Chapter 251

“The disciple doesn’t dare.” What else can Tongtian do in this situation?

He is also desperate.

“Tongtian, a good disciple of a teacher, how do you think you should laugh as a teacher?” Hongjun continued to ask.

Tongtian’s body trembled, looking at Hongjun, Master, are you serious?

“Master, the disciple is wrong, the disciple is really wrong!”

Tongtian repented deeply, and his attitude was very sincere, hoping that Master could let him go.

He didn’t know why he would say such a thing, he didn’t want it either!

“Are you wrong?” Hong Jun said softly: “Where did you go wrong?”

“you are right!”

“The so-called lax teaching is the laziness of the teacher.”

“Even if you are wrong, the fault is for the teacher, it’s none of your business.”

Tong Tian looked at Hong Jun seriously, and finally gave up.

He knew that Master seemed to really not let him go.

“Master, you…” Tongtian yelled in his heart with infinite grievances on his face. He opened his mouth and said, suddenly a flash of light in his mind: “Master, Duobao is still dangerous… Is he okay now? ”

Speaking of Duobao, Hongjun’s face turned black in an instant: “It’s okay, what can he do?”

“He is so courageous, how courageous a master is!”

“He can handle it himself, nothing will happen.”

Seeing that Hongjun finally stopped talking with a smile, Tong Tian suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

Not daring to remind Hongjun of his affairs, he hurriedly said: “Master, although Duobao can get in trouble, how can I say that he is also your disciple and grandson?”

“In order to avoid any accidents, let’s go and see it?”

Hongjun waited for the sky to give him a glance, and waved his hand impatiently: “Don’t look, see what to see, he is so powerful, let him go on his own… don’t suffer a bit, he is afraid he will never know how great.”

“What will happen in the future… but I can’t settle everything.”

Looking at Hongjun who was insincere, Tongtian smiled: “Yes, yes, what the master said, but… this time, let’s take a look. If something really happens, it will be too late to regret.”

The current Duobao is no longer the original Duobao, and now his strength has surpassed Sage.

If something happens to him, I am afraid that even Hongjun will not be able to save him again.

Unless he is not dead.

“Furthermore, Master…” Tongtian looked at Hongjun who was annoyed, and suddenly asked cautiously, “Do you think that with Duobao’s temperament, if you suffer a loss, you will be able to avoid trouble in the future?”

Hongjun’s face immediately became darker again.

Thinking back to what Dubao had done in the past… the answer naturally came out.

“I’ll take a look!” Hongjun was angry for a long while, and finally sighed. His figure slowly faded and disappeared in the Zixiao Palace.

Tong Tian immediately let out a long suffocating breath: “It’s finally fooled, it’s not easy!”

Taiqing, primitive, Haotian, Yaochi looked at Tongtian with admiration.

Can this pass?

“Tongtian, don’t leave if you stay. When you come back as a teacher, I will find you if you have something to do for the teacher.”

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun’s voice suddenly came, echoing in the palace, and even circling back and forth in Tongtian’s mind for a long time.

“I’m looking for you…I’m looking for you…you…”

Tongtian’s happy face suddenly froze, and the whole person’s body froze, like a zombie, unable to laugh anymore.

Didn’t Master forget him?

Listening to Hongjun’s words, Taiqing, Primitive, Haotian, Yaochi’s admiring eyes suddenly changed to those of martyrs.

Warriors can no longer be used to describe the sky, the martyrs are more appropriate!

Martyrs, go all the way!

The four said silently in their hearts.

They are not Tongtian, they are not so short-minded yet, they just said silently in their hearts without saying anything.

There are lessons from the past, if they say it, it is not a warrior, not a martyr, but a fool!


In the source of the law, Duobao suddenly opened his eyes, his body injury was fully recovered, and the paper knife in his hand swallowed sharply, with an aura of shattering everything.


He slashed out, and directly cut out a crack in the area reinforced by Hongjun. Behind the crack, the endless dark energy surged, and his heart was agitated as he watched.

Raising his hand to pat his chest, the same pitch-black energy flew out of his body and was caught in his hand.

“This thing turned out to be energy!”

This pitch-black energy is extremely powerful, so that after he recovers, it is more than enough.

A little bit of pitch black energy is comparable to his magic power for ten years.

You know, this is his ten years of Magic power… It’s beyond his imagination.

Even beyond the definition of the law of energy.

He also learned the law of energy. Although he hasn’t completed the Insight yet, he hasn’t gotten started yet, but he still has some experience.

But that’s the case, he couldn’t create such a powerful energy with the law of energy.

This greatly aroused his curiosity.

Taking a step forward, following the crack opened by the paper knife, into the darkness.


After he entered, in an instant, the endless black energy surged, covering the cracks he came in, making him invisible again.

Suddenly, he felt isolated and helpless.

Standing in the darkness, all you can feel is the darkness, which is something darker than darkness.

The fact that you can’t see your five fingers is to make it smaller, even if you use your spiritual thoughts, you can’t see far.

Dark energy is powerful… is simple and powerful.

Relying on pure power, it actually obscured his perception.

Moreover, it made him feel like he was on top of a huge ocean wave. For a moment, he felt unsteady, shaking left and right.

“What kind of energy is this?”

Doubao was curious, and held the paper knife tightly.

The paper knife emits a blade of air and revolves around him at a speed exceeding the speed of light, forming a shield that separates him from the dark energy.

It is for this reason that he can stand firm here.

If this is not the case, he is afraid that there will be some little trouble.

Duobao walked slowly and vigilantly in the dark, and as he saw it, there was dark energy everywhere, and nothing else existed.

As soon as the thought moved, the sword energy naturally flowed out of a gap, and the pitch-black energy like water flowed in along the gap.

With the sword qi turned off, Duobao carefully looked at the pitch black energy floating in front of him. He didn’t feel any fierceness or ominousness from it, only vigorous and heavy.

“The quality is really high!”

Duobao took the energy emerging from his body and compared it. There was no difference between the two.

Energy purity and strength are the same.

“Not only the quality, but also the essence… also very powerful!”

Watching and observing carefully, Duobao thought in his heart.

The strength of the law creature is very strong, the damage it caused, as well as the damage caused by his own self-immolation, only relying on pure energy purity and strength, it is difficult to recover his injury so quickly.

The most important thing is this essence, which surpasses the essence of his injury.

Only in this way can he easily recover from his injury.

It’s like water can extinguish fire, but it can’t extinguish the real fire of the sun.

This is an essential difference. When the attributes are overwhelming, only the existence of the same level can eliminate the opponent’s power.

In the absence of attributes, a stronger essence is needed to solve it easily.

The pitch-black energy has no attributes, and naturally there is no attribute mutual restraint.

“What kind of energy is this?”

Duobao thought about it. He was simply here, and he didn’t feel any danger, so he didn’t worry, and walked slowly.

I didn’t know how long he had left, but suddenly Duobao felt a little bit and suddenly raised his head and looked to own right.

A familiar creature with the law suddenly appeared out of thin air, fell into the pitch black, surrounded by endless energy, almost instantly, there was no movement, no sound, and no trace.

“Hiss~” Dobo took a breath, his hair horrified, and looked at the dark energy around him with some horror: “Is this stuff so scary?”

This is the law creature, the law creature of Sage’s strength… just like that, even a little resistance, no power to struggle, just like that?

This is horrible!

Suddenly, Duobao’s hairs stood upright, and he felt as if he was walking on the erupting volcano. At the same time he was frightened, he lost his previous indifference.

“Is it because I underestimated them, or did I say, where is the dark energy…different from what I see before my eyes?”

“This thing is also strong or weak?”

The thoughts in Dubao’s mind kept flashing, and he already had the thought of leaving.

Holding the paper knife by hand, he was about to split a channel to leave.

He had just escaped from the dead, but he couldn’t die anymore and fell into a crisis again.

If this is the case, the last time he was saved by Master and the others, I am afraid that if they didn’t say it, he himself would have to die of shame.

Before he moved his footsteps, he suddenly stopped his movements, and watched in the distance another creature of the law appeared, drowning in pitch black energy.

Still the same, silent, extremely fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t know that there had been a law creature.

Dobo squinted his eyes and realized that something was wrong: “It doesn’t seem to be what I guessed!”

He watched carefully, slowly moved his steps, and walked towards that side.

There seemed to be the place where the law creatures appeared, and as he approached, more law creatures could be seen appearing immediately.

Along the way, the pitch black energy continued to flow through the sword air shield, but it never gave him more pressure, impact, and did not become stronger, even if he was about to reach that area.

“The law creatures…they didn’t resist!”

After seeing a lot, Duobao gradually saw the clues.

The dark energy was not as strong as he thought. The reason the law was annihilated in an instant was not because the dark energy was too strong, but because the law gave birth to Spiritual Roots and there was no resistance.

“Not only is there no resistance, but it is more like catering…they are actively annihilated by the dark energy.”

Duobao understood, but then, more doubts appeared: “Why?”

The law is so powerful, why do you want to seek death automatically?

They do this, there must be their reasons.

It’s just that he still doesn’t know.

With doubts, Duobao slowly and truly walked into this area.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and Duobao suddenly widened his eyes, looking at the thing that appeared after the death of the law of life: “This is?”

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