Chapter 247-One Hundred and Eighty-Three Folds

Duobao was covered in blood, and the attacks of the law creatures fell on him, continuously damaging the wound, and it was difficult to recover.

He also has no extra Magic power for recovery.


According to the law, the creatures were resurrected again and again, and Duobao shot the sword again and again.

The law creatures stand up, fall down, fall down, stand up… Dubao’s breathing gradually became heavier.

He really can’t hold it anymore!

The law creature stood up again.

call out!

If the rainbow sword light flashed, Duobao shot the sword again, smashing the law creature down again.

He looked around, the blockade had always existed, and it was extremely powerful, even with the power of a paper knife, it could not be broken.

The true strength of the law creatures alone is not comparable to him, but when combined, they are far above him.

He also took the upper hand, using a nearly sneak attack method to suppress a group of law creatures.

Otherwise, he should be the one who was suppressed or even seriously injured and fallen.


Looking at the blockade, Duobao understood in his heart that he gently touched the paper knife with his finger: “There is no other way, now the only way to break the game…fold the paper knife again!”

The blockade is strong, the magic power is not enough, the paper knife is not strong…the law and the creatures are eagerly watching.

This is a dangerous situation, and if one is not good, he will fall.

“One hundred and eighty-third fold… can I?”

Duobao asked himself in his heart that he had folded the paper knife to the limit he could now.

It stands to reason that he can no longer fold it, at least his strength is not enough now!

But this is the only way he can think of!

“Try it…if you don’t succeed, you die!”

Duobao’s eyes flashed with determination, and he didn’t hesitate to see the light appearing again on the bodies of the law creatures.

The vigorous aura radiated from him, causing the entire area to be filled with a heavy aura like a mountain.

That is the power that he formed after he went all out to energize everything in himself, Taoism, Magic power, magical powers… etc.

The strength of this force is still higher than that of paper knives, but its lethality can’t keep up with paper knives.

The powerful force formed an invisible wave, with Duobao as the core, spreading towards the surroundings.

The law creatures who were about to stand up again were pressed back under the fluctuations, and the light on their bodies flashed rapidly, trying to break through the pressure.

Duobao glanced at the law creatures: “It can last a little longer…not long, but enough!”

He took a deep breath and put the paper knife across his chest, all his strength fell into it, and the fold upright reverberated in his heart.

Under the strength, the paper knife began to fold slowly, and a sharp, terrifying aura gradually appeared.


A buzzing sound suddenly sounded, causing the entire area to tremble.


All the law creatures were just about to break through the suppression of the wave of Dubao’s power, but they were suppressed by this power, and in an instant, they fell again.

Chi Chi!


A series of voices appeared on the creatures of the laws, and a series of scars appeared on the creatures of the laws.

That is the supreme sharpness of the paper knife after being folded.

The paper knife has not yet completed the 183rd fold, but its sharpness has continued to grow.

Without a shot, his own sharp aura has already suppressed all the laws and creatures, causing countless fine wounds.

From this point of view, as long as the paper knife completes the 183rd fold, then these law creatures can no longer contend.

This time the crisis is solved.

However, this is only theoretical.

In fact, it’s not that simple!

Duobao’s cheeks flushed, not shy, but a manifestation after doing his best.

“It’s almost the limit!”

Duobao lifted it to his chest and folds the paper knife with all his strength.

There is a strong resistance force from the paper knife, and it is contending with his power.

Endless sharp aura, through power, penetrated into his body, and in an instant, his body was wounded full of holes.

While folding the paper knife, it also needs to bear the sharpness of the paper knife.

The so-called use of its front, first defeat its advantage!

To complete the 183rd paper knife fold, he must first withstand the sharp edge of the 183rd paper knife fold!

Of course, because he is the master of paper knives, he has a great understanding of sharpness. Therefore, the sharpness he really has to bear is far less than the sharpness of paper knives after the 183rd folding. For him now, it is not an easy task!

Puff puff puff~

The longer the time, the more reluctant Duobao was. His flushed cheeks gradually became pale, numerous cracks appeared on his body, and red blood flowed out.

“It’s still too reluctant!”

Feeling the extent of the folding of the paper knife, Dubo smiled bitterly: “The 183rd fold…It’s really not what I can touch now!”

Even if it was the sharp edge of the paper knife that had been greatly reduced in power, it was not what he could bear now.

By now, he has almost reached the limit, and he won’t be able to hold on for long. His body is riddled with holes, and he can feel that his own vitality is constantly being reduced and annihilated by the sharp edges of the paper knife.

If you keep going, you won’t wait for the folding of the paper knife to finish, I’m afraid he will die under the sharp edge of the paper knife first!

If he stops now, he can still survive, but…

Duobao looked at the suppressed law creatures and shook his head: “Can I still retreat now?”

It’s okay to close your hands, but can you survive if you close your hands?

The answer is obviously no!

“Let’s do it last!”

Duobao was calm, and without thinking about it, a golden flame suddenly appeared on his body.

This is the fire of hope realized by his Insight Fire Law.

Flame represents destruction and hope.

The fire of hope is powerful enough to burn everything, but at the same time it burns, but it also brings hope.

To put it bluntly, while the fire of hope is burning itself, it is also turning everything about itself into power and providing it to its owner.

It’s just his last resort.


The flames were raging, Duobao was in the fire of hope, everything in him was being burned, and the power poured on the paper knife also brought a hot temperature.

The pale complexion disappeared, replaced by a healthy ruddy.

Back to the light… there is nothing better than this!


The space vibrated, and the sharp air appeared, and the space was cut deep in the source of this law, forming countless space cracks.

Beyond the cracks, there is pitch black, which represents endless horror. Just looking at it makes people cold all over.

Duobao didn’t have the energy to see all this, and all his mind and strength were placed on the paper knife.

The fire of hope burns itself, bringing endless and powerful power.

With this force, Duobao urged the paper knife to fold with all his strength.

The edge is even sharper, and gradually even feels fierce.

In the space, there are more and more space cracks, and the degree of folding of the paper knife is constantly Ascension.

The law creatures lying down were crushed by the sharp edges of the paper knives, and the wounds on their bodies appeared denser.

Amidst the cracks in the pitch-black space, the power of terror appeared, from an indescribable place, through the cracks in the space, rushing into this space.




A series of explosions suddenly sounded, and countless black whirlpools appeared, terrifying and fierce.

The fallen law creatures were sucked in by the black vortex, before being sucked into the center, they were overwhelmed and shattered by the power of pitch black, without any resistance!

The law creature that can block the paper knife, under this force, actually appears so fragile.

If Dubao saw this scene, he would definitely be astonished!

What kind of power is this… it is so terrifying!

Unfortunately, he didn’t see it.

Because he has no energy to watch the changes in the outside world, and all his thoughts are on paper knives.

“Fifty percent!”

Feeling the completion of the paper knife, and feeling the consumption of his own strength again, Dubao feels unspeakably calm.

“The energy is not enough… only 60% can be completed at most… 60%… Sure enough, the 183rd fold is still too reluctant for me!”

Duobao knew that he had really fallen this time.

There is no power to recover!

He is about to be burned, and his power is about to run out.

If he could complete the folding of the paper knife before then, with the power of the paper knife, he would still be able to keep his vitality, allowing him to rush out of here and have a chance to recover.

But now, he is simply unable to complete the 183rd fold of the paper knife.


The terrifying dark power came again, forming a huge explosion. In this explosion, all the law creatures in the area were blown up, rolled up by the dark power, fell into it, and annihilated in an instant.

After the death of the law creatures, the pitch-black whirlpool struck towards Duobao.

Terror, a powerful force, impacted Duobao.

Chi Chi!

Chi Chi!

The terrifying dark power didn’t approach Duobao, and stopped a hundred meters in front of him.

In the pitch-black whirlpool without a specific body, countless cracks appeared, just like wounds.

Although the paper knife has not completed the 183rd fold, its sharpness is already much stronger than before!

Even though the pitch black vortex can completely kill the law creatures, it can’t break through the unfinished paper knife edge and approach Duobao.

The paper knife is too fierce, more fierce than the dark power!

It was so fierce that he didn’t dare to approach it.

The pitch-black vortex continued to rotate, bursting out endless roars, like anger, but also like accumulating strength.

The pitch black vortex became more and more terrifying, and in the entire area, except for Duobao, there were no more creatures.

The law has been swallowed, and all the creatures of the law have fallen.

Only Dubao is left!

Only paper knives are left!

The power of the paper knife is growing, and the breath of Dubao is in Ascension… This is a performance of extreme sublimation, a short-lived surprise.

“Fifty-six percent!”

Duobao opened his eyes and held a paper knife in his hand, power still pouring in.

He only had the last bit of strength left, and he knew he was going to die.

He wanted to take a look at this world one last time, and take a look at the prehistoric world after he traveled through it.

His gaze swept over the pitch-black vortex, and didn’t stay for long: “What kind of power is this?”

A problem appeared and disappeared quickly.

He is not curious about these now.

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