Chapter 246

The normal truth is this. The key is that this is not a test. Once there is a problem, it is a big problem. There is no way back and no right to go back.

“Otherwise… forget it?”

Duobao said this, but the action under his feet was moving forward, completely opposite to what he said.

Walking step by step, the more you move forward, the stronger the dangerous feeling in my heart, the hair on my body is erected, and the pores are opened.

It is certain that there may not necessarily be genes in the front, but there will be great dangers.

“I always thought that I was a man of my heart… But after I encountered something, I found out that I was still so unwilling!”

Self-deprecating, Duobao walked out of the rule king area and came to a new area, the rule source is deeper.

This place is invisible to the naked eye and supernatural powers, and can only be seen after actually entering this area.

Stepping into this place, the area of ​​King of Laws behind him disappeared instantly.

As soon as his footsteps fell, Duobao immediately felt countless cold eyes, falling on own.

In an instant, the scalp was numb and his hair was terrified.

Duobao’s throat rolled and looked into his eyes. Numerous humanoid creatures, dressed in various clothes, stared at him with cold eyes and no emotion.

“Water, fire, thunder, wind…time, space…”

Duobao looked at them and suddenly regretted it.

These creatures turned out to be law-formed. Although they didn’t feel emotional fluctuations in their bodies, there was no doubt that they were all creatures.

The law can be transformed!


The thunder exploded, the roar sounded, and a purple thunder broke through the air!

Duobao stepped back three steps in a row before blocking the thunder.

Before he could take a breath, countless thunders followed, and the roar was like ocean waves, endless.

The mighty thunder was like a thunderstorm, facing Duobao, violently pounding down.

Bang bang bang!

Duobao crossed his hands and stood in front of him. Faced with the downpour of thunderstorm, he kept backing away from being beaten.

In the thunderstorm, the body shattered, countless thin wounds appeared, and red blood flowed out of them.

The thunder stopped.

Duobao raised his head, his face was already covered with fine wounds, and the thunder flashed across his face, making his originally handsome face look a bit hideous for a while.

“You…it hurts me so much!”

Duobao stepped forward and came to the creatures of the Law of Thunder, and slapped him down.


Before the slap fell, a crimson flame appeared from Dubo.


Thoughts flashed in his mind, but the movements in his hands did not stop.

The palm of the hand fell, the law of Thunder was repulsed, and half of his body was crooked.

The Law of Thunder, the creatures quickly flee.

Duobao couldn’t catch up, and with a backhand, the fire law creatures who came behind him were repelled.

The crimson flame on his body was still burning, and the smell of meat came out, and Dubo was almost cooked.

This is the fire of law, burning everything, when it comes to dominance, it is above the real fire of the sun.

Had it not been for Duobao’s strong body, it would have been burnt to ashes at this time.

“So strong!”

Duobao slapped the blood away from the corners of his mouth, watching the crowd of law creatures slowly coming over.

Wind, water, fire, thunder, time, space… and so on, various magical powers containing terrifying power are presented in their respective hands.

The powerful force suppressed this area, making everything seem to be static.

Duobao felt a great bondage, and his actions were a bit difficult.

Slowly clenched his fist, using great strength to clenched his fist.

The law of the creatures did not continuously attack, and slowly approached, giving him more breathing opportunities.

But he wasn’t much happy, he was more solemn, his eyes swept over all the creatures of the law.

“The law creatures… don’t seem to have wisdom, but will instinctively kill all intruders!”

Duobao punched the void hard, but there was no movement, not even a ripple appeared.

Although the creatures of the laws did not do anything, they worked together to seal off the space.

After discovering that he did not have the ability to kill Duobao in one hit, he immediately implemented a blockade, and be sure not to let Duobao leave.

Resolutely terrible!

“Can you still unite?”

Duobao took a deep breath and raised his hand. Thirty-six Dinghai God Orbs appeared in his hand, and the spatial fluctuations flickered, impacting the blockade under the rules of the creatures.

Ripples appeared one after another, and the laws paused.

The next moment, they move on.

Duobao waved his hand, and the Dinghai God Pearl flew out and smashed towards the creatures of the law.


Void vibrated, and countless laws of aura appeared, turning into a huge sky-shielding net, appearing.

There are countless nodes in the big network, and every ruler is a node.

They are connected by air and machine, combining their strengths to form this big blockade net.

It was this big net that locked Duo Bao and made it difficult to escape.

Boom boom boom!

The Dinghai God Orb kept smashing down, and the blocking net kept shaking. The law creatures stopped, and their power flashed and poured into the Big Net to oppose the Dinghai God Orb.

“Dinghai Shenzhu still can’t help me break this round…I haven’t developed it to the extreme yet.”

Looking at the situation in the field, Duobao knew everything in his heart.

The strength of the law creatures is too strong, no one is much weaker than him, and when combined, even if he has the Dinghai God Orb, it is difficult to contend, at most it can support a little more time.

The situation on the field was constantly changing, and Dinghai Divine Pearl never fell on any law creature.

As time passed, Dinghai Shenzhu slowly ran out of power and was forced to come back.

The Fire Law creature suddenly hooked Duobao.

Duobao bowed his head, the flames on his body soared, and his power was continuously burned under the flames.

It is the Magic power that he has condensed to such a level, it is also being burned and consumed under such flames.

The magic power burned, and there was a momentary fluctuation, and the Dinghai God Pearl shook as a result.


All the laws were born with magic power in an instant, forcing the Dinghai God Orb back and smashing it on Duo Bao.

Duobao was smashed into the air, spraying blood continuously in his mouth.

call out!

At this moment, a sharp blade of invisible space came, with the power to cut everything, towards Duobao’s head, wanting to cut off his head.


On Duobao, the humming sound kept coming, the Book of the Emperor of the Earth, water droplets of dimensionality, black hole vestments…numerous Magic Treasures appeared and stood in front of him.


However, these Magic Treasures only insisted on three breaths, and then they couldn’t resist the sharpness of the space blade and broke away.

However, this is enough.

Duobao suddenly pulled his hand, and a gray-white paper knife appeared in his hand.

In terms of sharpness alone, the paper knife has been folded 186 times by him and used to attack, and it is still on top of the Xiantian Supreme Treasure Dinghai Shenzhu that has not been fully developed!

The endless sharp meaning exploded, forming a huge paper knife, holding it in his hand, sharply facing the space.


There was a cracking sound, the space was sharp, and the paper knives were all shattered.

Both were broken at the same time.

Without the Magic Treasures in Duobao’s hand, the law and creatures quickly approached, all kinds of supernatural powers turned into supernatural powers and rain fell, and he wanted to wipe out Duobao in one fell swoop.

call out!

Duobao turned his body, put his arm around his waist and twitched, another paper knife appeared, and he moved horizontally and pulled hard!


A series of sounds came, and the law creatures froze, staying in place, the various supernatural powers in their hands quickly dissipated, and the divine light in their eyes dissipated.

After a breath, all the law creatures cut off at the waist, split into two, and fell to the ground.

“Is it over?” Duobao gasped, and this action was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

He almost used all his strength to set the world in one fell swoop with such a sudden knife.

“No…” Duobao’s complexion changed and became more solemn, with a paper knife in his hand, looking at the law creatures vigilantly.

The blockade net is still there, and he can still feel the powerful imprisonment.

This is not the end, just the beginning!

He didn’t let him wait for long. After three breaths, the magic light flashed on the bodies of the creatures that were divided into two, and they recovered instantly.

The closed eyes opened, the light in the eyes flickered, and the breath recovered.

“Not dead!”

Duobao was surprised: “It won’t die like this?”

The paper knife has been folded one hundred and eighty-six times. It is so sharp that nothing can escape its power.

With a stab, time and space do not exist, laws are shattered, and the void is shattered. Even the immortal body will also be annihilated.

But these law creatures didn’t even die!

He originally thought that there were other laws and creatures that did not appear, so the blockade of the big net did not disperse.

Now I understand that it turns out that he didn’t kill the creatures of these laws at all.


Dubao’s eyes flashed and suddenly remembered something.

Under the paper knife, everything was shattered, and everything shouldn’t exist, but these law creatures were just cut in half… This in itself shows that they are not dead at all!

“Forbidden domain, it really is forbidden domain… I shouldn’t be here now… This is really troublesome!”

Duobao sighed, regretting a little, but it was too late.

He firmly grasped the paper knife, and when all the law creatures stood up again, they suddenly slashed it again.

call out!

A very faint voice came, and the law creatures who had just stood up were cut off again, the divine light in their eyes dissipated, and they fell again.

The body still hasn’t completely disappeared.

Duobao didn’t make up the knife. He knew that one cut would not kill them completely, and a few more cuts would be the same.

This is the fundamental problem. If it can kill, one sword is enough; if it can’t, three thousand swords are useless.

“Fortunately… Although you can’t kill them completely, you can hurt them after all.”

“During the period of resurrection, there is a slight recovery period…enough for me to get a knife again.”

He breathed a sigh of relief, although he couldn’t completely kill these law creatures now, but in the same way, they couldn’t come to attack him again.

As long as he keeps throwing swords, these law creatures will never be able to resurrect completely, and there is no time to shoot.

“However, if this goes on, there is no way…”

The flame on Duobao’s body had already spoken of the death of the flame creatures, and then went out.

But his Magic power is also limited, swinging the paper knife with all his strength is not small for him.

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