Chapter 304

Before, he didn’t care about it, it was really incomprehensible, it was like a joke.

Now, he was sure, that was not a joke.

The incomprehensible things turned out to be facts.

In the Divine Sea, Hongmeng Ziqi stayed quietly, just like its original appearance.

“I really don’t deserve this great purple qi.”

For the first time, such a thought appeared in Hong Yun’s mind.

“Golden fairy, quasi-sage… So I’m just a golden fairy?”

Hong Yun suddenly felt more bitter: “Is this world wrong, or Duobao alone?”

To be honest, he had never felt that Own was inferior in strength before, and in the midst of predominance, he was also considered an extremely powerful.

Before all the saints were sanctified, their strength might not be much higher than him.

This is also the core of his self-confidence and never want to give up the grandeur and purple energy.

In fact, he himself knew that there was a problem with Hongmeng Ziqi… But what about it?

Who would be willing to give up so willingly after getting the grandiose purple qi?

“I gave up!”

Hong Yun thought a lot, and suddenly let out a long sigh.

The curious Duobao and the shocked Zhenyuanzi looked over.

A gleam of purple light exuded a strong Taoist aura, and the laws flowed, as if Heavenly Dao was right in front of his eyes.

“Hongyun, you!” Zhen Yuanzi was startled, looked at Hongyun stupidly, and said in surprise, “What are you going to do?”

This is Hongmeng Ziqi, which has always been regarded as a treasure by Hongyun.

From beginning to end, he just showed it to himself, and other than that, he never showed it.

Now, he suddenly took out the great purple energy…

Zhen Yuanzi had guesses in his heart, suddenly, but even more horrified.

“Hongyun…Have you really decided?”

To tell the truth, he was actually very happy to see Hong Yun taking out the grandiose purple qi and finally letting go of his greed for the grandiose purple qi.

The greatest effect of Hongmeng Ziqi is to be sanctified, and Hongyun, in his opinion, is destined to be impossible to be sanctified.

Therefore, for Hongyun, Hongmeng Ziqi is not just a chance, but a disaster.

He can take it out, which means that he has escaped a catastrophe.

“Duobao.” Hongyun nodded to Zhen Yuanzi, very relaxed, as if he had unloaded a mountain.

Before making this decision, it was very difficult, but after making it, it was easier.

Duobao was still looking curiously at the purple gas in Hong Yun’s hand, and felt the familiar things from it. He was thinking about what that familiar thing was when he suddenly heard Hong Yun calling himself.

“Uncle Hongyun?”

Duobao looked at Hongyun, blinked, and stared at the palm of his hand over which Hongmeng Ziqi was passed.

“Is this for me?”

Dubao asked incredulously.

Hong Yun nodded lightly, smiling, extremely relaxed.

It seemed that he was not holding countless creatures in his hands. Everyone wanted an opportunity for sanctification that was impossible to obtain. It was just like a weed on the side of the road.

“Why?” Duobao didn’t take it, and asked very suspiciously.

Hongmeng Ziqi is a good thing, and it can be sanctified.

He did not deny that he did want it, but Hongmeng Ziqi was in Hongyun’s hands.

He admired a kind person like Hongyun, who would not obtain it by any means.

In that case, even if he gets his own morality, the bottom line will be broken.

There are countless temptations in the predicament, and any one that cannot be controlled can make oneself look like the original one.

For him, sanctification is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he must always be him.

Otherwise, even if you become a holy and change your appearance, what’s the use?

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Duobao in amazement. He was originally shocked by Hongyun’s behavior, but now he was shocked by Duobao’s persistence.

That is Hongmeng Ziqi, who can persist so much in front of such a treasure?

Not to mention Hong Yun handing it to his hand now, even if it is still in Hong Yun’s hand, defending it to death, there are still countless creatures, thinking of various methods in secret, wanting to obtain it.

“You saved us, this is a reward.” Hong Yun was also a little surprised, and handed Hongmeng Ziqi to Duobao again.

Duobao still didn’t answer, and looked at him seriously: “Although we are of different generations, we are friends, aren’t we?”

“This is your thing, I can’t ask for it.”

This is a matter of principle. He can be unsanctified and Life can be very happy, but if he takes this thing, his heart will be darkened.

He is not the kind of dark person who destroys everything and achieves himself, he is just an ordinary creature.

What he wanted was not the pinnacle on the road of the blood sea corpse, but the pinnacle that truly moved forward step by step.

If this is not possible, then the peak is not enough.

Dubao’s attitude was firm, and Hong Yun was immediately helpless.

The grand purple qi in his hand suddenly no longer fragrant, and it feels as if the temptation before is gone.

This is an opportunity for sanctification. Why does it feel like a bad thing here in Dubo?

Zhen Yuanzi smiled, but also helpless and gratified.

“In this way, I use this as a reward, and ask you to do something for us, is this all right?” Hong Yun’s eyes suddenly saw the Fifth Stage day below him.

“You don’t need to ask for this word, please say so.” Duobao said sternly.

For the third time, Hongyun passed the Hongmeng Ziqi over: “Then you first accept the Hongmeng Ziqi.”

Duobao waved his hand, refused, and was about to speak, but Hong Yun said first: “Just accept it.”

“You saved us. This is a life-saving grace. I beg you to do things again. This is the reward for doing things.”

“If you don’t accept anything, you have fulfilled your friend’s obligation, what about us?”

Duobao paused.

“This is not a friend, this is a parasite… a friend is not like this.”

“Friends are only if you have contact with each other. If you just give in, then what kind of friends are you?”

Hong Yun said earnestly: “Throwing aside the seniority, I am very optimistic about you. If you want to come, you also know that this grandeur is actually not a good thing for me.”

Dubao is silent, does he know?

“If you accept it, it can be regarded as completely rid of one of my heart diseases, allowing me to completely cut off my greed for Hongmeng Ziqi.”

“But this is too important to you.”

Hong Yun’s eyes stared: “Since they are all friends, why use such a polite address?”

“Call me Hongyun.”

“No, young and old cannot be abandoned.” Duobao refused.

Hong Yun was helpless, and stared: “Then you won’t take this grand and purple energy?”

“I…” Duobao looked at Zhen Yuanzi, then looked back at Hongyun: “Then I will accept it?”

For Hongyun, Hongmeng Ziqi is indeed a curse, only harm is not good.

“That’s right.” Hongyun immediately opened his eyes and smiled, and could not wait to almost stuff the Hongmeng Purple Qi into Duobao’s hands: “Hurry up and hold it.”

Duobao didn’t send it back when he saw it. Hongyun was overjoyed, and then he was relieved.

It’s so strenuous!

Send a baby, why is it so troublesome?

I don’t understand.

“All right!”

Duobao looked at the grand purple energy in his hand, and then at the red cloud with a smile on his face, he nodded and accepted it.

“Take it first, no need, wait until Master Hongyun Cultivation Base arrives, and it can be sanctified, and then return it to him.”

At the same time that he received the Magnificent Purple Qi, Duobao actually had greed in his heart, but the greed didn’t exist for much time, and finally disappeared.

If this magnificent purple energy is in the hands of a wicked person, he doesn’t mind robbing it, but in Hongyun’s hands, he doesn’t want it.

Even now, Hongmeng Ziqi has reached Own’s hands, he still has that attitude, don’t.

After making such a decision, Duobao also felt a lot easier.

The body loosened, froze, and then smiled.

“It seems that I still have greed, but fortunately, I still hold it.”

With a sigh, Duobao remembered Hongyun’s words before and asked: “I don’t know Master Hongyun, what do you want Duobao to do?”

“Eh!” Hearing this, the smile on Hong Yun’s face froze, what did he know?

He just wanted to send Hongmeng Ziqi to Duobao, but the thought suddenly appeared.

Now that the purpose has been achieved, the thought has disappeared.

Where are there any ideas now?

Duobao kept watching, Hongyun’s brain, thoughts appeared quickly, and after a while, he finally remembered his previous thoughts, looked at the Fifth Stage below him, and quickly perfected it.

“Dobo, it looks like you are opening thirty Third Stage days?”

The word Hongyun blurted out not only stunned Zhen Yuanzi, but also stunned himself.

Thirty Third Stage days?

Dobo is opening up 30 Third Stage days?

Is it so powerful?

The two of them reacted and looked around, their spirits fell, and the shock in their eyes was even greater.

“where is this place?”

Zhen Yuanzi asked Duobao.

“This is the Minor World that I created by simulating the prehistoric, playful work, don’t care too much.” Duobao said.

“A piece of fun?”

Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun glanced at each other, shocked.

Is this a piece of play?

This is probably much stronger than the original 30 Third Stage days of the Monster Race!

Is this still a play?

Watching, watching, Hong Yun also understood why he blurted out such ordinary words.

This place is really the same as the thirty Third Stage days they saw on the Yaozu Heaven Court before, the aura and the feeling are the same…except that it is stronger.

“Look at this, we, now our strength is greatly reduced, and there are many enemies in the predicament.”

“Before the strength is restored, we don’t dare to go back, for fear of being found by the enemy, simply, you are here to open up an Immortal Cave for us, let us shelter, cultivate, and wait until the strength Ascension, we will leave.”

“Do you think this is good?” Hong Yun asked.

Upon hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi immediately looked at Hongyun with a weird look.

You are really talking nonsense with your mouth open!

The strength is greatly reduced?

It’s just that Realm has been reduced, and the strength is stronger than before.


That’s true, but it’s all the previous ones, and they’ve basically fallen…killed by them.

A good old man is a good old man, but a good old man does not mean being soft.

Since they are already enemies and don’t kill them anymore, should they wait for them to seek revenge in the future?

They are not so pedantic.

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