Chapter 189 Xiantian Magic Treasures

Dijun and Taiyi also thought of this.

They also planned to come here to cultivate after Duobao promised that there would be no problems.

Therefore, they became little monsters.

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly together.

When did their dignified demon emperor also become a little demon?

Di Jun was in a complicated mood, and Duobao asked, “So, I don’t know what price we should pay?”

Zhu Rong also looked over, waiting for Duobao’s answer.

While waiting, he was still thinking about the things in his Witch clan’s treasury, calculating how much he would have to give out to get such an opportunity.

Although Duobao had completed the dark trial field, they couldn’t just enter it so easily.

Others have paid so much, of course they have to pay the price.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.

“Or, just send it all out… there is not enough left… think of a solution later!”

Zhu Rong thought to himself in his heart.

The Ascension can make all the members of the Witch Clan have such a great strength, each can become a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, no matter what price it pays.

“The price?” Duobao said, shook his head and waved his hand uninterestingly: “No need.”

Originally, he planned to be paid, but the requirements of the Lich races were too low, and he was really embarrassed to be paid.

It’s really embarrassing to be paid for this little thing.

Moreover, even if you really want it, how much can you get paid for this matter?

He doesn’t like it either.

“no need!”

Dijun, Taiyi, and Zhu Rong were surprised.

No price for such a big thing?

Can this be done?

They glanced at each other, and Di Jun said: “We still have to give it, otherwise, we are really sorry.”

Duobao looked at the three of them, saw their persistence, pondered for a moment, and casually said: “Okay, then give it symbolically. As for what you give, you can do whatever you want.”

“It’s not a big deal either.”

Not a big deal?

The three were shocked and silent.

Yes, that is to you, Duobao, this is not a big deal.

“Okay, then we will prepare separately.” The three of them looked at each other and had thoughts.

Although Dubo didn’t care about it, they couldn’t care less.

Said it is casual, if it is really casual, I am afraid that after Dubao discovers it, his friends will not do it.

More importantly, they also believe from the bottom of their hearts that the emergence of a dark trial field is worth it no matter what the price is paid.

“Heaven Court treasure house!” Di Jun, Tai Yi thought silently.

“Witch treasure house!” Zhu Rong thought in his heart.

“That’s right.” Suddenly, Duobao waved his hand, three red lights appeared, fell into the hands of the three, and turned into three red stones.

The stone is crystal clear, like a ruby.

There are countless small black spots in the red jade, like sesame seeds.

Originally, this would make the red jade look ugly, but falling into the red jade, it seemed so coordinated and beautiful.

I didn’t think it at first, but after a few more glances, I could see a vast starry sky from it.

“This is?” Taiyi asked Duobao while holding the ruby.

“This is the key to entering the dark trial field.” Duobao explained: “From now on, anyone of your two races will need to pass this red jade to enter the dark trial field.”

“It is only after passing this Fang Hongyu that there will be no development beyond control.”

“If you come directly, I will not be responsible for what happened.”

The red jade is the restriction he puts on them while Ascension’s ominous power, which can effectively avoid the bad influence of red jade.

“Of course, if you are curious and want to see the development beyond control, I don’t mind it.” Duobao added with a smirk.

The three of them shuddered together, their heads dangling out of ghosts: “No, no, no!”

Duobao gave the three of them a glance: “Look at your promise.”

“Okay, the matter has been resolved, and you seem to be in a hurry, so I won’t keep you anymore. I’ll be busy in the future. You are welcome to come to me for tea at any time.”

Dijun, Taiyi, Zhu Rong’s expression was serious, and Qi Qi saluted Duobao solemnly: “Thank you!”

“Oh, what are you doing!” Duobao was a little speechless: “It’s all friends, why do you give such a big gift? It’s not a big deal, it’s not, it’s not!”

The three didn’t care, the matter was not big, only they knew it.

After the complete salute, the three looked at each other and turned away.

Duobao looked thoughtfully at the back of the three of them: “It feels… as if it’s heavy.”

“It’s just some little monsters, little witch’s strength Ascension… Isn’t it like this?”

“Or…” Suddenly, Duobao thought of something and suddenly thought: “They were given such a task by Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Twelve Ancestor Witches. Is this a test for them?”

“Able to complete, may affect their future development and status?”

Thinking, Duobao nodded: “Well, it should be like this, otherwise it won’t behave like this.”

The ominous things were solved, and the problems of the Lich races were also solved.

However, the weird thing has not been resolved.

Duobao stretched out his hand, the black weirdness appeared in his hand, watching carefully, after a long time, he let out a long sigh, “Hey!”

Compared to ominous, weird is much more troublesome.

Ominousness is lurking in the early stage, and the late stage exerts its strength, just like a parasite. It absorbs the main body’s nutrients before it is mature, and then takes it in one fell swoop.

In this case, it is easy to solve, as long as some of the abilities of the ominous parasites are restricted in the early stage, so that they can only provide benefits, and cannot occupy the main body, even if it is mature, it can not occupy the main body.

This is not a difficult question for Dubao.

But weird is different.

The weirdness is weird in the early stage, and weird in the late stage.

At the beginning, it directly affects the mind and reason, it will naturally change one person into another person without knowing it, and in the process, its owner will not find it yet.

This is the biggest problem!

To put it simply, the person who was attacked by the weird has become not himself without knowing it, and he himself thinks he is himself.

It’s a bit slurred to say that.

To put it more simply, ominousness is occupying the body of a creature, while strangeness changes the mind of a creature.

For the ominous, Duobao quickly figured out a solution, but for the weirdness, he has no clue for the time being.

He hasn’t touched on the laws of the soul yet.

According to his observation, the weirdness should involve the soul, which is the Realm of the law of soul.

“It seems that I want to solve the weird problem…I still need to study the law of the soul more!”

Duobao thought to himself, and then began to think about what Magic Treasures in the prehistoric land involved souls.

He has the Magic Treasures simulator. For him, the fastest way to understand the law is to find a Magic Treasures that contains the law of the soul. After completing the simulation, he will naturally be able to master the corresponding law.


After thinking for a while, Duobao frowned, “In the predicament, there seems to be no Magic Treasures with powerful soul laws!”

Among the predecessors, the most prestigious are those killing and cutting treasures.

For example, the four swords of Zhuxian, such as Taiji Tu, Pangu flags, Chaos Clock, such as Hunyuan Jindou, Jinjiao Scissors… are all good at fighting.

In terms of soul…

Duobao smiled bitterly, his eyes lit up, and his thoughts moved, and a small bronze clock appeared in front of him.

Downfall clock!

This is a piece of Magic Treasures given to Guang Chengzi by the second master of the original Tianzun.

It is Xiantian Magic Treasures, which also has Xiantian Restrictions.

Before, when a group of juniors and younger sisters came to find him for gifts, basically, their original Magic Treasures were lent to Duobao.

Duobao has been busy simulating the strongest Magic Treasures without paying too much attention to these ordinary Magic Treasures.

Without him, because the level of these Magic Treasures is too low, he looks down on it.

He hadn’t planned to put these Xiantian Magic Treasures simulations on the agenda before completing the simulation of the Xiantian Lingbao.

Luopaozhong, one of those Xiantian Magic Treasures, was collected in his hands to make ashes.

There was also a sudden demand now, otherwise, it is estimated that for a long time, he would not think of the existence of Luopozhong.

Thinking about it carefully, counting the Magic Treasures he knows, only the Fallen Bell seems to belong to the Magic Treasures of the Soul Law category.

However, whether it is right or not, I didn’t look at it carefully before, and I don’t know.

Divine Sense fell into the falling down clock, and Duobao couldn’t help grinning: “Nine Restrictions!”

As Xiantian Magic Treasures, this is too miserable.

It’s not the limit. Xiantian Magic Treasures, not even the twelve Xiantian Restrictions, only nine.

No wonder he didn’t care much before.

“Fortunately… the Eight Paths are the laws of the soul, and the law of a voice… not too bad!”

After a closer inspection, Duobao was not so disappointed.

The Xiantian Restrictions of the Eight Soul Laws, although the Lost Clock is not a Xiantian Lingbao, but with these eight soul laws alone, it is no worse than the ordinary Xiantian Lingbao.

There are many Xiantian Restrictions in the normal Xiantian Lingbao, and there are all kinds of laws. There are not many Xiantian Lingbao that can achieve the same principles as the eight Xiantian Restrictions.

What determines the power of Magic Treasures is not the number of Xiantian Restrictions, but the number of Xiantian Restrictions of the same type of rule.

A piece of Xiantian Lingbao with twenty-four Xiantian Restrictions and eight Xiantian Restrictions with the same laws at the highest level may not be much stronger than the downfall clock of Xiantian Magic Treasures.

With so many Magic Treasures, Duobao also discovered it.

The stronger the Magic Treasures, the fewer types of different laws contained in the spirit treasures, and the weaker the Xiantian Magic Treasures, the more types of laws contained in the spirit treasures.

He even saw a piece of Xiantian Magic Treasures of six Xiantian Restrictions, good guys, six rules, one Xiantian Restrictions on average.

Really waste to home.

Eight Magic Treasures of the same Xiantian Restrictions, such as Luopozhong, are still rare.

It is no wonder that its level of Xiantian Magic Treasures can become one of the magic Treasures of Guangchengzi later.

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