Chapter 244 Time Dominates Living Beings

When he started his hand, a tearing icy breath came, and in an instant, a frozen breath appeared on Xuan Ming’s fingers.

The breath is strong, cold, and with a terrifying aggressiveness, along the fingers, rushing towards the body.

Seeing that he was about to pass his arm, Xuan Ming sensed the great danger, made a decisive decision, waved a knife, and slashed at his frozen arm.


Broken arm.

At this moment, the icy breath completely occupied the arm, turning it into ice cubes.


After a breath, the frozen arm turned into smashed ice powder and dispersed.

It was directly frozen into ice powder.

The corner of Xuan Ming’s eyes twitched, his heart lingered, and he stared at the huge tidal ice block in front of him in amazement: “It’s amazing!”

She didn’t expect that she just touched one of her arms and abolished one of her arms. If it weren’t for her decisiveness, she was afraid that it was not just a hand that turned into ice powder at this time, but she herself!

“Western Queen!”

Houtu looked at the ice cube carefully, remained vigilant, and was ready to leave at any time.

The ancestor witches were amazed. Following the eyes of Hou Tu, they looked into the depths of the ice block. Sure enough, in the crystal clear ice block, an exquisite and hazy figure appeared, vaguely unable to see the face, but from the body Breath, but you can discover its identity.

“She did it?”

The ancestors were so surprised, they looked at each other.

Queen Mother West knew about it and they had seen it.

But in their understanding, Queen Mother West is far from being so strong, even the starry sky disaster tidal storm can freeze… If she is really so strong, it would be impossible for the Demon Race to rise at the beginning!

“It’s not him!” Zhu Jiuyin carefully observed and shook his head: “It’s the precious mirror in her hand.”

“Bo Jing?”

The ancestral witches looked carefully again, and indeed saw a treasure mirror that made their hearts tremble in the hands of Queen Mother Xi.

Just looking at it, there is a feeling of running away, and my mind seems to be frozen.

“It’s Dubao’s handwriting!”

Xuan Ming’s qi and blood surged, and the broken arm reappeared in a cold voice.

“The Queen Mother of the West is not so strong, and she can do this thanks to the treasure mirror in her hand… If I guess correctly, the treasure mirror must have been given by Dubao.”

As Xuan Ming said, he stretched out his palm again, blood surged, wrapped his palm, and touched it toward the tide ice.

“Xuan Ming, what are you doing?” All Ancestor Witches were shocked and quickly stopped.

Various forces blocked Xuan Ming’s movements.

Xuan Ming looked calm and looked back at the ancestral witches: “Although the tidal storm is a major disaster in the starry sky, its power is beyond doubt.”

“My Wu Clan cultivates the body, and the best cultivation method is extreme cultivation.”

“Tidal storm is undoubtedly the best extreme state. If we can cultivate in it, we can definitely increase our strength!”

“But, it’s too dangerous, one will die if you are not careful!” Gonggong said loudly.

Xuan Ming’s expression remained motionless: “What is not dangerous here?”

“Insufficient strength, everything is dangerous… The tidal storm is frozen and the strength is limited, which gives us a chance.”

“As long as we use the frozen tidal storm, we can use the tidal storm, Ascension itself.”

Xuan Ming waved his rebirth arm, slapped the power blocked by the ancestor witches, and landed on the tidal ice again.

A strong icy air came, and then densely packed ice water appeared on the arm, rushing with the fiery Blood Qi, turning into a thick white mist.

The impact of the cold air made Xuan Ming no longer able to be distracted, and fully resisted the cold air. The mist on his arms gradually increased, gradually covering Xuan Ming’s entire body.

The ancestors looked at her blankly.

After a long time, Dijiang stood up, the power of the space on his body surged, and he also came to the front of the tidal ice. He stretched out his palm and touched the tidal ice.

“Hmm~” There was a pain in the heart, and the icy air started. In an instant, he seemed to have lost this arm. Di Jiang snorted, but never moved his arm away.

After Dijiang, the ancestors and witches also came over one after another.

Xuan Ming was right, the tidal storm is the best extreme realm of physical training, and the most powerful of their Wu Clan is the body.

At the same time as the tidal storm is fighting, the body is constantly adapting and strengthening. As long as they can resist, then their strength will naturally have a great Ascension.

They did not dare to fight the previous tidal storm, it was too dangerous.

But the current tidal storm is frozen, the power is limited, and the danger is greatly reduced.

If they don’t want to take even such a danger, what else can they do?

Unanimously, all the ancestral witches used the tidal storm after freezing to forge their bodies to ascension their strength.


“Time and space…”

Duobao was in the depths of the starry sky, took out the Kunlun mirror in his hand, waved out an incomplete river of time and space, and walked in.

Kunlun mirror is the Xiantian treasure of 42 Xiantian Restrictions, 36 time Restrictions, and six space Restrictions.

The conditions of the simulation are also simple, and it only needs to be done where the laws of time and space are available.

In the long river of time and space, Duobao sat in the Lotus Position, sinking into the Kunlun mirror. While simulating Gold Finger, he was also familiar with this Xiantian treasure.

The river flows in time and space, and the breath of time flows in Dubao’s body. The past, present, and future are all blurred.

The powerful law of time even suppressed the long river of time and space, independent of the river of time and space, showing a sense of detachment.

“Time is nothing but real, exists and does not exist… Even if it is detached from time, it has time in itself.”

“Everything in me has traces of time…”

Dubao’s thoughts flashed in his mind, carefully insight into the law of time, and suddenly a question appeared in his mind: “Does time… really exist?”

“The theory of relativity, there are too many things in the universe that can affect time, the simplest is Star.”

“When the mass and density reach a certain level, the passage of time will slow down… such as a black hole!”

“Compared to a black hole, a year may be the ten thousand years outside… Is time fair?”

With the Insight time law, the thoughts in the mind gradually become more complicated.

“How does time exist?”

“It is based on the perception and memory of external things… If the perception of external things is lost, memory… Then, is time still time?”

“In other words, is the original unit of time still a unit of time?”

Duobao opened his eyes suddenly, and a figure slowly appeared in front of him when he thought.

He created a creature.

The law of time acts on it.

He watched and observed carefully.

After reaching the living beings, after twenty years of time passed, he suddenly cut off the living beings’ perception of all the outside world, but still left the living beings’ instinctive memory of time.

keep an eye on.

Time still exists. In the beginning, the creatures did not change much.

As time passed, Dubao found that the consciousness of the creatures began to be confused, and the memory of time was also confused.

All the growth of oneself began to be disordered.

Black and white are reversed, time is missing, he is still in time, but he no longer has accurate time memory.

His own development has been chaotic.

Sometimes, one year of real time has passed, but decades have passed on him, and the gray hair has come out.

Sometimes hundreds of years of real time have passed, but it seems that only one day has passed.

“Time is messed up!”

Doubao meditated: “Time is real, but this time is also relative.”

“The cognition of the outside world leads to the change of time…time dominates the growth of living beings.”

“If it is an ant, everything you see is an ant, so a year is a lifetime… If it is a star, everything you see is a star, so the life span is long.”

“The cognition and memory of the outside world…result in the growth rate and the length of life of creatures.”

Thinking of this, Duobao took a deep breath: “In this way, if a person is in the Star and thinks that he is also a Star, will he also have the lifespan of a Star?”

“Will its growth rate be as long as Star?”

“It’s possible…” In thinking, Duobao nodded. From his current understanding, it seemed that there was no problem.

“However, in this, there is still a problem… If it is true that there is no doubt from the bottom of my heart, and full approval… Then it can indeed become like this!”

Duobao simulated it in his mind, calculated it, and determined his own idea.

“It’s just… to achieve this level of recognition, it’s not just the recognition of memory, perception, but also the genes.”


Suddenly, Duobao was stunned. He kept chanting the word: “Gene, gene, gene…”

He suddenly realized a problem. Gene is the heel and race. According to this perception, it can also be understood as cognition.

“The so-called genes are actually the cognition of time… I don’t know, but also the cognition of various laws.”

“That’s why I have such different races, talents… supernatural powers.”

Duobao’s confused thoughts gradually clarified: “Many creatures are born with supernatural powers and talents…Is it because their genes contain the understanding and cognition of various laws and turn them into supernatural powers and talents.”

“The understanding of time is portrayed in genes, which led to the emergence of longevity species.”

“The understanding of space is portrayed in genes, which led to the birth of space supernatural powers.”

“The understanding of the law of water and fire, portrayed in genes, has led to the ability to control water and fire?”


This cognition shocked Duobao. If it were to be counted this way, it seemed that there would be no secrets depending on the foot, talent, race, etc…. Such an understanding, there is no problem at all.

Just like Yaozu Supreme, Dijun, Taiyi, the reason why they are three-legged Golden Crow, and can naturally control the real fire of the sun, is because their genes carry the knowledge of the law of fire, condensed into the real fire of the sun?

The twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan each have talents and supernatural powers. Is it because their genes carry the knowledge of twelve kinds of laws?

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