Chapter 243 Tidal Storm

“Your Majesty… If there is nothing else, then Junior will leave first?”

Duobao saluted Queen Mother West’s cupped hands and was about to leave.

“Wait!” Queen Mother Xi called to Duobao subconsciously.

“Huh?” Duobao stopped his movements and looked at her strangely: “Your Majesty, is there anything else?”

“I…” The flustered Queen Mother Xi looked at Duobao, and countless thoughts flashed in her mind. In the end, they were all reduced to a single word. The rest of the words could not be said.

“What?” Duobao asked.

Queen Mother West stared at Duobao for a long time, and then waved her hand feebly: “Fine, you go.”

She originally wanted Dubao to support her for a while, at least to give her more confidence.

But when the words came to the lips, they swallowed again.

Cultivation is a personal matter after all, and Duobao has given her such a great opportunity. Whether she can seize it, she still needs to see herself.

She doesn’t have a deep friendship with Duobao, and can’t expect others to protect her all the time.

There is no reason.

“Okay.” Looking at Queen Mother Xi who was hesitant to talk, Duobao was puzzled, but saw that she didn’t mean to say much, so he didn’t follow up: “If your Majesty encounters a problem, you can yell Junior’s name, Junior naturally. I will hear it, and it will naturally appear.”

Queen Mother West nodded.

When Dubao’s figure flashed, he disappeared: “Then Junior will leave.”

In the silent and dark starry sky, only Queen Mother West was left in an instant.

Queen Mother West panicked even more, looking at the dark, silent starry sky, she felt like a terrifying beast, opening her mouth wide and wanting to swallow her.

There was a chill from the Western Emperor Mirror in his hand, which made Queen Mother Xi’s flustered heart calmed slightly.

After staying in place for a long time, Queen Mother West finally moved.

Seeing a star, he flew towards Star.

“First find a place to live.”

Not long after flying, Suddenly Queen Mother West stopped and turned her head to look at a two-finger yellow grass that appeared next to her.

The grass is not big, rooted in the starry sky, shaking slowly, looks fragile and pitiful.


When she saw the yellow grass, Queen Mother Xi hadn’t had much feeling, but when she looked at it for a long time, her complexion changed drastically, her body shook, and she flew away.

In the grass, she felt the horror of speechlessness.

This seemingly ordinary, weak grass is a big evil thing, absolutely untouchable!

Her keen perception gave her such information.


The figure fleeing quickly stopped abruptly, there was no sound in the starry sky, but a voice appeared in his heart.

Queen Mother West was stiff, standing on the spot, stiffly lowered her head, looking at her feet, a familiar yellow grass appeared at some point.

Just like the yellow grass I saw before, it was fragile and small. She was stepping under her feet, and it seemed a little pitiful in the smallness.

But Queen Mother Xi didn’t feel it pitiful at all, because she was the more pitiful person.


An inexplicable force suddenly appeared on her body and fell into her body. In an instant, Queen Mother West could feel that her endless lifespan was being wiped out by this inexplicable force.

The speed was so fast that she was frightened.

After a short time, the power disappeared, and then her endless lifespan disappeared.

In the process, she thought about stopping and resisting… But just as this grass was stepped on by her, she was so helpless and pitiful to this force.

There is no way to resist!

“Ten thousand years!”

Queen Mother West felt her remaining life, almost crying.

“Dobo… is this the little danger you said?”

It only took a long time before she had gone from an immortal god with an endless lifespan to an immortal god with a life span of only ten thousand years.

Can such a danger really be regarded as a small danger?

Queen Mother Xi was scared, she had encountered such a big danger in such a short period of time, which really made her doubt whether she was really qualified for this opportunity.

Sometimes chances don’t come, they must be won.

It also depends on your own conditions, whether you are eligible to catch it!

If you don’t have the ability, you have to take it forcibly, for fear that the chance will turn into a disaster.

There was an impulse in Queen Mother Xi’s heart, an impulse to immediately call Duobao and leave here.

Her throat rolled, and when the words reached her lips, Queen Mother Xi still hesitated.

“Do you really want to give up?”

She looked at the starry sky, dark, deep, and terrifying.

It is too scary and too dangerous here.

For her, the little danger that Duobao said could be the fatal danger that caused her to fall.

This was just the beginning, and her life was reduced. If she stayed for a long time… she really didn’t have much confidence that she would survive.

Queen Mother West thought for a long time, then suddenly turned the West King Mirror in her hand, and the power of extremely Yin appeared, wrapped her body, and flew quickly towards the previously selected Star.


She has made a decision, cultivation is not a stable and not dangerous thing.

A great opportunity is right in front of me, but I have to give up. I am comfortable now, but I will definitely regret it in the future.

Queen Mother Xi knew this, she didn’t want to regret it!


Flying to normal, suddenly a huge tidal wave-like sound came.

Queen Mother West turned her head, her eyes widened suddenly: “What is that?”

As you can see, the colorful rays of light from one side are rushing like a tide.

The tidal rays were extremely fast, and the moment she saw it, she had already arrived in front of her.


Unprepared, Queen Mother of the West was caught in the tidal wave, and the endless small and terrifying power fell on her body, like countless raindrops, hitting her body.

However, this raindrop is much more terrifying.

Almost instantly, Queen Mother West felt like she had been beaten into a sieve.

There were countless small holes all over the body.

Magic power, blood, everything is flowing towards the small hole, but before it comes out of the body, it is beaten back by that terrifying power.

She had lost the mind to think about what the horrible thing was.

Now, all she can do is try her best to keep own alive.

Magic power fell crazily into the Western Emperor’s Mirror, and the extremely cold and extremely Yin Qi radiated from the Western Emperor’s Mirror, wrapping her whole body, defending against the impact of the tide.

However, after all, her strength is still too weak to stop the impact of this tide.

A powerful and terrifying force fell on her body and instantly severely wounded her.

The will has been blurred for some time.

The tearing pain kept coming, so that she has never been able to faint.

“Can’t faint!”

Queen Mother Xi kept repeating in her heart, she knew that if she fainted, she would never wake up again.

She wanted to call for Duobao to appear, but at some point, she no longer had the power to speak.

Losing control of the body, only the rotation of the thoughts in the brain can prove her existence.

The tide roared and rushed through the stars. Along the way, countless cultivators were walking in the stars, and the cultivators of cultivation were all involved.

Not long after, the true spirits flew out of the tide, were dragged by Samsara, fell into Samsara, and left for Samsara again.

Only a few existences can survive under such terrifying power.

“Tidal storm!”

Among the stars, Emperor Jun looked at the terrifying storm in the starry sky in horror.

I don’t know this is the first time he has seen a tidal storm.

I didn’t feel much the first time, but now I have seen more of it, and only then did I understand its horror.

It is so powerful that it is unmatched, that is, his current strength, once he is involved, he can only barely survive, and after he comes out, he will also be bruised and bruised.

This is a natural disaster in the starry sky, no one can resist.

At least for the time being!

It is like a stream of water, cleaning the filth of the starry sky after the starry sky is filthy.

This is how Di Jun understood it.

“That breath?”

Suddenly, Di Jun felt the faint and icy breath in the tidal storm, and his expression moved: “Mother West?”

In an instant, he recognized the master of that breath, although he didn’t see Queen Mother Xi’s figure.

The tidal storm obscured his vision.

But the only person who possessed such an extremely yin power in the prehistoric land was Queen Mother Xi.

“She’s here too?”

Di Jun murmured, and then he suddenly said: “Yes, she has always been above Kunlun in the west, and Duobao is a neighbor, her arrival…not surprising.”

“It’s just…” Dijun’s eyes suddenly flashed a hint of schadenfreude: “It’s not as good as you think…Although the benefits are great, but the same, there are more crises…If you want to survive, all It’s not that easy!”

“I hope you are lucky!”

Although they used to be opponents, but now, in the same starry sky, Di Jun has no intention of going to the West Queen Mother, and Karma has been cleared.

As long as Queen Mother West does not come to find his trouble, he will not bother to find the other side’s bad luck.

“In this starry sky, we are all struggling hard, hate or something, let’s talk about it if we survive!”

The gloating spirit dissipated, recalling his own situation, Di Jun sighed deeply.

Watching the tidal storm fade away, the breath of Queen Mother West also gradually disappeared.

Di Jun turned his head and left. Under the tidal storm, he was unable to rescue Queen Mother West, so he could only watch.


Amidst the tidal storm, a huge buzzing sound suddenly appeared, appearing with a wave of extreme cold, which actually froze the entire tidal storm.

The tidal storm that had been rampant and boundless moved forward in the starry sky with nothing to stop, but at this time, it turned into a huge block of ice.

Among the ice cubes, Queen Mother West closed her eyes tightly, her aura faint.

The Western Emperor Mirror in his hand exudes a strong icy air, powerful and unparalleled, and it also freezes the tidal storm.

“How can it be?”

In the starry sky, many creatures who saw this scene were horrified.

“The tidal storm was frozen?”

“Who is it? Who is so capable?”

“Who can freeze this scourge?”

“Is there such a powerful existence?”

Outside the huge ice block, several figures suddenly appeared, topless, with various strange and mysterious lines tattooed on their bodies. They were the ancestral witches of the Witch clan.

Xuan Ming cautiously reached out and touched the huge tidal block of ice that traversed hundreds of stars.

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