Chapter 258

Hongjun looked kind, stared at Duobao’s back for a long time, and laughed for a long time.

After a while, the smile faded and turned into a sigh: “It’s really hard for you… But this is not what the old ways force you.”

Duobao’s various behaviors have already caused tremendous changes to the prehistoric world.

Although he said that he was unwilling to take it, his actual behavior had already taken it up.

The suffering of the human race, the thirty third stage days of the demon race, the changes of the twelve ancestor witches…there are so many, the current prehistoric has long been different from the original prehistoric.

“By the way, there are also the four seas that have been sealed off!”

Hongjun looked towards the world after the town was sealed.

The sea is calm, like a rock, without a trace.

Above the vast sea, there is no flying bird.

In the sea, countless creatures stopped, maintaining various postures, just like ice sculptures.

The finger moved, and finally put it down, and took a look in Kunlun’s direction: “If you do something by yourself, let you solve it yourself!”



Back in Kunlun, back to a place he was familiar with, Duo Bao fell directly against the stone bed, and after rolling a few times, he let out a long groan.

“I’m still comfortable at home!”

Just lying down like this, after a long time, Duobao just turned over and looked at the ceiling above his head: “It’s so scary… how come it suddenly becomes like this!”

He is a small person, and he suddenly came into contact with something at such a deep level, so he was a little panicked!

What’s more, what Shizu Hongjun said made him still lingering fear even now.

“Why is it like this?” Duobao kept muttering.

“I’m really just a kid!”

He blurted out a word, and Duobao paused, and his face suddenly blushed: “So, is it a bit not wanting face?”

He didn’t know how long he was, and he said it was a child…

“I’m not young, but compared to the masters and the others… it’s right to say a child!” After thinking about it, the blush on Duobao’s face disappeared again.


Thinking, thinking, Duobao’s eyes gradually became empty, and his own thinking was also empty, staring at the yellow-red mountain wall above his head, he started to stun.

“Human, the protagonist of heaven and earth…weakness, weakness…growth…”

After calming down, Hongjun’s words appeared involuntarily in his mind, and the constant echoes made him a little irritable silently.

“Human race being the protagonist of heaven and earth is really not a good thing for the prehistoric world, and it is not necessarily a good thing for the human race itself.”

“The early stage may be, late stage…”

“If the human race cannot become the protagonist of heaven and earth, then naturally there will be other protagonists of heaven and earth, they…”


Duobao suddenly resembled a zombie, and instantly collapsed: “No, if it weren’t for the human race… could it really stop the decline of the prehistoric world if it wasn’t for the human race…

The limit of the prehistoric world is the limit of the whole.

Sages are all well-known. After all Sages have appeared, it is difficult for anyone who wants to have a new Sage.

Even after the immeasurable calamity, I dare not say that there will be a Sage.

It’s even more impossible on Sage!

Even if it is the Lich, Dragon, Phoenix, Qilin, and the five clans together, it is absolutely impossible to create another Sage.

Moreover, even if Sage does appear, can the prehistoric world become stronger?


Duobao shook his head, sure of this.

In this period, the prehistoric world has been brought to a formidable height by the Lich, no, to be precise, by the Big Six Sages.

Sage is not the limit, Dao Zu Hongjun is.

If you want to surpass the Lich and prevent the decline of the prehistoric world, the appearance of Sage is not enough, you must have a strong person who surpasses Daozu Hongjun!

But how is this possible?

“In this way, the splendor of the Lich War is not only because of the Big Six Sage, but also because of Master Hongjun!”

Duobao was silly, this guess instantly shattered some of the thoughts and thoughts that had just occurred in his mind.


Duobao lay back again and fell onto the bed.

“Pangu god-tier is not wrong, in this case, Human Race is indeed the most suitable protagonist of heaven and earth!”

“It’s not that they were unqualified. They dragged the prehistoric world into the abyss and changed any race, but they are actually the same!”

“Sage can’t appear anymore, let alone an existence like Master?”

Hongjun pulled the Lich Period too high, too high, and latecomers couldn’t surpass it at all.

Therefore, the prehistoric world is destined to decline after the lich, this is something that no one can stop.

“The upper limit of the human race is Da Luo Jinxian, but even if it is all members of Da Luo Jinxian, what can…can change this general trend?”

“Without the support of the highest level of strength, you can’t pull this wild world!”

Duobao wanted to understand, and felt deeply helpless.

“Master, what do you think?”

Duobao sighed.

He didn’t believe that Shizu Hongjun was not clear about this kind of thing, but that was it, he still said the words that made him feel a little passionate every time he thought of it now.

Carrying the wild world on my back and stopping the destiny… it sounds really exciting.

But doing this… desperate to think about it!

Is this really something that can be done?

“In fact, there is no behind-the-scenes man in the world, everything is just a general trend formed by the combination of various situations.”

“It is also the destiny set by Pangu god-tier at the very beginning.”

“With the power of Pangu god-tier, the general trend he set is definitely the most in line with the general trend of the development of the prehistoric world… and the most perfect.”

“According to the established general trend, the Primordial World can exist longer… If the general trend is changed, I am afraid that the time of the Primordial World will become shorter.”

“Although, no one can change it!”

After all, Pangu god-tier has set more general trends, Dao Zu Hongjun can’t help it, who else can?

Although Shizu Hongjun said he could…but his family knew about his family affairs, he was a small Celestial Immortals, just possessing the strength of a big Luo Jinxian.

What’s the deal with this?

“Wait, if I really want to talk about it, Pangu god-tier should just set the general trend, destiny, and specific development. The development is still the creation of the creatures in it.”

“It’s like a river. The road is planned, and it doesn’t matter how the flowing water changes.”

“Ferocious beasts, the same is true of the three clans.”

“But the Lich, Conferred God and Journey to the West… There are still traces of meddling… Master?”

“If you have to say that there is a man behind the scenes in the prehistoric world, it must be the master!”

Thinking of this, Duobao’s heart trembled, and he couldn’t help but look up at the void, for fear that he would suddenly slap him.

Fortunately, he was born without the slap he expected.

“Master planned the Lich, designed the Conferred God… to follow the general trend, but there is also his calculation in it… Maybe it is to help Honghuangtiandi to grow better.”

Pangu god-tier portrays the frame, Dao Zu Hongjun fills in and fine-tunes it.

This is also the responsibility of the administrator.

“In this way, the master is not actually behind the scenes…”

“Lich, Conferred God… will the original development make the prehistoric world better?”

Duobao was lost in thought.

He couldn’t figure out the truth in this.

You know, even the Tianzhu was broken at the end of the Lich Period… Is such a development a good thing for the prehistoric world?

It doesn’t look like it at all!


The more he thought about it, the more chaotic he became, and Duobao shouted loudly to vent his depression.


Duobao sat up again: “I don’t want to think about it anymore. The boat will naturally straighten up at the end of the bridge. These things are not something I can think of now.”

“What do I want so much to do?”

“With so many great abilities in the prehistoric world, do I still need to worry about such a small shrimp?”

“Go and see the progress of Junior Brother, Junior Sister and the others.”

Duobao walked towards the dark trial ground, temporarily suppressing these thoughts.


The ominous starry sky, the dark trial field is not peaceful at this time.

Countless scarlet, golden, purple, green, and blue branches are all over the starry sky.

Above the branches, the leaves shook, shaking the void.

Powerful and terrifying waves spread out, causing the entire starry sky to become a little distorted.

The leaves are green, the veins on them are clearly visible, and the shining liquid flows in them.

Every leaf is not smaller than a Star.

The branches were inserted into the starry sky, and while the leaves were shaking, creatures were constantly being shaken out from various places by the waves.


“help me!”



In the starry sky, countless screams reverberated continuously, and countless magical powers and Taoism hit the branches.

The branches were unharmed, and the leaves swayed more fiercely.

This seemed to arouse its fierceness, and in an instant, a lot of creatures were caught.

The creature was shaken out for an instant, fell on the leaves and branches, and immediately couldn’t get out of it.

The whole body was withered, and the powerful force fell into the body, quickly turning them into corpses.

At this time, it is relatively simple to distinguish the strength of all creatures.

Those who are strong can yell a few more times, and those who are weak can only utter one word ah, and then there is no sound.

Samsara vibrated, the invisible Samsara power spread all over the void, constantly drawing the fallen creatures.

In a place in the starry sky, there is a huge blood-red city.

The whole body of the city was blood-red, with a soaring killing intent, blocking the branches and leaves that were rushing around.

In Yuncheng, there were sparse figures.

Sanxiao stood on top of the cloud city, full of killing intent, Blood Qi rushed into the sky, Magic power running, while maintaining the appearance of the cloud city, it blocked the branches and leaves from approaching.

The faces of the three of them were pale.

Bi Xiao: “How could this be? How could these ghosts suddenly riot?”

Qiong Xiao shook his head and looked bitterly at the branches and leaves not far away: “Who knows?”

Yunxiao stretched out his palm, and golden gravel rolled in the palm of his palm.

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