Chapter 259 Dark Turmoil Erupts

The wave from the leaves came over, and the gravel flew out, and the wave passed through the gravel and scattered towards the distance.

It seems to be an understatement, but in fact, it is not easy.

They did not rely on their own strength to block the branches and leaves from searching for and attacking, but to hide with the gravel of the clouds.

Below, the creatures who were lucky enough to escape into the clouds, each looked at the outside scene in horror, with extremely palpitations.

“Aren’t these ghosts still good before, why did they suddenly go crazy?”

Some creatures screamed frantically.

They had been chased by those ghosts, and they had an extremely difficult life and fled in embarrassment.

It was already difficult, but I didn’t expect that suddenly branches and leaves appeared in the entire starry sky.

The leaves look for people, the branches look for people.

Once it is found, the breath is taken away, and it will be immediately sucked away by the branches, and all the Blood Essence and Magic power from the whole body will be extracted and turned into a corpse.

Moreover, only the strong can turn into a corpse, and what the strength does not want, when inhaled, it directly becomes a fan.

“This is the danger brought by chance!” Someone suddenly whispered in the crowd.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

“The price?” A monster with three tails, shaped like a black cow, touched Own’s head.

It has to be said that during this period of time, although they have been very difficult and embarrassed, the strength of Ascension is indeed much faster and too much faster than they used to be.

Originally, most of him were just true immortals, profound immortals, and even more of them were Celestial Immortals.

But now, they are at least golden immortals.

This is in the past, it is impossible to imagine.

Moreover, the small amount of time used makes them feel like they are dreaming now when they think about it. It is so unreal.

Feeling his own strength, and then looking at the branches and leaves that traverse the starry sky outside, suddenly, it seems that there is no such resentment.

“A great opportunity must represent a great danger… only after passing it will you be eligible to enjoy it!”

They are not hypocritical people, and after figuring it out, they are a little more relieved.

“When will this change end?” Suddenly, a creature asked.

Everyone looked at the outside world, no one answered.


Will it end?

The ghosts and creatures have chased them for so long before, can you see that they have stopped?


Since those ghosts and creatures have not stopped, will these branches and leaves stop?

Everyone felt heavy and had an answer.


There was a slight sound of breaking through the air, which attracted all living beings to look over.

In the eyes, a creature with a smile on his face was standing on the branches, looking at them with a smile, and whispered in his mouth: “I found you!”

The sentient beings were horrified: “No, I was found!”


A pair of blood-red scissors suddenly appeared, and fell to the smiling creature, crossed the head and tail, and cut it fiercely!

A clear voice sounded.

The blood-red scissors flew upside down, and Bi Xiao took it one by one, kicked and backed again and again, his complexion changed greatly: “This ghost has become stronger again… I can’t move it!”

She was shocked.

She is no longer what she was before.

After understanding the real way to pass the trial, she has gone to a forbidden place, through the many dangers, and obtained the cursing power in it, named Feng Rui.

Blessing on the blood-red golden Jiao scissors, it makes its power soar.

Since then, nothing has been able to withstand her golden Jiao cutting a pair of scissors.

I have also encountered ominous creatures before, but there is no existence that can withstand the power of her golden dragon shears.

But now, she couldn’t even cut, not only couldn’t she cut, but even after the scissors fell, she was shocked by its strength.

“These ghosts have been strengthened by the branches and leaves…can no longer be viewed with the same eyes as before.” Yun Xiao was still calm, and the gravel flew out, blocking Yun City and the ominous creatures.

“You run away, we can’t protect you anymore.” Yun Xiao’s voice was calm, even at this time, there was no panic at all.

“At most, we can buy you a stick of incense time…after that, there will be no way!”

After Yun Xiao finished speaking, he looked at Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao without waiting for everyone to answer.

The three of them looked at each other and nodded together.

The clouds and gravel turned, and the mountain-heavy aura appeared, rushing towards the ominous creatures.

Qiong Xiao lifted his fingers, and the endless cold burst from his fingers.


A series of freezing sounds sounded, and the surrounding space was frozen.

Bi Xiao’s palm swiped his mouth forcefully, wiped off the blood, and held the crimson golden dragon shears, the vast Magic power fell into it, an absolutely sharp breath that seemed to cut everything into two parts.


There was a roar, Yun Xiao’s expression turned pale in an instant, and a gap was broken in front of him like a mountain of gravel.

A leaf peeked out of it.


Bi Xiao threw out the crimson golden dragon shears again, intersecting the head and tail, and with fierce force, it actually cut the protruding leaves.


At the same time, Bi Xiao snorted, the blood that had been wiped from the corners of her mouth flowed out again, and for a moment, the clothes were wet.

Qiong Xiao stretched out his hand and pointed, endless chill burst out, rushing towards the cracked gap.


The leaves that were about to continue to penetrate, stopped and were frozen in place.

“The estimate is wrong, we can’t hold a stick of incense, at most only ten breaths!” Yun Xiao was as calm as ever, although her face was pale, her voice was still calm.

The escaping sentient beings below heard these words, and suddenly stopped.

San Xiao noticed their movements, and looked at them unconsciously. Seeing their stopped figure, his brows wrinkled in an instant.

“What are you doing?”

Qiong Xiao was angry. They were buying time with their lives, creating opportunities for them to escape.

But these people actually wasted such precious time.

They are not our Virgins, and did not intend to die for them.

It’s just because they are on the same front and have the same enemies, and if they have spare capacity, they are willing to protect them.

This is the limit they can do.

Qiong Xiao thought that he and the others had done a good job, but he didn’t expect that these people didn’t seem to know what a good thing, and now they stopped.



A figure suddenly flew out and landed in the cracks in the gravel. As soon as his body rose, it suddenly exploded, blowing back the leaves that were about to break the ice.

San Xiao was stunned, Bi Xiao looked at them incredulously, “What are you doing?”

Her voice was trembling, and Yun Xiao’s eyes were not calm.

In front of them, these creatures that were sheltered by them, one by one, lined up, flew to the crack and blew themselves up.

They are using their own life to blow up the leaves.

“Before I was blessed, I can’t be thankful enough.”

“This catastrophe, with our strength, the chance of being able to survive the past is very small… Even if you can escape now, you may not be able to survive.”

“But the three women are different. Your strength, talent, and potential are far above us. You are more qualified to live than us.”

“This time the catastrophe is very fierce, and the three empresses still save their strength to deal with the following situation.”

“Before, it was three empresses who protected us. Now, it’s our turn to protect you!”

There were voices, explosions sounded, and the lich exploded in front of San Xiao without hesitation.

The leaves that came in were blown up again and again.

“Who wants you to protect!”

Bi Xiao’s complexion became cold, and his body was red, and his killing intent rushed into the sky.

The strong killing intent dyed the dark starry sky red.

The Crimson Golden Jiao cut and flew, becoming bigger in an instant, and becoming bigger than Star in the blink of an eye.

The two blades are chilling.

“Emperor Bixiao… don’t let our sacrifices go in vain!”

Bi Xiao’s face was full of killing intent, and was suppressed by this sentence, and the scarlet and golden Jiao scissors also stopped in the air.

“I can’t wait to die… the three empresses must survive!”

“Otherwise, I can’t wait to die!”

In Bi Xiao’s big eyes, tears fell in an instant, one by one, and his body was trembling: “You, you…we don’t need your protection!”

Qiong Xiao took a deep look at everyone, took Bi Xiao’s trembling hand, and said in a deep voice, “Go!”

“Second Sister!” Bi Xiao shouted loudly.

Yun Xiao flew over, took Bi Xiao’s other hand, and without saying a word, and Qiong Xiao forcibly pulled Bi Xiao away.

Bi Xiao wanted to resist, tears kept streaming: “No, I can’t abandon them!”

“You want their sacrifices to be in vain, do you want them to die in vain?”

Yun Xiao’s words stopped Bi Xiao’s movements again.

The liches looked at San Xiao’s figure gradually disappearing, and they all smiled together.


As the clouds disappeared, the gravel lost its sustained strength and was broken apart by leaves.

The broken leaves flew out and flicked across the liches, instantly capturing their breath.

A strong suction came, and the liches flew over the branches involuntarily.

“My cultivator, He Xi is dead!”

A witch clan, just before reaching the branch, suddenly shouted, then his body exploded.

“Hahaha… Brother Damu said well, why should I wait to die!” The monster clan laughed loudly and said loudly: “Wait for me, I’m looking for you!”



Soon, a series of explosions sounded in the starry sky, and the huge explosion power dissipated, completely blasting the broken leaves.

“Hehe, hehe, giggle…”

The ominous creatures stood on the branches, watched their movements, and laughed softly.

The voice echoed in the starry sky, showing an indescribable weirdness.

Sanxiao has gone away, but can already hear the huge explosion behind him.

Yun Xiao’s body trembled slightly, and then accelerated again.

The gravel wrapped the three of them, concealed their traces, and shuttled through the stars, looking for a place to shelter.

However, the starry sky is vast and boundless, but there are emerald green branches and leaves everywhere, and countless creatures are caught by it. Every moment, countless creatures are sucked dry and turned into powder.

After flying for a long time, the three of them did not find a place to stay.

“Big brother…what do you want to do?”

“Is he going to kill everyone?”

Bi Xiao’s voice resounded in the starry sky, for the first time, with a sense of resentment.

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