Chapter 252

After being annihilated by the dark energy, what appears is an indescribable shape and appearance.

There is no extraordinary vision or strong breath, it feels like an ordinary grass, wood and stone on the side of the road… But when I see it, I can’t accurately describe its appearance and situation.


Duobao’s eyes widened, and he was shocked when he felt it carefully.

This is surprisingly the gene he has been looking for!

Law creatures appear, are annihilated by the dark energy, and then form genes.

“It turns out that Heavenly Dao actually created genes in this way… Genes turned out to be formed after the laws of life were destroyed?”

Duobao seemed to be stunned, but more incomprehension came to his mind.

call out!

The genes in front of me suddenly flew away.

Before he could think about it, Duobao subconsciously chased it over.

In the dark energy, the gene escaped quickly, far surpassing Sage, just a breath, and Duobao set off with his fore and aft feet, and he would not be able to see it anymore.

The sword’s energy converged, released the palm, and the paper knife fell under his feet for a moment. Dubao stepped on it, and the human knife merged into one. With the help of the paper knife, he penetrated the pitch black. The speed instantly Ascension, leaving only sporadic light spots of genes, suddenly The eyes quickly become bigger and clearer.

Chasing genes, concentrating, and not thinking to see other things.

Not long afterwards, suddenly there was a feeling as if he had passed through some obstacle…Duo Bao stopped and looked at the scene before him. It was bright and beautiful, and his heart was filled with shock.

In front of me, countless genes of various colors, colorful, seven basic primary colors, constitute an endless sea of ​​genes.

The gene he was looking for flew into it, and he couldn’t tell the difference in the blink of an eye.

Gene shines, every kind of light makes people fascinated, watching, watching, seems to feel the mystery of life, the greatness.

“This is… the Heavenly Dao gene?”

Duobao stared blankly, dazzled.

He had never thought that it turned out that things like genes would be so beautiful.

In the ocean of genes, all genes are not standing still, but flowing in disorder.

They are not peaceful with each other, they are colliding with each other when they are flowing.

These genes seem to be very fragile, and they shatter by just a light touch.

Then mixed with other gene fragments, and combined into a new gene.

Duobao slowly reacted and walked in the Gene Sea, walked slowly along the Gene Sea, and gradually walked into the depths of the ocean.

The scenery in front of me slowly changed, the endless genes seemed to dissipate, and a complete creature was replaced.

“This is….”

Duobao opened his mouth wide, looking at the mural-like creatures in front of him, dumb, silly, and silly.

Suddenly, an inexplicable movement appeared in his heart, making him subconsciously holding his breath, not daring to take the slightest carelessness, and he became more careful in his actions.

“Is this the place where life is most fundamentally born?”

In the depths of the sea, countless creatures exist like murals, which seem to be three-dimensional, but they don’t seem to be.

It looks like, touch it carefully…but I can’t touch it.

Duobao walked, walking through numerous murals.

Phantom-like…really phantom-like!

With his current strength, things that are illusory, as long as he wants to, can become real.

But he still couldn’t touch the murals in front of him.

In the ocean, a red light flashed suddenly, which caught his attention.

Take one step, and you’re here.

With white hair, short legs, short tail, red eyes, and three-petal mouth, this is a rabbit.

The rabbit mural flashed light, as if it was telling something.

“Yes… a rabbit was born?”

Duobao guessed, looked at the rabbit, paused, and suddenly raised his hand to touch it.

The palm of his hand touched the rabbit’s body directly.

“Sure enough… the good fortune law, good fortune everything… with the good fortune law, you can still touch it.”

The thought in his mind flashed and disappeared for a moment, a force dragged Duobao’s mind and saw a picture.

This picture is extremely real, as if he has come to the place represented in the picture.

Cold, empty, boundless.

Looking up, the sky is full of stars flashing, and looking down, the earth is formed by black and yellow soil.

The land is flat, there are few undulations, and there are no hills, forests and hills, and it is terribly desolate.

The only thing there is is a leafy sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

Under the tree, a big man with a naked upper body was waving the big axe in his hand and constantly cutting towards the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

An axe fell and went straight into most of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. It seemed that another axe could cut it down.

However, after it drew out the axe, the osmanthus tree suddenly recovered.

After that, the big man dropped an axe again, went deep into the tree again, pulled out, recovered, and cut again… the cycle repeated.

“Osmanthus tree? Wu Gang?”

Duobao understood in an instant, turning his head to look at other areas: “Is this the lunar star?”

Behind the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, there is an exquisite palace. In the palace, a stunning beauty, with his chin in both hands, is looking at Wu Gang madly.

“After all, is Hou Yi still transformed into Wu Gang?” Duobao sighed, a little guilty.

Hou Yi shot out from the sun because of his thoughts, and finally got such a result.

Looking at him now… Dubo didn’t know what to say.

Turning his head to look at the edge of the window sill, looking infatuatedly at Chang’e who Hou Yi had transformed into Wu Gang, he sighed again.

“Chang’e flies to the moon, Houyi shoots the sun… The myth is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.”

He is now in an unusual situation. He just saw the Taiyin Star, but his deity is not here. Therefore, neither Wu Gang nor Chang’e, who was transformed by Houyi, could see him.

At one end of the lunar star, red light flashed, the power of lunar condensed, and a white-haired rabbit the size of a palm appeared quietly.

The rabbit has just been born, its eyes are still open, its furry limbs and small body look so cute.

A crystal jade hand picked up the little rabbit.

“The power of the yin is condensed…After that, I will call you Xiaobai.”

Duobao’s expression was overwhelmed.

Feeling the warmth, the little rabbit slowly opened his eyes, a pair of blood-red eyes, crystal clear, like gems.

“Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai…” Chang’e teased the little rabbit twice, then hugged it and returned to the palace.

It was still in that position, still in that posture, but the difference was that instead of holding her cheeks in her hands, she was holding the rabbit in her hands, touching and watching over and over again.

Before, she only felt the changes of the lunar star, so she came to check.

Now that things are done, I will naturally go back.

Wu Gang dumbly cut the tree, she was looking at Wu Gang dumbly.

Suddenly, Duobao thought of a poem: “You are looking at the scenery, and those looking at the scenery are looking at you. The bright moon decorates your windows, and you decorate other people’s dreams.”

“All infatuated people!”

With a sigh, Duobao looked at Wu Gang. Suddenly, his eyes became fascinated: “This is…”

Wu Gang kept swinging his axe, cutting down on the sweet-scented osmanthus tree one after another!

Every drop of the axe looked ordinary, but in his eyes, when he looked closely, he could see a hint.

“Heart Arrow…”

Duobao smiled, and some of the thoughts that had arisen in his heart also disappeared.

“When you get out of trouble, that’s when you’re trapped in the sky!”

Some sighed, the power in his body dissipated, and Duobao returned to the Gene Sea, his emotions have not yet dissipated: “Hou Yi deserves to be Hou Yi…This situation can make you think of a way to break the game!”

Although Hou Yi was censored and lost consciousness, before he was censored, he actually engraved the heart and arrow method into his body.

Wu Gang cut down the sweet-scented osmanthus tree again and again, but also shot arrows again and again.

He is cultivating the method of heart and arrow!

The method of heart arrow was created by him. Once cultivated, no one knew better than him what kind of power it would have.

From now on, Yi’s foundation, when he has thoroughly cultivated the method of heart and arrow, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree will no longer be able to stop him!

After thinking for a while, letting go of his mind, Duobao looked at the gene sea again: “Sure enough, the gene was created by Heavenly Dao.”

“Any creature in the world, its genes are here!”

The birth of Jade Rabbit from the previous lunar yin allowed him to confirm his thoughts.

Although there is only one rabbit mural in front of me, the number of genes contained in it is so numerous and complicated that it cannot be calculated.

Every rabbit is born randomly selected some genes from it, which corresponds to the talent and genes of the rabbit.


Suddenly, Duobao felt the power of Samsara in the rabbit mural.

Reaching out for a grasp, a force of Samsara suddenly fell into his hand.

The power of Samsara, there is no black and white, and a chaos. At first glance, there is no color. At the first glance, it seems to be colorful, with all colors.

“???” Staring at the power of Samsara in his hand, Dubo fell into thought.

“In the midst of the wilderness, Samsara has not yet been developed, how can there be Samsara’s power here?”

He didn’t expect that he would find the power of Samsara here!

This is far beyond his expectations.

Even in the source of the law, he didn’t see the law of Samsara, but he saw the power of Samsara here.

This made him think a lot, and various speculations appeared in his mind.

“Humans may not be made by Nuwa… Samsara may not be made by the earth!”

“Humans… Samsara… Or, everything in this world should have already existed… It’s just that they got the chance and came out with their hands!”

Dubao was shocked, this might be… the more I think about it, the better!

“Destiny… Destiny…”

Thinking about it, Duobao suddenly felt a chill.

Looking back on everything in the prehistoric times, it feels as if everything has become hazy…not so real.

An invisible net covered the entire prehistoric world and the creatures in it…including him.

If all of this has been arranged, the destiny has already been set… Then who is it that set all of this?

Heavenly Dao?

“No!” Duobao shook his head slowly, denying this guess.

Heavenly Dao has no intelligence, and it feels like a machine. Someone has set up this program, but it is only operating according to a fixed program.

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