s transformation into a golden immortal is the product of his misconception.

The sages and Taoist ancestors should want to let Dubao’s cognition gradually replace the original concept of realm, strength, and everything else.

The more Hongyun guessed, the more shocked and shocked.

What an incredible thing this is, it is impossible to imagine.

But such an unimaginable thing happened to become a fact.

So they sat and watched Dubao’s power fall into the prehistoric, not only because the ominous power was under control, but also because it was the first step for Dubao to influence the prehistoric world.

“Wrong, under absolute strength, it can also be right!”

A thought came to Hong Yun’s mind.

He had known this knowledge a long time ago.

It’s not surprising that the predecessors are respected.

However, the emergence of Duobao brought this cognition to a higher level!

Enough to change the level of the prehistoric.

“Sage, maybe converted. In Duobao’s concept, it is just equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and at most it will not exceed the Daluo Golden Immortal!”

Hong Yun secretly said in his heart.

He was originally thinking about Insight and proving sanctification all the time.

This obsession is so deep that it is unimaginable!

Even he himself couldn’t force himself to let go of this obsession, but before, he let it go so easily.

The reason for this is because he suddenly figured it out.

Sage is not necessarily supreme.

If his guess is true, then the Sage realm he has been pursuing all the time is nothing but Da Luo Jinxian or even Taiyi.

He longed for sanctification, but he didn’t long for Da Luo or Taiyi.

The two are not at the same level.

Therefore, he let go of his obsession, and even more so he sent Hongmeng Ziqi to Duobao.

Almost a forced delivery!

He wanted to deepen his connection with Duobao at this cost, and then enjoy the first wave of benefits in the process of influencing the prehistoric world and replacing the concept of the predominant world with his own cognition.

“I missed the opportunity of the Purple Cloud Palace… this time, I will never miss it again!” Hong Yun felt cruel in his heart and thought secretly.

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongyun’s thought attracted Hongjun’s attention, and a stalwart gaze fell.

Looking at the cruel red cloud, Hongjun watched for a long time, and finally nodded slightly, also a little surprised: “This red cloud is really lucky.”

Hong Yun’s thoughts are exactly his thoughts, and Hong Yun guessed his thoughts, which is very good.

What surprised him the most was that the creatures transformed by a fire cloud like Hongyun had been lucky since their birth, and there was no one!

In Zixiao Palace, not to mention occupying the holy position, now it is even more able to get on the Dubao train!

“Fortune-telling, this catastrophe, you are over!”

Hongjun muttered to himself, smiled, glanced at Duobao again, and withdrew his gaze.

For Hongyun, Hongjun’s senses are actually not very good.

Because he gave birth to the two holy thrones that originally belonged to the East to the West.

Give up the holy position of Xuanmen!

When he gave up the holy throne, he offended not only Kunpeng, but also Hongjun.

Therefore, he calculated the red cloud with the last cosmic purple energy… Actually, it is not a calculation, but Karma between the two parties.

For the two Westerners, they have gained the benefits of Hongyun and the holy throne. For them, Hongyun is a great benefactor.

As for Hongjun, Hongyun sent the Holy Throne of Xuanmen out and formed Karma with him.

Sage Karma is unbearable, let alone his Dao ancestor’s Karma… Therefore, the moment Hong Yun stood up from the Zixiao Palace, Hong Yun was doomed to end!

He is dead!

It’s just that Hongjun didn’t expect that this red cloud was so lucky that he had befriended Duobao, and even more so decisively, he sent Hongmeng Ziqi out, and he got the luck of Duobao.

In this way, Hong Yun’s death catastrophe disappeared.

Standing in the Sixth Stage, for a moment, Duobao looked back at Jin Yuanzi, Hongyun.

The next moment, a gentle stroke at the two, and then two Qi machines appeared in his hands.

Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun was shocked, and Duobao’s movements didn’t even feel them at all.

This was in their expectation, but it made them very disappointed.

Hold the red Qi machine, the yellow Qi machine falls in your hand, Magic power falls into it, and suddenly a breath grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Vigorous, broad, infinite, boundless, earth, space, good fortune, life… and so on, full of aura, Ascension at the speed of a rocket.

Perceiving the familiar breath, Hong Yun couldn’t help but look at Zhen Yuanzi.

He was so familiar with that breath, it was basically Zhen Yuanzi’s breath.

To be precise, it is a mixture of the avenue built by Zhen Yuanzi and the aura of the deity.

If he didn’t see it with his eyes, and only sensed it with the Qi machine, he would think that the aura in Dubao’s hand was Zhen Yuanzi, and the one beside him was a fake.

Because the breath was not as good as Zhen Yuanzi at first, but the longer the time, the stronger and purer the breath.

In comparison, Zhen Yuanzi’s deity looks like a fake, fake and scary.

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked, shocked, and stupid.

“Ginseng fruit tree? Earth, good fortune, life, space, wood line…”

He kept murmuring, these are the great avenues, laws, and deities he cultivated.

It’s just a Qi machine, it’s nothing at all, but I didn’t expect it to become like this in Dubao’s hands!

Powerful, pure, high-quality… In comparison, even he himself feels that he is a fake Zhen Yuanzi.

“Celesial Immortals, true immortals, mysterious immortals, golden immortals…”

Zhen Yuanzi’s expression was shocked. During the perception, the strength of the Qi machine that Duobao took away continued to grow, and soon surpassed his perception limit, reaching a point that he could not perceive and could not imagine.

“Taiyi or Da Luo?”

Zhen Yuanzi guessed in his heart.

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